
Martedi, 30 aprile 2024 - San Pio V ( Letture di oggi)

Livro de Josué 9

1 À notícia de tais acontecimentos, todos os reis de além do Jordão, da montanha e da planície, do litoral do mar Grande defronte do Líbano, os hiteus, os amorreus, os cananeus, os ferezeus,1 And when these things were heard, all the kings across the Jordan, who lived among the mountains and plains, along the coastline and shores of the great sea, also those who were living near Lebanon, the Hittite, and the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite,
2 os heveus e os jebuseus coligaram-se para combater Josué e Israel.2 gathered themselves together, so that they might fight against Joshua and Israel, with one mind and with the same resolve.
3 Mas os habitantes de Gabaon, sabendo o que Josué tinha feito a Jericó e a Hai, usaram de astúcia.3 But those who were living in Gibeon, hearing all that Joshua had done to Jericho and Ai,
4 Puseram-se a caminho, munidos de provisões, seus jumentos carregados de sacos velhos, e odres de vinho rotos e recosidos.4 planning cleverly, took for themselves provisions, placing old sacks upon their donkeys, and wineskins that had torn and been sewed up,
5 Levavam nos pés calçado muito velho e remendado, vestiam-se de roupas muito usadas, e o pão de suas provisões estava seco e estragado.5 and having very old shoes, which had been sewn with patches indicating their age, and being clothed in old garments, having also loaves, which they carried as food for the journey, which were hard and broken into pieces.
6 Foram assim ter com Josué no acampamento de Gálgala, e disseram-lhe, bem como a todo o Israel: Viemos de uma terra longínqua; fazei aliança conosco.6 And they traveled to Joshua, who at that time was staying in the camp at Gilgal. And they said to him, and to all of Israel with him, “We have come from a far away land, desiring to make peace with you.” And the sons of Israel responded to them, and said,
7 Os israelitas responderam: Talvez habiteis perto de nós; como, pois, poderíamos fazer aliança convosco?7 “Perhaps instead, you live in the land which ought to be ours by lot, and we would be unable to form a pact with you.”
8 Mas eles disseram a Josué: Somos teus servos. Josué disse-lhes: Quem sois vós? De onde vindes? Eles responderam-lhe:8 But they said to Joshua, “We are your servants.” And Joshua said to them: “But who are you? And where are you from?”
9 Teus servos vêm de uma terra muito distante por causa do nome do Senhor, teu Deus; pois ouvimos falar dele e de tudo o que fez no Egito,9 They responded: “Your servants have arrived, from a very far away land, in the name of the Lord, your God. For we have heard about the fame of his power, all the things that he has done in Egypt,
10 e de como tratou os dois reis dos amorreus além do Jordão, Seon, rei de Hesebon e Og, rei de Basã, que moravam em Astarot.10 and to the two kings of the Amorites, who were beyond the Jordan: Sihon, the king of Heshbon, and Og, the king of Bashan, who was at Ashtaroth.
11 Por isso, nossos anciãos e todos os habitantes de nossa terra nos disseram: tomai convosco provisões para o caminho, ide ao seu encontro e dizei-lhes: somos vossos servos; fazei aliança conosco.11 And our elders, and all the inhabitants of our land, have said to us: ‘Take in hand provisions for the very long journey, and meet with them, and say: We are your servants; form a pact with us.’
12 Vede o nosso pão. Nós o tínhamos tomado quente quando partimos de nossas casas para vir ter convosco: ei-lo como está agora seco e mofado.12 Lo, the loaves were taken up warm when we departed from our houses, so that we might come to you. Now they have become dry and broken, due to age.
13 Estes odres de vinho que tínhamos enchido novos, agora estão rotos e descosidos; nossas vestes e nossos calçados estão gastos por causa da longa viagem que fizemos.13 These wineskins were new when we filled them, now they are torn and broken. The garments we are wearing, and the shoes we have on our feet, due to the great length of the distance, have become worn and are nearly consumed.”
