
Lunedi, 17 giugno 2024 - San Marciano ( Letture di oggi)

2 Cronache ( اخبار) 7

1 ولما انتهى سليمان من الصلاة نزلت النار من السماء وأكلت المحرقة والذبائح وملأ مجد الرب البيت.1 And when Solomon had completed pouring out his prayers, fire descended from heaven, and it devoured the holocausts and the victims. And the majesty of the Lord filled the house.
2 ولم يستطع الكهنة ان يدخلوا بيت الرب لان مجد الرب ملأ بيت الرب.2 Neither were the priests able to enter into the temple of the Lord, because the majesty of the Lord had filled the temple of the Lord.
3 وكان جميع بني اسرائيل ينظرون عند نزول النار ومجد الرب على البيت وخرّوا على وجوههم الى الارض على البلاط المجزّع وسجدوا وحمدوا الرب لانه صالح والى الابد رحمته3 Moreover, all the sons of Israel saw the fire descending, and the glory of the Lord upon the house. And falling prone upon the ground, on the layer of pavement stones, they adored and praised the Lord: “For he is good. For his mercy is everlasting.”
4 ثم ان الملك وكل الشعب ذبحوا ذبائح امام الرب.4 Then the king and all the people were immolating victims before the Lord.
5 وذبح الملك سليمان ذبائح من البقر اثنين وعشرين الفا ومن الغنم مئة وعشرين الفا ودشّن الملك وكل الشعب بيت الله.5 And so, king Solomon slaughtered victims: twenty-two thousand oxen, and one hundred twenty thousand rams. And the king and the entire people dedicated the house of God.
6 وكان الكهنة واقفين على محارسهم واللاويون بآلات غناء الرب التي عملها داود الملك لاجل حمد الرب لان الى الابد رحمته حين سبّح داود بها والكهنة ينفخون في الابواق مقابلهم وكل اسرائيل واقف6 Then the priests and the Levites were standing in their offices, with the instruments of music for the Lord, which king David made in order to praise the Lord: “For his mercy is eternal.” And they were playing the hymns of David with their hands. And the priests were sounding out with trumpets before them, and all of Israel was standing.
7 وقدس سليمان وسط الدار التي امام بيت الرب لانه قرّب هناك المحرقات وشحم ذبائح السلامة لان مذبح النحاس الذي عمله سليمان لم يكف لان يسع المحرقات والتقدمات والشحم.7 Also, Solomon sanctified the middle of the atrium in front of the temple of the Lord. For he had offered the holocausts and the fat of peace offerings in that place because the bronze altar, which he had made, had not been able to support the holocausts and the sacrifices and the fat.
8 وعيّد سليمان العيد في ذلك الوقت سبعة ايام وكل اسرائيل معه وجمهور عظيم جدا من مدخل حماة الى وادي مصر.8 Therefore, Solomon kept the solemnity, at that time, for seven days, and all of Israel with him, a very great assembly, from the entrance of Hamath, even to the torrent of Egypt.
9 وعملوا في اليوم الثامن اعتكافا لانهم عملوا تدشين المذبح سبعة ايام والعيد سبعة ايام.9 And on the eighth day, he held a solemn gathering, because he had dedicated the altar over seven days, and he had celebrated the solemnity over seven days.
10 وفي اليوم الثالث والعشرين من الشهر السابع صرف الشعب الى خيامهم فرحين وطيبي القلوب لاجل الخير الذي عمله الرب لداود ولسليمان ولاسرائيل شعبه.10 And so, on the twenty-third day of the seventh month, he dismissed the people to their dwellings, joyful and glad over the good that the Lord had done for David, and for Solomon, and for his people Israel.
11 واكمل سليمان بيت الرب وبيت الملك وكل ما خطر ببال سليمان ان يعمله في بيت الرب وفي بيته نجح فيه11 And Solomon completed the house of the Lord, and the house of the king, and all that he had resolved in his heart to do for the house of the Lord, and for his own house. And he prospered.
12 وتراءى الرب لسليمان ليلا وقال له. قد سمعت صلاتك واخترت هذا المكان لي بيت ذبيحة.12 Then the Lord appeared to him by night, and said: “I have heard your prayer, and I have chosen this place for myself as a house of sacrifice.
13 ان اغلقت السماء ولم يكن مطر وان امرت الجراد ان يأكل الارض وان ارسلت وبأ على شعبي13 If I close up heaven, so that no rain will fall, or if I order and instruct the locust to devour the land, or if I send a pestilence among my people,
14 فاذا تواضع شعبي الذين دعي اسمي عليهم وصلّوا وطلبوا وجهي ورجعوا عن طرقهم الردية فانني اسمع من السماء واغفر خطيتهم وابرئ ارضهم.14 and if my people, over whom my name has been invoked, being converted, will have petitioned me and sought my face, and will have done penance for their wicked ways, then I will heed them from heaven, and I will forgive their sins, and I will heal their land.
15 الآن عيناي تكونان مفتوحتين واذناي مصغيتين الى صلاة هذا المكان.15 Also, my eyes will be open, and my ears will be attentive, to the prayer of him who shall pray in this place.
16 والآن قد اخترت وقدست هذا البيت ليكون اسمي فيه الى الابد وتكون عيناي وقلبي هناك كل الايام.16 For I have chosen and sanctified this place, so that my name may be there continually, and so that my eyes and my heart may remain there, for all days.
17 وانت ان سلكت امامي كما سلك داود ابوك وعملت حسب كل ما أمرتك به وحفظت فرائضي واحكامي17 And as for you, if you will walk before me, just as your father David walked, and if you will act in accord with all that I have instructed you, and if you will observe my justices and judgments,
18 فاني اثبت كرسي ملكك كما عاهدت داود اباك قائلا لا يعدم لك رجل يتسلط على اسرائيل.18 I will raise up the throne of your kingdom, just as I promised to your father David, saying: ‘There shall not be taken away a man from your stock who will be ruler in Israel.’
19 ولكن ان انقلبتم وتركتم فرائضي ووصاياي التي جعلتها امامكم وذهبتم وعبدتم آلهة اخرى وسجدتم لها19 But if you will have turned away, and will have forsaken my justices and my precepts, which I have set before you, and going astray, you serve strange gods, and you adore them,
20 فاني اقلعهم من ارضي التي اعطيتهم اياها وهذا البيت الذي قدسته لاسمي اطرحه من امامي واجعله مثلا وهزأة في جميع الشعوب.20 I will uproot you from my land, which I gave to you, and from this house, which I sanctified to my name, and I will cast it away from before my face, and I will deliver it to be a parable and an example for all the peoples.
21 وهذا البيت الذي كان مرتفعا كل من يمرّ به يتعجب ويقول لماذا عمل الرب هكذا لهذه الارض ولهذا البيت.21 And this house will be like a proverb to all who pass by. And being astonished, they shall say: ‘Why has the Lord acted this way toward this land and toward this house?’
22 فيقولون من اجل انهم تركوا الرب اله آبائهم الذي اخرجهم من ارض مصر وتمسكوا بآلهة اخرى وسجدوا لها وعبدوها لذلك جلب عليهم كل هذا الشر22 And they shall respond: ‘Because they abandoned the Lord, the God of their fathers, who led them away from the land of Egypt, and they took hold of foreign gods, and they adored and worshipped them. Therefore, all these evils have overwhelmed them.’ ”