
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

1 Peter 2

1 Therefore, set aside all malice and all deceitfulness, as well as falseness and envy and every detraction.1 Rechazad, por tanto, toda malicia y todo engaño, hipocresías, envidias y toda clase de maledicencias.
2 Like newborn infants, desire the milk of reasonableness without guile, so that by this you may increase unto salvation,2 Como niños recién nacidos, desead la leche espiritual pura, a fin de que, por ella, crezcáis para la salvación,
3 if it is true that you have tasted that the Lord is sweet.3 si es que habéis gustado que el Señor es bueno.
4 And approaching him as if he were a living stone, rejected by men, certainly, but elect and honored by God,4 Acercándoos a él, piedra viva, desechada por los hombres, pero elegida, preciosa ante Dios,
5 be also yourselves like living stones, built upon him, a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, so as to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.5 también vosotros, cual piedras vivas, entrad en la construcción de un edificio espiritual, para un sacerdocio santo, para ofrecer sacrificios espirituales, aceptos a Dios por mediación de Jesucristo.
6 Because of this, Scripture asserts: “Behold, I am setting in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious. And whoever will have believed in him will not be confounded.”6 Pues está en la Escritura: He aquí que coloco en Sión una piedra angular, elegida, preciosa y el que crea en ella no será confundido.
7 Therefore, to you who believe, he is honor. But to those who do not believe, the stone which the builders have rejected, the same has been made into the head of the corner,7 Para vosotros, pues, creyentes, el honor; pero para los incrédulos, la piedra que los constructores desecharon, en piedra angular se ha convertido,
8 and a stone of offense, and a rock of scandal, to those who are offended by the Word; neither do they believe, though they also have been built upon him.8 en piedra de tropiezo y roca de escándalo. Tropiezan en ella porque no creen en la Palabra; para esto han sido destinados.
9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, an acquired people, so that you may announce the virtues of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.9 Pero vosotros sois linaje elegido, sacerdocio real, nación santa, pueblo adquirido, para anunciar las alabanzas de Aquel que os ha llamado de las tinieblas a su admirable luz
10 Though in past times you were not a people, yet now you are the people of God. Though you had not obtained mercy, yet now you have obtained mercy.10 vosotros que en un tiempo no erais pueblo y que ahora sois el Pueblo de Dios, de los que antes no se tuvo compasión, pero ahora son compadecidos.
11 Most beloved, I beg you, as new arrivals and sojourners, to abstain from carnal desires, which battle against the soul.11 Queridos, os exhorto a que, como extranjeros y forasteros, os abstengáis de las apetencias carnales que combaten contra el alma.
12 Keep your behavior among the Gentiles to what is good, so that, when they slander you as if you were evildoers, they may, by the good works that are seen in you, glorify God on the day of visitation.12 Tened en medio de los gentiles una conducta ejemplar a fin de que, en lo mismo que os calumnian como malhechores, a la vista de vuestras buenas obras den gloria a Dios en el día de la Visita.
13 Therefore, be subject to every human creature because of God, whether it is to the king as preeminent,13 Sed sumisos, a causa del Señor, a toda institución humana: sea al rey, como soberano,
14 or to leaders as having been sent from him for vindication over evildoers, it is truly for the praise of what is good.14 sea a los gobernantes, como enviados por él para castigo de los que obran el mal y alabanza de los que obran el bien.
15 For such is the will of God, that by doing good you may bring about the silence of imprudent and ignorant men,15 Pues esta es la voluntad de Dios: que obrando el bien, cerréis la boca a los ignorantes insensatos.
16 in an open manner, and not as if cloaking malice with liberty, but like servants of God.16 Obrad como hombres libres, y no como quienes hacen de la libertad un pretexto para la maldad, sino como siervos de Dios.
17 Honor everyone. Love brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.17 Honrad a todos, amad a los hermanos, temed a Dios, honrad al rey.
18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and meek, but also to the unruly.18 Criados, sed sumisos, con todo respeto, a vuestros dueños, no sólo a los buenos e indulgentes, sino también a los severos.
19 For this is grace: when, because of God, a man willingly endures sorrows, suffering injustice.19 Porque bella cosa es tolerar penas, por consideración a Dios, cuando se sufre injustamente.
20 For what glory is there, if you sin and then suffer a beating? But if you do well and suffer patiently, this is grace with God.20 ¿Pues qué gloria hay en soportar los golpes cuando habéis faltado? Pero si obrando el bien soportáis el sufrimiento, esto es cosa bella ante Dios.
21 For you have been called to this because Christ also suffered for us, leaving you an example, so that you would follow in his footsteps.21 Pues para esto habéis sido llamados, ya que también Cristo sufrió por vosotros, dejándoos ejemplo para que sigáis sus huellas.
22 He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth.22 El que no cometió pecado, y en cuya boca no se halló engaño;
23 And when evil was spoken against him, he did not speak evil. When he suffered, he did not threaten. Then he handed himself over to him who judged him unjustly.23 el que, al ser insultado, no respondía con insultos; al padecer, no amenazaba, sino que se ponía en manos de Aquel que juzga con justicia;
24 He himself bore our sins in his body upon the tree, so that we, having died to sin, would live for justice. By his wounds, you have been healed.24 el mismo que, sobre el madero, llevó nuestros pecados en su cuerpo, a fin de que, muertos a nuestros pecados, viviéramos para la justicia; con cuyas heridas habéis sido curados.
25 For you were like wandering sheep. But now you have been turned back toward the Pastor and the Bishop of your souls.25 Erais como ovejas descarriadas, pero ahora habéis vuelto al pastor y guardián de vuestras almas.