14 Os israelitas, sem ter consultado o Senhor, aceitaram as suas provisões.14 And so they accepted this, because of their provisions, and they did not consult the mouth of the Lord.
15 Josué concedeu-lhes a paz e fez com eles uma aliança que lhes assegurava a vida, e os principais da assembléia confirmaram-na com juramento.15 And Joshua made peace with them, and entering into a pact, he promised that they would not be put to death. The leaders of the multitude also swore to them.
16 Três dias depois desse tratado, souberam que aquela gente era vizinha e habitava no meio deles.16 Then, three days after the pact was formed, they heard that they lived in the vicinity, and that they would soon be among them.
17 Então os israelitas puseram-se a caminho e ao terceiro dia chegaram às suas cidades, cujos nomes são estes: Gabaon, Cafira, Berot e Cariatiarim.17 And so the sons of Israel moved the camp, and they arrived at their cities on the third day, those which are called: Gibeon, and Chephirah, and Beeroth, and Kiriath-jearim.
18 Eles não os feriram por causa do juramento que lhes tinham feito os principais da assembléia em nome do Senhor, Deus de Israel. E toda a assembléia começou a murmurar contra eles.18 And they did not strike them, because the leaders of the multitude had sworn to them in the name of the Lord, the God of Israel. And so all of the common people murmured against the leaders.
19 Eles responderam: Fizemos-lhes um juramento em nome do Senhor, Deus de Israel, e não podemos tocar neles.19 And they responded to them: “We have sworn to them in the name of the Lord, the God of Israel, and for that reason, we are not able to touch them.
20 Eis, porém, como havemos de tratá-los: deixá-los-emos vivos, para que não se excite contra nós a ira do Senhor, se faltarmos ao juramento.20 But we shall do this to them: Certainly, let them be preserved so that they may live, lest the wrath of the Lord be stirred up against us, since we would have sworn falsely.
21 Ficarão vivos, declararam os chefes, mas serão empregados em cortar lenha e carregar água para toda a assembléia. Inteirado da decisão dos chefes,21 But though they live, let them serve the entire multitude by cutting wood and carrying water.” And while they were discussing these things,
22 Josué convocou-os e interpelou-os: Por que nos enganastes dizendo que éreis de uma terra longínqua, quando habitáveis no meio de nós?22 Joshua called the Gibeonites, and he said to them: “Why would you be willing to deceive us by fraud, saying, ‘We live very far away from you,’ when you are in our midst?
23 Agora malditos sejais: vossa servidão não cessará jamais e continuareis a cortar lenha e a carregar água para a casa do meu Deus.23 Therefore, you shall be under a curse, and your stock shall not cease to be cutters of wood and carriers of water, into the house of my God.”
24 Eles responderam a Josué: A nós, teus servos, chegou a notícia de que o Senhor teu Deus havia ordenado a Moisés, seu servo, que vos desse toda a terra e exterminasse todos os seus habitantes diante de vós. Tivemos, pois, muito medo à vossa aproximação e, temendo por nossas vidas, tomamos esse expediente.24 And they responded: “It was reported to us, your servants, that the Lord your God had promised his servant Moses that he would give you the entire land, and that he would destroy all its inhabitants. Therefore, we were very afraid, and we made a provision for our lives, compelled by the dread of you, and we undertook this counsel.
25 Agora, eis-nos em tuas mãos; trata-nos como te parecer justo e bom.25 And now we are in your hand. Act toward us as it seems good and right to you.”
26 Fez Josué como tinha dito, e livrou-os das mãos dos filhos de Israel, que os não mataram.26 Therefore, Joshua did just as he had said, and he freed them from the hand of the sons of Israel, so that they would not be killed.
27 Determinou naquele dia que fossem empregados no serviço da comunidade e do altar, cortando lenha e carregando água para o lugar que o Senhor escolhesse, funções que exercem ainda hoje.27 And he decreed on that day, that they would be in the ministry of all the people and of the altar of the Lord, cutting wood and carrying water, even until this present time, in the place which the Lord had chosen.