
Venerdi, 14 giugno 2024 - Sant´ Eliseo ( Letture di oggi)

Job 15

1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite spoke and said:1 فاجاب اليفاز التيماني وقال
2 Should a wise man answer with airy opinions, or puff himself up with wind?2 ألعل الحكيم يجيب عن معرفة باطلة ويملأ بطنه من ريح شرقية.
3 Should he argue in speech which does not avail, and in words which are to no profit?3 فيحتج بكلام لا يفيد وباحاديث لا ينتفع بها.
4 You in fact do away with piety, and you lessen devotion toward God,4 اما انت فتنافي المخافة وتناقض التقوى لدى الله.
5 Because your wickedness instructs your mouth, and you choose to speak like the crafty.5 لان فمك يذيع اثمك وتختار لسان المحتالين.
6 Your own mouth condemns you, not I; you own lips refute you.6 ان فمك يستذنبك لا انا وشفتاك تشهدان عليك
7 Are you indeed the first-born of mankind, or were you brought forth before the hills?7 أصوّرت اول الناس ام أبدئت قبل التلال.
8 Are you privy to the counsels of God, and do you restrict wisdom to yourself?8 هل تنصّت في مجلس الله او قصرت الحكمة على نفسك.
9 What do you know that we do not know? What intelligence have you which we have not?9 ماذا تعرفه ولا نعرفه نحن وماذا تفهم وليس هو عندنا.
10 There are gray-haired old men among us more advanced in years than your father.10 عندنا الشيخ والاشيب اكبر اياما من ابيك.
11 Are the consolations of God not enough for you, and speech that deals gently with you?11 اقليلة عندك تعزيات الله والكلام معك بالرفق
12 Why do your notions carry you away, and why do your eyes blink,12 لماذا ياخذك قلبك ولماذا تختلج عيناك
13 So that you turn your anger against God and let such words escape your mouth!13 حتى ترد على الله وتخرج من فيك اقوالا.
14 What is a man that he should be blameless, one born of woman that he should be righteous?14 من هو الانسان حتى يزكو او مولود المرأة حتى يتبرر.
15 If in his holy ones God places no confidence, and if the heavens are not clean in his sight,15 هوذا قديسوه لا يأتمنهم والسموات غير طاهرة بعينيه.
16 How much less so is the abominable, the corrupt: man, who drinks in iniquity like water!16 فبالحري مكروه وفاسد الانسان الشارب الاثم كالماء
17 I will show you, if you listen to me; what I have seen I will tell--17 أوحي اليك اسمع لي فاحدث بما رأيته
18 What wise men relate and have not contradicted since the days of their fathers,18 ما اخبر به حكماء عن آبائهم فلم يكتموه.
19 To whom alone the land was given, when no foreigner moved among them.19 الذين لهم وحدهم أعطيت الارض ولم يعبر بينهم غريب.
20 The wicked man is in torment all his days, and limited years are in store for the tyrant;20 الشرير هو يتلوى كل ايامه وكل عدد السنين المعدودة للعاتي.
21 The sound of terrors is in his ears; when all is prosperous, the spoiler comes upon him.21 صوت رعوب في اذنيه في ساعة سلام ياتيه المخرب.
22 He despairs of escaping the darkness, and looks ever for the sword;22 لا يأمل الرجوع من الظلمة وهو مرتقب للسيف.
23 A wanderer, food for the vultures, he knows that his destruction is imminent.23 تائه هو لاجل الخبز حيثما يجده ويعلم ان يوم الظلمة مهيأ بين يديه.
24 By day the darkness fills him with dread; distress and anguish overpower him.24 يرهبه الضر والضيق. يتجبران عليه كملك مستعد للوغى.
25 Because he has stretched out his hand against God and bade defiance to the Almighty,25 لانه مدّ على الله يده وعلى القدير تجبر
26 One shall rush sternly upon him with the stout bosses of his shield, like a king prepared for the charge.26 عاديا عليه متصلب العنق باوقاف مجانه معبأة.
27 Because he has blinded himself with his crassness, padding his loins with fat,27 لانه قد كسا وجهه سمنا وربى شحما على كليتيه
28 He shall dwell in ruinous cities, in houses that are deserted, That are crumbling into clay28 فيسكن مدنا خربة بيوتا غير مسكونة عتيدة ان تصير رجما.
29 with no shadow to lengthen over the ground. He shall not be rich, and his possessions shall not endure;29 لا يستغني ولا تثبت ثروته ولا يمتد في الارض مقتناه.
30 A flame shall wither him up in his early growth, and with the wind his blossoms shall disappear.30 لا تزول عنه الظلمة. خراعيبه تيبسها السموم وبنفخة فمه يزول.
31 for vain shall be his bartering.31 لا يتكل على السوء. يضل. لان السوء يكون اجرته.
32 His stalk shall wither before its time, and his branches shall be green no more.32 قبل يومه يتوفى وسعفه لا يخضرّ.
33 He shall be like a vine that sheds its grapes unripened, and like an olive tree casting off its bloom.33 يساقط كالجفنة حصرمه وينثر كالزيتون زهره.
34 For the breed of the impious shall be sterile, and fire shall consume the tents of extortioners.34 لان جماعة الفجار عاقر والنار تأكل خيام الرشوة.
35 They conceive malice and bring forth emptiness; they give birth to failure.35 حبل شقاوة وولد اثما وبطنه أنشأ غشا