
Sabato, 1 giugno 2024 - San Giustino ( Letture di oggi)

Sirach 31

1 Watching for wealth consumes the flesh, and thinking about it takes away sleep.1 El insomnio por la riqueza consume las carnes,
las preocupaciones que trae ahuyentan el sueño.
2 Anticipation in thought distracts the mind, and a grievous infirmity makes the soul sober.2 Las preocupaciones del día impiden dormir,
la enfermedad grave quita el sueño.
3 The rich man has labored in gathering wealth, and in his rest, he will be filled with his goods.3 Se afana el rico por juntar riquezas,
y cuando descansa, se hastía de sus placeres.
4 The poor man has labored in his lowly way, and in the end, he may still be in need.4 Se afana el pobre por falta de sustento,
y cuando descansa, se acaba en la indigencia.
5 Whoever loves gold will not be justified. And whoever pursues consumption will be consumed by it.5 El que ama el oro no se verá justificado,
el que anda tras el lucro se extraviará en él.
6 Many have been caused to fall because of gold, and it became their ruin by its beauty.6 Muchos se arruinaron por causa del oro,
su perdición la tenían delante.
7 Gold is a stumbling block to those who sacrifice for it. Woe to those who pursue it eagerly, for all the imprudent will perish by it.7 Es leño de tropiezo para los que le ofrecen sacrificios,
y todo insensato queda preso en él.
8 Blessed is the rich man who is found to be without blemish. And blessed is he who has not gone after gold, nor placed his hope in money or treasures.8 Feliz el rico que fue hallado intachable,
que tras el oro no se fue.
9 Who is he? For we should praise him. For he has done wonderful things in his life.9 ¿Quién es, y le felicitaremos?,
pues obró maravillas en su pueblo.
10 He has been tested by it, and has become perfect; he will have eternal glory. He was able to transgress, but he has not transgressed. He was able to do evil, but he has not done evil.10 ¿Quién sufrió esta prueba y fue hallado perfecto?
será para él motivo de gloria.
¿Quién pudo prevaricar y no prevaricó,
hacer mal y no lo hizo?
11 Therefore, his good things are established in the Lord, and the entire Church of the saints will proclaim his almsgiving.11 Sus bienes se consolidarán,
y la asamblea hablará de sus bondades.
12 Are you seated at a great table? You should not open your mouth over it first.12 ¿En mesa suntuosa te has sentado?,
no abras hacia ella tus fauces,
no digas: «¡Qué de cosas hay aquí!»
13 You should not speak in this way: “There are many things that are upon it.”13 Recuerda que es cosa mala tener un ojo ávido,
¿qué ha sido creado peor que el ojo?
por eso, por cualquier cosa llora.
14 Remember that a wicked eye is evil.14 Donde mire tu huésped no extiendas tú la mano,
y no te eches sobre el plato al tiempo que él.
15 What has been made more wicked than the eye? Therefore, when it sees, it will shed tears over the entire face.15 Juzga al prójimo como a ti mismo,
y en todo asunto actúa con reflexión.
16 You should not extend your hand first, for then, having been corrupted by envy, you would be ashamed.16 Come como hombre bien educado lo que tienes delante,
no te muestres glotón, para no hacerte odioso.
17 You should not press forward at a feast.17 Termina el primero por educación,
no seas insaciable, y no tendrás tropiezo.
18 Understand which things are your neighbor’s and not your own.18 Si en medio de muchos te has sentado a la mesa,
no alargues tu mano antes que ellos.
19 Make use of the things that are set before you, just as a frugal man would. Otherwise, if you eat much, you will be hated.19 ¡Qué poco le basta a un hombre bien educado!,
y luego en el lecho no resuella.
20 Cease eating first, for the sake of discipline. And do not eat to excess, lest you offend.20 A vientre moderado, sueño saludable,
se levanta temprano y es dueño de sí.
Insomnio, vómitos y cólicos
le esperan al hombre insaciable.
21 And if you sit in the midst of many, you should not extend your hand before they do, and you should not be the first to ask for a drink.21 Si te viste obligado a comer demasiado,
levántate, vomítalo lejos, y quedarás tranquilo.
22 How sufficient is a little wine for a well-taught man! For in sleep, you will not labor because of it, and you will not feel pain.22 Oyeme, hijo, y no me desprecies,
al fin comprenderás mis palabras.
En todo lo que hagas sé moderado,
y no te vendrá enfermedad alguna.
23 Worry, and disease, and torment are with an intemperate man.23 Al espléndido en las comidas le bendicen los labios,
el testimonio de su munificencia es firme.
24 A healthy sleep is with a temperate man. He will sleep until morning, and his soul will be delighted with him.24 Al mezquino en la comida le murmura la ciudad,
el testimonio de su mezquindad es minucioso.
25 And if you have been coaxed into eating too much, rise up, go outside, and vomit. And it will refresh you, and you will not bring sickness upon your body.25 Con el vino no te hagas el valiente,
porque a muchos ha perdido el vino.
26 Listen to me, son, for you should not spurn me. And in the very end, you will discover my words.26 El horno prueba el temple del acero,
así el vino a los corazones en disputa de orgullosos.
27 In all your works, be prompt, and then no infirmity will befall you.27 Como la vida es el vino para el hombre,
si lo bebes con medida.
¿Qué es la vida a quien le falta el vino,
que ha sido creado para contento de los hombres?
28 The lips of many will bless the splendid in bread. For the testimony of his truthfulness is faithful.28 Regocijo del corazón y contento del alma
es el vino bebido a tiempo y con medida.
29 The city will murmur against the wicked in bread. For the testimony against his wickedness is true.29 Amargura del alma, el vino bebido con exceso
por provocación o desafío.
30 Do not choose to provoke those who love wine. For wine has destroyed many.30 La embriaguez acrecienta el furor del insensato hasta su
disminuye la fuerza y provoca las heridas.
31 Fire tests the hardness of iron; similarly, drinking wine to inebriation will rebuke the hearts of the arrogant.31 En banquete no reproches a tu prójimo,
no le desprecies cuando está contento,
palabra injuriosa no le digas
ni le molestes reclamándole dinero.
32 Drinking wine in sobriety gives a contented life to men. If you drink it in moderation, you will be sober.
33 What is life to him who is diminished by wine?
34 What can cheat him of his life? Death.
35 From the beginning, wine was created for cheerfulness, but not for inebriation.
36 Wine taken in moderation lifts up the mind and the heart.
37 Sober drinking is healthful to mind and body.
38 Wine taken in excess stirs up conflict and anger, and brings many to ruin.
39 Wine taken in excess is bitter to the soul.
40 The effects of inebriation are a stumbling block to the imprudent, diminishing strength and causing wounds.
41 You should not argue with your neighbor during a banquet of wine. And you should not spurn him in his cheerfulness.
42 You should not speak words of reproach to him. And you should not press him with repeated requests.