
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

1 Peter 4


1As Christ has undergone bodily suffering, you too should arm yourselves with the same conviction, thatanyone who has undergone bodily suffering has broken with sin,2because for the rest of life on earth that person is ruled not by human passions but only by the wil ofGod.3You spent quite long enough in the past living the sort of life that gentiles choose to live, behaving in adebauched way, giving way to your passions, drinking to excess, having wild parties and drunken orgies andsacrilegiously worshipping false gods.4So people are taken aback that you no longer hurry off with them to join this flood which is rushingdown to ruin, and then abuse you for it.5They wil have to answer for it before the judge who is to judge the living and the dead.6And this was why the gospel was brought to the dead as wel , so that, though in their bodies they hadundergone the judgement that faces al humanity, in their spirit they might enjoy the life of God.7The end of all things is near, so keep your minds calm and sober for prayer.8Above al preserve an intense love for each other, since love covers over many a sin.9Welcome each other into your houses without grumbling.10Each one of you has received a special grace, so, like good stewards responsible for all these variedgraces of God, put it at the service of others.11If anyone is a speaker, let it be as the words of God, if anyone serves, let it be as in strength grantedby God; so that in everything God may receive the glory, through Jesus Christ, since to him alone belong alglory and power for ever and ever. Amen.12My dear friends, do not be taken aback at the testing by fire which is taking place among you, asthough something strange were happening to you;13but in so far as you share in the sufferings of Christ, be glad, so that you may enjoy a much greatergladness when his glory is revealed.14If you are insulted for bearing Christ's name, blessed are you, for on you rests the Spirit of God, theSpirit of glory.15None of you should ever deserve to suffer for being a murderer, a thief, a criminal or an informer;16but if any one of you should suffer for being a Christian, then there must be no shame but thanksgiving to God for bearing this name.17The time has come for the judgement to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, whatwil be the end for those who refuse to believe God's gospel?18If it is hard for the upright to be saved, what wil happen to the wicked and to sinners?19So even those whom God allows to suffer should commit themselves to a Creator who is trustworthy,and go on doing good.