
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

Daniel 11

1 “And so, from the first year of Darius the Mede, I stood firm, so that he might be reinforced and strengthened.1 “En la première année de Darius le Mède, je me tenais auprès de lui pour le fortifier et l’encourager.
2 And now I will announce to you the truth. Behold, up to a certain point, three kings will stand in Persia, and the fourth will be exceedingly enriched in power above them all. And when he has grown strong by his resources, he will stir up all against the kingdom of Greece.2 “Et maintenant je vais te révéler la vérité: trois rois se lèveront encore sur la Perse et le quatrième sera beaucoup plus riche que tous les autres. Sa richesse le rendra puissant et il fera tout pour s’opposer au royaume de Yavan.
3 But there will rise up a strong king, and he will rule with great power, and he will do what he pleases.3 Mais là se lèvera un roi courageux qui se rendra puissant et fera ce qui lui plaît.
4 And when he has been firmly established, his kingdom will be shattered and will be divided towards the four winds of the heaven, but not to his posterity, nor according to his power with which he ruled. For his kingdom will be torn to pieces, even for the outsiders who have been expelled from these.4 Au milieu de ses succès, sa royauté sera brisée et son royaume partagé aux quatre vents du ciel, mais non entre ses descendants, car son royaume leur sera arraché et sera livré à d’autres.
5 And the king of the South will be reinforced, yet one of his leaders will prevail over him, and he will rule with riches, for great is his domain.5 “Le roi du midi deviendra fort, mais l’un de ses princes l’emportera sur lui et se taillera un empire plus grand que le sien.
6 And after the end of years, they will form a federation, and the daughter of the king of the South will come to the king of the North to make friendship, but she will not obtain the strength of arms, neither will her offspring stand firm, and she will be handed over, along with those who brought her, her young men, and those who comforted her in these times.6 Au bout de quelques années ils feront alliance ensemble; la fille du roi du midi ira trouver le roi du nord pour conclure un accord, mais elle perdra son pouvoir et ne laissera pas de descendance: elle sera bientôt mise à mort avec sa suite, son enfant et son mari. À ce moment
7 And a transplant from the germination of her roots will stand up, and he will come with an army, and will enter into the province of the king of the North, and he will abuse them, and will hold it fast.7 un rejeton de sa race se lèvera à sa place, il viendra mettre le siège devant la citadelle du roi du nord, s’en emparera et la traitera en vainqueur.
8 And, in addition, he will carry away captive into Egypt their gods, and their graven images, and likewise their precious vessels of gold and silver. He will prevail against the king of the North.8 Il emportera même en Égypte comme butin, leurs dieux, leurs statues et leurs vases précieux d’argent et d’or. Et pendant quelques années, il gardera ses distances avec le roi du nord.
9 And the king of the South will enter into the kingdom, and will return to his own land.9 “Ce dernier fera une expédition vers le royaume du midi, puis s’en retournera vite chez lui.
10 But his sons will be challenged, and they will assemble a multitude of very many forces. And he will arrive rushing and overflowing. And he will be turned back, and he will be enraged, and he will join the battle in his redness.10 Ses fils se lèveront et rassembleront des forces nombreuses et puissantes. L’un d’entre eux s’avancera, débordera comme un fleuve, traversera le pays et de nouveau se lèvera pour attaquer la forteresse du roi du midi.
11 And the king of the South, having being challenged, will go forth and will fight against the king of the North, and he will prepare an exceedingly great multitude, and a multitude will be given into his hand.11 Furieux, celui-ci se mettra en campagne contre le roi du nord avec une puissante armée, et les troupes nombreuses du roi du nord seront livrées entre ses mains.
12 And he will seize a multitude, and his heart will be exalted, and he will cast down many thousands, but he will not prevail.12 “La destruction de cette armée excitera son orgueil; il massacrera quantité de gens, mais sans résultat.
13 For the king of the North will change strategy and will prepare a multitude much greater than before, and at the end of times and years, he will rush forward with a great army and exceedingly great resources.13 Le roi du nord reviendra après avoir rassemblé des troupes plus nombreuses que les premières, et après quelques années, il s’avancera avec une armée puissante et très bien équipée.
14 And in those times, many will rise up against the king of the South. And likewise the sons of the deceivers among your people will extol themselves, so as to fulfill the vision, and they will collapse.14 En ce temps-là beaucoup se lèveront contre le roi du midi et, parmi eux, des hommes violents de ton peuple; ils se lèveront car la vision doit s’accomplir, mais ce sera pour leur perte.
