
Lunedi, 3 giugno 2024 - San Carlo Lwanga ( Letture di oggi)

Sirach 19

1 An inebriated worker will not be wealthy. And whoever despises littleness will fall a little at a time.1 Un ouvrier buveur ne sera jamais riche, qui méprise les riens peu à peu s'appauvrit.
2 Wine and women cause wise men to fall away, and then they will complain against those who understand.2 Le vin et les femmes pervertissent les hommes sensés, qui fréquente les prostituées perdtoute pudeur.
3 And whoever joins himself to fornicators will become wicked. Decay and worms will inherit him, and he will be denounced as the greater example, and his soul will be deducted from the number.3 Des larves et des vers il sera la proie et l'homme téméraire y perdra la vie.
4 Whoever is quick to believe has a trivial heart and will be diminished. And whoever offends against his own soul will have even less.4 Celui qui a la confiance facile montre sa légèreté, celui qui pèche se fait tort à soi-même.
5 Whoever rejoices in iniquity will be condemned. And whoever hates correction will have less in life. But whoever hates excessive talk extinguishes evil.5 Celui qui prend plaisir au mal sera condamné,
6 Whoever sins against his own soul will be punished. And whoever rejoices in malice will be condemned.6 celui qui hait le bavardage échappe au mal.
7 You should not repeat a wicked and harsh word, and then you will not be diminished.7 Ne rapporte jamais ce qu'on t'a dit et jamais on ne te nuira;
8 Do not reveal your mind to friend or foe. And if there is a sin within you, do not disclose it.8 à ton ami comme à ton ennemi ne raconte rien, à moins qu'il n'y ait faute pour toi, ne lerévèle pas;
9 For he will listen to you and watch you, and while pretending to defend your sin, he will despise you, and so he will be whenever he is with you.9 on t'écouterait, on se méfierait de toi et à l'occasion on te haïrait.
10 Have you heard a word against your neighbor? Let it die within you, trusting that it will not burst forth from you.10 As-tu entendu quelque chose? Sois un tombeau. Courage! tu n'en éclateras pas!
11 Before the face of a word, a foolish man labors, like a woman groaning as she gives birth to a child.11 Une parole entendue, et voilà le sot en travail comme la femme en mal d'enfant.
12 Like an arrow fixed in the flesh of the thigh, so is a word in the heart of a foolish man.12 Une flèche plantée dans la cuisse, telle est une parole dans le ventre du sot.
13 Correct a friend, though perhaps there was a misunderstanding, and he may say, “I did not do it.” Or, if he did do it, correct him, so that he may not do it again.13 Va trouver ton ami: peut-être n'a-t-il rien fait, et s'il a fait quelque chose il nerecommencera pas.
14 Correct your neighbor, for perhaps he did not say it. But if he did say it, correct him, so that he may not say it again.14 Va trouver ton voisin: peut-être n'a-t-il rien dit, et s'il a dit quelque chose il ne le redira pas.
15 Correct your friend. For often a fault has been committed.15 Va trouver ton ami, car on calomnie souvent, ne crois pas tout ce qu'on te dit.
16 And do not believe every word. There is one who slips with his word, but not with his heart.16 Souvent on glisse sans mauvaise intention; qui n'a jamais péché en parole?
17 For who is there who has not offended with his words? Correct your neighbor before you reprimand him.17 Va trouver ton voisin avant d'en venir aux menaces, obéis à la loi du Très-Haut.
18 And make a place for the fear of the Most High. For all wisdom is fear of God, and it is wise to fear God, and in all wisdom is the orderly disposition of the law.
19 But the discipline of wickedness is not wisdom. And there is no prudence in the thoughts of sinners.
20 There is a wickedness, and in it there is abomination. And there is a foolish man who has been diminished in wisdom.20 Toute sagesse est crainte du Seigneur et en toute sagesse il y a l'accomplissement de la loi.
21 Better is a man who has been diminished in wisdom because his mind is failing, but with the fear of God, than he who abounds in intelligence, but with transgression against the law of the Most High.
22 There is a certain cleverness, and it is unjust.22 Mais connaître le mal n'est pas la sagesse et le conseil des pécheurs n'est pas la prudence.
23 And there is one who utters a careful word, explaining away the truth. There is one who humbles himself wickedly, for his interior is filled with deceit.23 Il y a un savoir-faire qui est abominable; est insensé celui à qui manque la sagesse.
24 And there is one who lowers himself excessively with a great debasement. And there is one who inclines his face downward, and pretends as if he did not see what has not been made known.24 Mieux vaut être pauvre d'intelligence avec la crainte que surabonder de prudence et violerla loi.
25 And if he is prevented from sinning by a lack of ability, and then finds an opportunity for evildoing, he will do evil.25 Il y a un habile savoir-faire au service de l'injustice et tel pour établir son droit use defourberie.
26 A man is recognized by his appearances. But when you meet an understanding man, he is recognized by his face.26 Tel marche courbé sous le chagrin mais au fond de lui ce n'est que ruse:
27 The clothing of the body, and the laughter of the teeth, and the walk of a man, give a report about him.27 baissant la tête et faisant le sourd, s'il n'est pas démasqué il prend l'avantage sur toi.
28 There is a lying correction in the anger of a contemptuous man. And there is a judgment which does not prove to be good. But there is one who is silent, and the same is prudent.28 Tel se sent trop faible pour pécher, qui fera le mal à la première occasion.