
Venerdi, 7 giugno 2024 - Sant' Andronico di Perm ( Letture di oggi)

2 Cronache ( اخبار) 32

1 وبعد هذه الأمور وهذه الامانة اتى سنحاريب ملك اشور ودخل يهوذا ونزل على المدن الحصينة وطمع باخضاعها لنفسه.1 After these loyal actions, Sennacherib king of Assyria advanced and invaded Judah, and laid siege tothe fortified towns, intending to demolish them.
2 ولما رأى حزقيا ان سنحاريب قد اتى ووجهه على محاربة اورشليم2 Hezekiah, realising that Sennacherib's advance was the preliminary to an attack on Jerusalem,
3 تشاور هو ورؤساؤه وجبابرته على طمّ مياه العيون التي هي خارج المدينة فساعدوه.3 consulted his officers and warriors about sealing off the waters of the springs outside the city, and theysupported him.
4 فتجمع شعب كثير وطمّوا جميع الينابيع والنهر الجاري في وسط الارض قائلين لماذا يأتي ملوك اشور ويجدون مياها غزيرة.4 So a large number of people were cal ed out to block al the springs and cut off the watercourseflowing through the country. 'Why', they said, 'should the kings of Assyria find plenty of water when they arrive?'
5 وتشدد وبنى كل السور المنهدم واعلاه الى الابراج وسورا آخر خارجا وحصّن القلعة مدينة داود وعمل سلاحا بكثرة واتراسا.5 Acting with determination, he also repaired al the damaged parts of the wal , built towers on it,constructed a second wal on the outer side, strengthened the Mil o of the City of David and made quantities ofmissiles and shields.
6 وجعل رؤساء قتال على الشعب وجمعهم اليه الى ساحة باب المدينة وطيب قلوبهم قائلا6 He then appointed generals to command the people, summoned them to him in the square by the citygate and spoke as fol ows to encourage them,
7 تشددوا وتشجعوا. لا تخافوا ولا ترتاعوا من ملك اشور ومن كل الجمهور الذي معه لان معنا اكثر مما معه.7 'Be strong and brave; do not be afraid or tremble when you face the king of Assyria and the wholehorde he brings with him, for there are more on our side than on his.
8 معه ذراع بشر ومعنا الرب الهنا ليساعدنا ويحارب حروبنا. فاستند الشعب على كلام حزقيا ملك يهوذا8 He has only human strength, but we have Yahweh our God to help us and fight our battles.' Thepeople took heart at the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.
9 بعد هذا ارسل سنحاريب ملك اشور عبيده الى اورشليم. وهو على لخيش وكل سلطنته معه. الى حزقيا ملك يهوذا والى كل يهوذا الذين في اورشليم يقولون.9 Next, Sennacherib king of Assyria, who was then besieging Lachish with all his forces, sent hisrepresentatives to Jerusalem, to Hezekiah king of Judah, and al Judah at Jerusalem, with the fol owingmessage,
10 هكذا يقول سنحاريب ملك اشور. على ماذا تتكلون وتقيمون في الحصار في اورشليم.10 'Sennacherib king of Assyria says this, "What gives you the confidence to remain in the fortress ofJerusalem?
11 أليس حزقيا يغويكم ليدفعكم للموت بالجوع والعطش قائلا الرب الهنا ينقذنا من يد ملك اشور.11 Isn't Hezekiah deluding you, only to condemn you to die of famine and thirst, when he says: Yahwehour God wil save us from the King of Assyria's clutches?
12 أليس حزقيا هو الذي ازال مرتفعاته ومذابحه وكلم يهوذا واورشليم قائلا امام مذبح واحد تسجدون وعليه توقدون.12 Isn't Hezekiah the very man who has suppressed his high places and altars, and given the order toJudah and to Jerusalem: You must worship before one altar and on that alone offer incense?
13 أما تعلمون ما فعلته انا وآبائي بجميع شعوب الاراضي. فهل قدرت آلهة امم الاراضي ان تنقذ ارضها من يدي.13 Don't you know what I and my ancestors have done to al the peoples of the other countries? Havethe national gods of those countries had the slightest success in saving their countries from my clutches?
14 من من جميع آلهة هؤلاء الامم الذين حرمهم آبائي استطاع ان ينقذ شعبه من يدي حتى يستطيع الهكم ان ينقذكم من يدي.14 Of al the gods of those nations whom my ancestors devoted to destruction, which one has been ableto save his people from my clutches, for your god to be able to save you from my clutches?
15 والآن لا يخدعنّكم حزقيا ولا يغوينّكم هكذا ولا تصدقوه. لانه لم يقدر اله امة او مملكة ان ينقذ شعبه من يدي ويد آبائي. فكم بالحري الهكم لا ينقذكم من يدي.15 Do not let Hezekiah mislead you. Do not let him delude you like this. Do not believe him, for no godof any nation or kingdom has been able to save his people from me or from my ancestors' clutches. No more wilyour god be able to save you from my clutches." '
16 وتكلم عبيده اكثر ضد الرب الاله وضد حزقيا عبده.16 And his representatives said a great deal more, maligning Yahweh God, and his servant Hezekiah.