15 And the king of the North will arrive and will transport siege works, and he will seize the most fortified cities. And the arms of the South will not withstand him, and his elect will rise up to resist, but the strength will not.15 Le roi du nord s’avancera, il fera des retranchements et s’emparera d’une ville fortifiée; l’armée du midi ne résistera pas devant lui et les plus courageux de ses hommes perdront pied.
16 And when he arrives, he will do just as he pleases, and there will be none who stand against his face. And he will stand in the illustrious land, and it will be consumed by his hand.16 “Alors l’attaquant fera tout ce qui lui plaît, personne ne tiendra devant lui, il occupera le pays de Beauté et le saccagera.
17 And he will set his face to strive to hold his entire kingdom, and he will make fair conditions with him. And he will give him a daughter among women, so as to overthrow it. But she will not stand, neither will she be for him.17 Voulant dominer tout le royaume du midi, il fera un pacte avec lui et lui donnera une de ses filles comme épouse, uniquement pour le perdre, mais cela n’aboutira pas et ne se réalisera pas.
18 And he will turn his face towards the islands, and he will seize many. And he will cause the leader of his reproach to cease, and his reproach will be turned around for him.18 Il se tournera vers les îles et en prendra beaucoup, mais un chef l’arrêtera et l’humiliera sans qu’il puisse prendre sa revanche.
19 And he will turn his face to the empire of his own land, and he will strike, and will overthrow, but he will not succeed.19 “Il se tournera ensuite vers les villes fortifiées de son pays, mais il trébuchera, tombera et disparaîtra pour toujours.
20 And there will stand up in his place one who is most worthless and unworthy of kingly honor. And in a short time, he will be worn out, but not in fury, nor in battle.20 Un autre se lèvera à sa place qui enverra dans la gloire du Royaume un collecteur d’impôts, mais en quelques jours celui-ci sera brisé sans armes ni combat.
21 And there will stand up in his place the despicable one, and he will not be assigned the honor of a king. And he will arrive in secret, and he will obtain the kingdom by deceitfulness.21 “À sa place se lèvera un homme méprisable à qui l’on ne donnera pas l’honneur de la royauté; il viendra en toute tranquillité et s’emparera du royaume par ses trahisons.
22 And the arms of the fighting will be assaulted before his face and will be shattered, and, in addition, the leader of the federation.22 Des armées puissantes prendront la fuite devant lui et seront brisées; le Prince de l’Alliance sera également brisé.
23 And, after making friends, he will trick him, and he will go up and will overcome with a small people.23 “Usant de corruption et de trahison, il prendra de l’importance et deviendra fort, bien qu’il n’ait que peu de monde avec lui.
24 And he will enter into rich and resourceful cities, and he will do what his fathers never did, nor his fathers’ fathers. He will scatter their spoils, and their prey, and their riches, and will form a plan against the most steadfast, and this until a time.24 Il envahira sans risques de riches provinces et fera ce que ni ses pères, ni les pères de ses pères, n’avaient fait: il distribuera à ses hommes, butin, dépouilles et richesse, et pour un temps il essaiera de s’emparer de forteresses.
25 And his strength and his heart will be enraged against the king of the South with a great army. And the king of the South will be provoked into going to war by having many allies and exceedingly good circumstances, and yet these will not stand, for they will form plans against him.25 Il dirigera ses forces et son ardeur contre le roi du midi, appuyé par une grande armée; l’autre aussi se lancera dans la guerre avec une armée grande et puissante, mais il sera vaincu à la suite de complots menés contre lui.
26 And those who eat bread with him will crush him, and his army will be suppressed, and very many will die, having been executed.26 Ceux qui mangeaient à sa table le briseront, son armée sera écrasée et perdra beaucoup de monde.
27 And the heart of two kings will be similar, to do harm, and they will speak lies at one table, but they will not succeed, because as yet the end is for another time.27 “Les deux rois ne penseront qu’à se faire du mal, et bien qu’assis à la même table ils se mentiront l’un à l’autre. Cela ne changera rien: la fin viendra au temps fixé.
28 And he will return to his land with many resources. And his heart will be against the holy testament, and he will act, and he will return to his own land.28 Le roi du nord rentrera dans son pays avec de grandes richesses et de mauvais projets contre l’Alliance Sainte; il luttera contre elle puis il rentrera dans son pays.
29 At the appointed time, he will return, and he will approach the South, but the latter time will not be like the former.29 Le moment venu, il repartira contre le royaume du midi, mais cette fois les choses se termineront mal.
30 And the Greek warships and the Romans will come upon him, and he will be pierced, and will retreat, and will have scorn against the testament of the sanctuary, and he will act. And he will return and will consult their adversaries, who have forsaken the covenant of the sanctuary.30 En voyant approcher les vaisseaux de Kittim il perdra son assurance; il fera demi-tour et déchaînera sa colère contre l’Alliance Sainte. “De nouveau il comblera d’honneurs ceux qui abandonnent cette alliance.
