
Venerdi, 20 settembre 2024 - Santi Martiri Coreani ( Letture di oggi)

Romans 5

1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, let us be at peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.1 Δικαιωθεντες λοιπον εκ πιστεως, εχομεν ειρηνην προς τον Θεον δια του Κυριου ημων Ιησου Χριστου,
2 For through him we also have access by faith to this grace, in which we stand firm, and to glory, in the hope of the glory of the sons of God.2 δια του οποιου ελαβομεν και την εισοδον δια της πιστεως εις την χαριν ταυτην, εις την οποιαν ισταμεθα και καυχωμεθα εις την ελπιδα της δοξης του Θεου.
3 And not only that, but we also find glory in tribulation, knowing that tribulation exercises patience,3 Και ουχι μονον τουτο, αλλα και καυχωμεθα εις τας θλιψεις, γινωσκοντες οτι θλιψις εργαζεται υπομονην,
4 and patience leads to proving, yet truly proving leads to hope,4 η δε υπομονη δοκιμην, η δε δοκιμη ελπιδα,
5 but hope is not unfounded, because the love of God is poured forth in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.5 η δε ελπις δεν καταισχυνει, διοτι αγαπη του Θεου ειναι εκκεχυμενη εν ταις καρδιαις ημων δια Πνευματος Αγιου του δοθεντος εις ημας.
6 Yet why did Christ, while we were still infirm, at the proper time, suffer death for the impious?6 Επειδη ο Χριστος, οτε ημεθα ετι ασθενεις, απεθανε κατα τον ωρισμενον καιρον υπερ των ασεβων.
7 Now someone might barely be willing to die for the sake of justice, for example, perhaps someone might dare to die for the sake of a good man.7 Διοτι μολις υπερ δικαιου θελει αποθανει τις? επειδη υπερ του αγαθου ισως και τολμα τις να αποθανη?
8 But God demonstrates his love for us in that, while we were yet sinners, at the proper time,8 αλλ' ο Θεος δεικνυει την εαυτου αγαπην εις ημας, διοτι ενω ημεις ημεθα ετι αμαρτωλοι, ο Χριστος απεθανεν υπερ ημων.
9 Christ died for us. Therefore, having been justified now by his blood, all the more so shall we be saved from wrath through him.9 Πολλω μαλλον λοιπον αφου εδικαιωθημεν τωρα δια του αιματος αυτου, θελομεν σωθη απο της οργης δι' αυτου.
10 For if we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, while we were still enemies, all the more so, having been reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.10 Διοτι εαν εχθροι οντες εφιλιωθημεν με τον Θεον δια του θανατου του Υιου αυτου, πολλω, μαλλον φιλιωθεντες θελομεν σωθη δια της ζωης αυτου?
11 And not only that, but we also glory in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.11 και ουχι μονον τουτο, αλλα και καυχωμενοι εις τον Θεον δια του Κυριου ημων Ιησου Χριστου, δια του οποιου ελαβομεν τωρα την φιλιωσιν.
12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into this world, and through sin, death; so also death was transferred to all men, to all who have sinned.12 Δια τουτο καθως δι' ενος ανθρωπου η αμαρτια εισηλθεν εις τον κοσμον και δια της αμαρτιας ο θανατος, και ουτω διηλθεν ο θανατος εις παντας ανθρωπους, επειδη παντες ημαρτον?
13 For even before the law, sin was in the world, but sin was not imputed while the law did not exist.13 διοτι μεχρι του νομου ητο εν τω κοσμω η αμαρτια, αμαρτια ομως δεν λογιζεται οταν δεν ηναι νομος?
14 Yet death reigned from Adam until Moses, even in those who have not sinned, in the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a figure of him who was to come.14 αλλ' εβασιλευσεν ο θανατος απο Αδαμ μεχρι Μωυσεως και επι τους μη αμαρτησαντας κατα την ομοιοτητα της παραβασεως του Αδαμ, οστις ειναι τυπος του μελλοντος.
15 But the gift is not entirely like the offense. For though by the offense of one, many died, yet much more so, by the grace of one man, Jesus Christ, has the grace and gift of God abounded to many.15 Πλην δεν ειναι καθως το αμαρτημα, ουτω και το χαρισμα? διοτι αν δια το αμαρτημα του ενος απεθανον οι πολλοι, πολυ περισσοτερον η χαρις του Θεου και η δωρεα δια της χαριτος του ενος ανθρωπου Ιησου Χριστου επερισσευσεν εις τους πολλους.
16 And the sin through one is not entirely like the gift. For certainly, the judgment of one was unto condemnation, but the grace toward many offenses is unto justification.16 Και η δωρεα δεν ειναι καθως η δι' ενος αμαρτησαντος γενομενη κατακρισις? διοτι η κρισις εκ του ενος εγεινεν εις κατακρισιν των πολλων, το δε χαρισμα εκ πολλων αμαρτηματων εγεινεν εις δικαιωσιν.
17 For though, by the one offense, death reigned through one, yet so much more so shall those who receive an abundance of grace, both of the gift and of justice, reign in life through the one Jesus Christ.17 Διοτι αν και δια το αμαρτημα του ενος ο θανατος εβασιλευσε δια του ενος, πολυ περισσοτερον οι λαμβανοντες την αφθονιαν της χαριτος και της δωρεας της δικαιοσυνης θελουσι βασιλευσει εν ζωη δια του ενος Ιησου Χριστου.
18 Therefore, just as through the offense of one, all men fell under condemnation, so also through the justice of one, all men fall under justification unto life.18 Καθως λοιπον δι' ενος αμαρτηματος ηλθε κατακρισις εις παντας ανθρωπους, ουτω και δια μιας δικαιοσυνης ηλθεν εις παντας ανθρωπους δικαιωσις εις ζωην.
19 For, just as through the disobedience of one man, many were established as sinners, so also through the obedience of one man, many shall be established as just.19 Διοτι καθως δια της παρακοης του ενος ανθρωπου οι πολλοι κατεσταθησαν αμαρτωλοι, ουτω και δια της υπακοης του ενος οι πολλοι θελουσι κατασταθη δικαιοι.
20 Now the law entered in such a way that offenses would abound. But where offenses were abundant, grace was superabundant.20 Παρεισηλθε δε ο νομος δια να περισσευση το αμαρτημα. Και οπου επερισσευσεν η αμαρτια, υπερεπερισσευσεν η χαρις,
21 So then, just as sin has reigned unto death, so also may grace reign through justice unto eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.21 ινα καθως εβασιλευσεν η αμαρτια δια του θανατου, ουτω και η χαρις βασιλευση δια της δικαιοσυνης εις ζωην αιωνιον δια Ιησου Χριστου του Κυριου ημων.