
Lunedi, 3 giugno 2024 - San Carlo Lwanga ( Letture di oggi)

Siracide 19

1 Operarius ebriosus non locupletabitur;
et, qui spernit modica, paulatim decidet.
1 Hast thou heard a word against thy neighbour? let it die within thee, trusting that it will not burst thee.
2 Vinum et mulieres apostatare faciunt sensatos;
et, qui se iungit fornicariis, peribit:
putredo et vermes hereditabunt illum.
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3 Anima audax perdet dominum suum;
et tolletur de numero anima eius,
et extolletur in exemplum maius.
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4 Qui credit cito, levis corde est et minorabitur;
et, qui delinquit in animam suam, quis innoxium faciet?
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5 Qui gaudet iniquitate, denotabitur,
et, qui odit correptionem, minuetur vita,
et, qui odit loquacitatem, exstinguit malitiam.
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7 Ne umquam iteres verbum nequam et durum
et prorsus non minoraberis.
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8 De amico et inimico noli narrare
et, si notum est tibi delictum, noli denudare:
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9 audiet enim te et cavebit te
et quasi defendens peccatum odiet te.
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10 Audisti verbum adversus proximum tuum?
Commoriatur in te fidens quoniam non te dirumpet.
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11 A facie verbi parturiet fatuus
tamquam parturiens a facie infantis;
11 At the hearing of a word the fool is in travail, as a woman groaning. in the bringing forth a child.
12 sagitta infixa femori carnis,
sic verbum in corde stulti.
12 As an arrow that sticketh in a man's thigh: so is a word in the heart of a fool.
13 Corripe amicum, ne forte fecerit malum et ipse dicat: “ Non feci ”;
aut, si fecerit, ne iterum addat facere.
13 Reprove a friend, lest he may not have understood, and say : f did it not: or if he did it, that he may do it no more.
14 Corripe proximum, ne forte dixerit
et, si dixerit, ne forte iteret.
14 Reprove thy neighbour, for it may be he hath not said it: and if he hath said it, that he may not say it again.
15 Corripe amicum, saepe enim fit criminatio,
15 Admonish thy friend: for there is often a fault committed.
16 et non omni verbo credas.
Est qui labitur lingua sed non ex animo;
16 And believe not every word. There is one, that slippeth with the tongue, but not from his heart.
17 quis est enim qui non deliquerit in lingua sua?
Corripe proximum, antequam commineris,
17 For who is there that hath not offended with his tongue? Admonish thy neighbour before thou threaten him.
18 et da locum legi Altissimi.
Quia omnis sapientia timor Dei et in illa timere Deum,
et in omni sapientia dispositio legis.
18 And give place to the fear of the most High: for the fear of God is all wisdom, and therein is to fear God, and the disposition of the law is in all wisdom.
19 Et non est sapientia nequitiae scientia,
et non est consilium peccatorum prudentia.
19 But the learning of wickedness is not wisdom: and the device of sinners is not prudence.
20 Est astutia et ipsa exsecratio,
et est insipiens, qui minuitur sapientia.
20 There is a subtle wickedness, and the same is detestable: and there is a man that is foolish, wanting in wisdom.
21 Melior est homo, qui minuitur sapientia et deficiens sensu in timore,
quam qui abundat sensu et transgreditur legem Altissimi.
21 Better is a man that hath less wisdom, and wanteth understanding, with the fear of God, than he that aboundeth in understanding, and transgresseth the law of the most High.
22 Est solertia certa et ipsa iniqua.
22 There is an exquisite subtilty, and the same is unjust.
23 Et est qui pervertit gratiam, ut proferat iudicium;
est qui videtur oppressus et fractus animo,
et interiora eius plena sunt dolo.
23 And there is one that uttereth an exact word telling the truth. There is one that humbleth himself wickedly, and his interior is full of deceit:
24 Et est qui se nimium submittit a multa humilitate;
et est qui inclinat faciem suam
et fingit se non audire:
ubi ignoratus est, praeveniet te.
24 And there is one that submitteth himself exceedingly with a great lowliness: and there is one that casteth down his countenance, and maketh as if he did not see that which is unknown:
25 Et, si ab imbecillitate virium vetetur peccare,
si invenerit tempus malefaciendi, malefaciet.
25 And if he be hindered from sinning for want of power, if he shall find opportunity to do evil, he will do it.
26 Ex visu cognoscitur vir,
et ab occursu faciei cognoscitur sensatus:
26 A man is known by his look, and a wise man, when thou meetest him, is known by his countenance.
27 amictus corporis et risus dentium
et gressus hominis enuntiant de illo.
27 The attire of the body, and the laughter of the teeth, and the gait of the man, shew what he is.
28 Est correptio inopportuna,
et est indicium, quod non probatur esse bonum;
et est tacens, et ipse est prudens.
28 There is a lying rebuke in the anger of an injurious man: and there is a judgment that is not allowed to be good: and there is one that holdeth his peace, he is wise.