31 And arms will take his side, and they will pollute the sanctuary of the strength, and they will take away the continual sacrifice and will replace it with the abomination of desolation.31 Des troupes à lui viendront profaner la citadelle du temple, feront cesser le sacrifice perpétuel et dresseront l’Abomination de la Désolation.
32 And the impious within the testament will imitate deceitfully, but the people, knowing their God, will persevere and will act.32 Par ses paroles trompeuses il obtiendra que des hommes infidèles à l’Alliance trahissent, mais le peuple de ceux qui connaissent leur Dieu restera ferme dans ses pratiques.
33 And the teachers among the people will teach many, but they will be ruined by the sword, and by fire, and by captivity, and by assaults for many days.33 “Ceux du peuple qui ont la connaissance en instruiront beaucoup, mais ils seront persécutés: l’épée, le feu, la captivité et le pillage seront leur lot durant bien des jours.
34 And when they have fallen, they will be supported with a little help, but many will apply to them deceitfully.34 Pendant leur persécution, quelques uns leur apporteront leur soutien, mais beaucoup ne le feront que par hypocrisie.
35 And some of the learned will be ruined, that they may be kindled and chosen and purified, up to the predetermined time, because there will be still another time.35 La chute de certains parmi ceux qui ont la connaissance, servira à purifier, laver et blanchir un grand nombre d’autres jusqu’au temps de la fin, mais ce temps fixé est encore à venir.
36 And the king will act according to his will, and he will be lifted up and will be extolled against every god. And he will speak great things against the God of gods, and he will control, until the passion is completed. Once accomplished, the limit is reached with certainty.36 “Dans son orgueil, le roi fera tout selon son bon plaisir, il se placera au-dessus de tous les dieux; il prononcera même des paroles insolentes contre le Dieu des dieux, et tout lui réussira jusqu’à ce que la Colère soit à son comble, car ce qui est décidé s’accomplira.
37 And he will give no thought to the God of his fathers, and he will be in the desire of women, and he will not attend to any gods, because he will rise up against all things.37 Il n’aura aucune attention, ni pour les dieux de ses pères, ni pour le dieu chéri des femmes, ni pour tout autre dieu, car c’est lui-même qu’il placera au-dessus de tout.
38 But he will do homage to the god Maozim in his place, and, a god whom his fathers did not know, he will worship with gold, and silver, and precious stones, and costly things.38 À leur place il honorera le dieu des forteresses, un dieu que ses pères n’ont pas connu; il lui offrira de l’or, de l’argent, des pierres précieuses et des objets de grand prix.
39 And he will act to reinforce Maozim with an alien god, of whom he has become aware, and he will increase their glory, and will give them power over many, and he will distribute land for free.39 Il mettra le siège devant les villes fortifiées avec l’aide d’un dieu étranger; à quiconque reconnaîtra ce dieu il donnera honneur, pouvoir, et des terres en partage.
40 And, at the predetermined time, the king of the South will fight against him, and the king of the North will come against him like a tempest, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with a great fleet, and he will enter into the lands, and will crush and pass through.40 “Au temps de la fin, le roi du midi l’attaquera; le roi du nord se jettera sur lui avec ses chars, ses cavaliers et de nombreux navires. Il descendra vers toutes ses terres, les envahira et les traversera.
41 And he will enter into the glorious land, and many will fall. But only these will be saved from his hand: Edom, and Moab, and the first part of the sons of Ammon.41 Il traversera le pays de Beauté et beaucoup de gens seront massacrés, pendant qu’Édom, Moab et les meilleurs des fils d’Ammon échapperont à ses mains.
42 And he will cast his hand upon the lands, and the land of Egypt will not escape.42 Il étendra la main sur tous les pays et l’Égypte n’échappera pas.
43 And he will rule over the treasure chests of gold, and silver, and all the precious things of Egypt, and likewise he will pass through Libya and Ethiopia.43 Il s’emparera des trésors d’or et d’argent et de tous les objets précieux d’Égypte. Les Lybiens et les Kouchites lui seront soumis.
44 And rumors from the East and from the North will trouble him. And he will arrive with a great multitude to destroy and to execute many.44 “Mais bientôt des nouvelles venues d’orient et du nord l’inquiéteront; il repartira très en colère pour détruire et massacrer beaucoup de gens.
45 And he will fasten his tabernacle, Apadno, between the seas, upon an illustrious and holy mountain, and he will come even to its summit, and no one will help him.”45 Il dressera les tentes de son armée entre la mer et les monts du glorieux sanctuaire. Après quoi il arrivera à sa fin et nul ne lui portera secours.”