
Lunedi, 3 giugno 2024 - San Carlo Lwanga ( Letture di oggi)

1 Maccabees 16

1 John then went up from Gezer and reported to his father Simon what Cendebaeus was busy doing.1 Isso foi uma grande perfídia cometida em Israel: e pagou-se o bem com o mal.
2 At this, Simon summoned his two elder sons, Judas and John, and said to them, 'My brothers and I,and my father's House, have fought the enemies of Israel from our youth until today, and many a time we havebeen successful in rescuing Israel.2 mandou então Simão vir seus dois filhos mais velhos, João e Judas, e lhes disse: Eu, meus irmãos e a casa de meu pai temos resistido aos inimigos de Israel desde nossa juventude até o dia de hoje, e, muitas vezes, conseguimos libertar a nação.
3 But now I am an old man, while you, by the mercy of Heaven, are the right age; take the place of mybrother and myself, go out and fight for our nation, and may Heaven's aid be with you.'3 Mas já estou velho, enquanto que vós, graças a Deus, tendes a idade necessária. Tomai, pois, o meu lugar e o de meu irmão; ide combater por nossa raça, e que o socorro do céu esteja convosco.
4 He then selected twenty thousand of the country's fighting men and cavalry, and these marchedagainst Cendebaeus, spending the night at Modein.4 João recrutou no país vinte mil combatentes e cavaleiros. Foram eles contra Cendebeu e acamparam em Modin.
5 Making an early start, they marched into the plain, to find a large army opposing them, both infantryand cavalry; there was, however, a stream-bed in between.5 Levantaram-se ao romper da aurora, avançaram pela planície, e eis que um exército numeroso de infantes e de cavaleiros apareceu diante deles, estando separado apenas por uma torrente.
6 John drew up facing them, he and his army and, seeing that the men were afraid to cross the stream-bed, crossed over first himself. When his men saw this, they too crossed after him.6 João dispôs seus homens diante do inimigo, mas, verificando que eles temiam passar a torrente, atravessou-
7 He divided his army into two, with the cavalry in the centre and the infantry on either flank, as the opposing cavalry was very numerous.7 Dividiu seu exército e colocou os cavaleiros entre os infantes, porque a cavalaria inimiga era numerosa.
8 The trumpets rang out; Cendebaeus and his army were put to flight, many of them fal ing mortal ywounded and the rest of them fleeing to the fortress.8 Fizeram soar as trombetas sagradas. Cendebeu e seu exército foram derrotados; muitos dentre os seus caíram sob os golpes e o restante fugiu para a fortaleza.
9 Then it was that Judas, John's brother, was wounded, but John pursued them until Cendebaeusreached Kedron, which he had rebuilt.9 Judas, irmão de João foi ferido, mas João perseguiu o inimigo até Cedron, construída por ele.
10 Their flight took them as far as the towers in the countryside of Azotus, and John burnt these down.The enemy losses amounted to ten thousand men; John returned safely to Judaea.10 Muitos fugiram para as torres construídas no campo de Azot, mas ele incendiou-as e pereceram cerca de dois mil homens. Após isso, João voltou em paz para a Judéia.
11 Ptolemy son of Abubos had been appointed general in command of the Plain of Jericho; he owned agreat deal of silver and gold,11 Ptolomeu, filho de Abub, havia sido nomeado comandante da planície de Jericó. Possuía muito ouro e prata,
12 and was the high priest's son-in-law.12 porque era genro do sumo sacerdote.
13 His ambition was fired; he hoped to make himself master of the whole country and thereforetreacherously began to plot the destruction of Simon and his sons.13 Seu coração ensoberbeceu-se, e ele resolveu tornar-se senhor do país; maquinou pois uma traição contra Simão e seus filhos, para livrar-se deles.
14 Simon, who was inspecting the towns up and down the country and attending to their administration,had come down to Jericho with his sons Mattathias and Judas, in the year 172, in the eleventh month, the monthof Shebat.14 Ora, no undécimo mês, isto é, no mês de Sabat do ano cento e setenta e sete, quando ele percorria as cidades do país, para cuidar de seus interesses, Simão desceu a Jericó com seus filhos Matatias e Judas.
15 The son of Abubos lured them into a smal fortress cal ed Dok, which he had built, where he offeredthem a great banquet, having previously hidden men in the place.15 O filho de Abub recebeu-o dolosamente no forte de Doc, que tinha construído, e onde ele havia ocultado seus homens. Deu um grande banquete
16 When Simon and his sons were drunk, Ptolemy and his men reached for their weapons, rushed onSimon in the banqueting hall and killed him with his two sons and some of his servants.16 e, quando Simão e seus filhos ficaram ébrios, Ptolomeu e seus companheiros ergueram-se, tomaram suas armas e lançaram-se sobre Simão, na sala do banquete. Mataram-no como também seus dois filhos e alguns dos seus servidores.
17 He thus committed a great act of treachery and rendered evil for good.
18 Ptolemy wrote a report of the affair and sent it to the king, in the expectation of being sentreinforcements and of having the cities and the province made over to him.18 Ptolomeu escreveu ao rei para informá-lo, pedindo-lhe que lhe enviasse tropas de socorro e lhe cedesse a região e as cidades.
19 He also sent people to Gezer to murder John, and sent written orders to the military commanders tocome to him so that he could give them silver, gold and presents;19 Mandou outros a Gazara, com a missão de matar João; convocou através de cartas os chefes do exército, para entregar-lhes prata, ouro e presentes;
20 and he also sent others to seize control of Jerusalem and the Temple mount.20 e enviou outros emissários a conquistar Jerusalém e a montanha santa.
21 But someone had been too quick for him and had already informed John in Gezer that his father andbrothers had perished, adding, 'He is sending someone to kil you too!'21 Mas, antecipando-os, alguém veio a Gazara avisar João de que seu pai e seus irmãos haviam perecido e que haviam enviado assassinos para matá-lo.
22 Overcome as John was by the news, he arrested the men who had come to kil him and put them todeath, being forewarned of their murderous design.22 Com essa notícia ficou espavorido, mas mandou prender aqueles que vinham matá-lo, e os exterminou, sabendo perfeitamente que tinham a intenção de assassiná-lo.
23 The rest of John's acts, the battles he fought and the exploits he performed, the city wal s he built,and all his other achievements,23 As outras palavras de João, suas guerras e os seus feitos que realizou com valentia, como construiu as muralhas,
24 from the day he succeeded his father as high priest, are recorded in the annals of his pontificate.24 tudo isso está narrado nos anais de seu pontificado, desde o momento em que ele se tornou sumo sacerdote depois de seu pai.