17 وكتب رسائل لتعيير الرب اله اسرائيل وللتكلم ضده قائلا كما ان آلهة امم الاراضي لم تنقذ شعوبها من يدي كذلك لا ينقذ اله حزقيا شعبه من يدي.17 He also wrote a letter to insult Yahweh, God of Israel, maligning him as follows, 'Just as the nationalgods of the other countries could not save their peoples from my clutches, so Hezekiah's god cannot save hispeople from my clutches.'
18 وصرخوا بصوت عظيم باليهودي الى شعب اورشليم الذين على السور لتخويفهم وترويعهم لكي ياخذوا المدينة.18 They then shouted loudly in the Judaean language to the people of Jerusalem on the ramparts tofrighten and confuse them, in the hope of capturing the city,
19 وتكلموا على اله اورشليم كما على آلهة شعوب الارض صنعة ايدي الناس19 maligning the God of Jerusalem as though he were one of the man-made gods of other peoples inthe world.
20 فصلّى حزقيا الملك واشعياء بن آموص النبي لذلك وصرخا الى السماء.20 Then King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz prayed and cried out to Heaven about this,
21 فارسل الرب ملاكا فاباد كل جبار بأس ورئيس وقائد في محلّة ملك اشور. فرجع بخزي الوجه الى ارضه. ولما دخل بيت الهه قتله هناك بالسيف الذين خرجوا من احشائه.21 and Yahweh sent an angel who destroyed every warrior, commander and officer in the king ofAssyria's camp. So he had to retire shamefacedly to his own country and when he went into the temple of hisgod, some of his own sons there struck him down with the sword.
22 وخلص الرب حزقيا وسكان اورشليم من سنحاريب ملك اشور ومن يد الجميع وحماهم من كل ناحية.22 So Yahweh saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the clutches of Sennacherib kingof Assyria and of everyone else, and gave them peace on every side.
23 وكان كثيرون ياتون بتقدمات الرب الى اورشليم وتحف لحزقيا ملك يهوذا واعتبر في اعين جميع الامم بعد ذلك23 Many people then brought gifts to Yahweh in Jerusalem and valuable presents to Hezekiah king ofJudah; from then on, all the other nations held him in high esteem.
24 في تلك الايام مرض حزقيا الى حد الموت وصلّى الى الرب فكلمه واعطاه علامة.24 About then Hezekiah fel il and was at the point of death. He prayed to Yahweh, who heard him andgranted him a sign.
25 ولكن لم يردّ حزقيا حسبما أنعم عليه لان قلبه ارتفع فكان غضب عليه وعلى يهوذا واورشليم25 But Hezekiah made no return for the benefit which he had received; he became proud and broughtretribution on himself and on Judah and Jerusalem.
26 ثم تواضع حزقيا بسبب ارتفاع قلبه هو وسكان اورشليم فلم يأت عليهم غضب الرب في ايام حزقيا.26 Then, however, Hezekiah did humble himself in his pride, and so did the inhabitants of Jerusalem; asa result of which, Yahweh's retribution did not overtake them during Hezekiah's lifetime.
27 وكان لحزقيا غنى وكرامة كثيرة جدا وعمل لنفسه خزائن للفضة والذهب والحجارة الكريمة والاطياب والاتراس وكل آنية ثمينة27 Hezekiah enjoyed immense riches and honour. He built himself treasuries for gold, silver, preciousstones, spices, jewels and every kind of desirable object,
28 ومخازن لغلة الحنطة والمسطار والزيت واواري لكل انواع البهائم وللقطعان اواري.28 as wel as storehouses for his returns of grain, new wine and olive oil, and stal s for al kinds of cattleand pens for the flocks.
29 وعمل لنفسه ابراجا ومواشي غنم وبقر بكثرة لان الله اعطاه اموالا كثيرة جدا.29 He also provided himself with donkeys in addition to his immense wealth of flocks and herds, sinceGod had made him immensely wealthy.
30 وحزقيا هذا سد مخرج مياه جيحون الاعلى واجراها تحت الارض الى الجهة الغربية من مدينة داود. وافلح حزقيا في كل عمله.30 It was Hezekiah who stopped the upper outlet of the waters of Gihon and directed them straightdown on the west side of the City of David. Hezekiah succeeded in al that he undertook,
31 وهكذا في أمر تراجم رؤساء بابل الذين ارسلوا اليه ليسألوا عن الاعجوبة التي كانت في الارض تركه الله ليجربه ليعلم كل ما في قلبه.31 although when the envoys were sent to him by the rulers of Babylon to enquire about theextraordinary thing which had taken place in the country, God left him alone to test him and discover what lay inhis heart.
32 وبقيت امور حزقيا ومراحمه ها هي مكتوبة في رؤيا اشعياء بن آموص النبي في سفر ملوك يهوذا واسرائيل.32 The rest of the history of Hezekiah, and his deeds of faithful love, are recorded in the Vision of theprophet Isaiah son of Amoz, in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel.
33 ثم اضطجع حزقيا مع آبائه فدفنوه في عقبة قبور بني داود وعمل له اكراما عند موته كل يهوذا وسكان اورشليم. وملك منسّى ابنه عوضا عنه33 Then Hezekiah fel asleep with his ancestors and was buried in the upper section of the tombs of thesons of David. Al Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem paid him honours at his death. His son Manassehsucceeded him.