
Sabato, 1 giugno 2024 - San Giustino ( Letture di oggi)

1 Chronicles 12

1 The following men came to David in Ziklag while he was still under banishment from Saul, son of Kish; they, too, were among the warriors who helped him in his battles.1 Eis os que foram juntar-se a Davi, em Siceleg, quando ainda devia conservar-se longe de Saul, filho de Cis; estão contados entre os homens valentes que lhe prestaram auxílio durante a guerra.
2 They were archers who could use either the right or the left hand, both in slinging stones and in shooting arrows with the bow. They were some of Saul's kinsmen, from Benjamin.2 Eram arqueiros, exercitados em lançar pedras, tão bem com a mão esquerda como com a direita, e a atirar flechas com o arco; eram irmãos de Saul, de Benjamim.
3 Ahiezer was their chief, along with Joash, both sons of Shemaah of Gibeah; also Jeziel and Pelet, sons of Azmaveth; Beracah; Jehu, from Anathoth;3 Seus chefes eram Aieser, em seguida Joás, ambos filhos de Samaa, de Gabaa; Jaziel e Falet, filhos de Azmot; Baraca; Jeú, de Anatot;
4 Ishmaiah the Gibeonite, a warrior on the level of the Thirty, and in addition to their number;4 Samaías, de Gabaon, valente entre os trinta e chefe dos trinta; Jeremias; Jeeziel; Joanã; Jezabad, de Gedera; Eluzai; Jerimut; Baalia; Samaria;
5 Jeremiah; Jahaziel; Johanan; Jozabad from Gederah;5 Safatia, de Haruf;
6 Eluzai; Jerimoth; Bealiah; Shemariah; Shephatiah the Haruphite;6 Elcana, Jesia, Azareel, Joeser e Jesbão, filhos de Coré;
7 Elkanah, Isshiah, Azarel, Joezer, and Ishbaal, who were Korahites;7 Joela e Zabadia, filhos de Jeroão, de Gedor.
8 Joelah, finally, and Zebadiah, sons of Jeroham, from Gedor.8 Homens valentes dos gaditas passaram para Davi nas cavernas do deserto, guerreiros exercitados no combate, que sabiam manejar o escudo e a lança; tinham o aspecto de leões e a agilidade das gazelas das montanhas.
9 Some of the Gadites also went over to David when he was at the stronghold in the wilderness. They were valiant warriors, experienced soldiers equipped with shield and spear, who bore themselves like lions, and were as swift as the gazelles on the mountains.9 Ezer era seu chefe; Obdias, o segundo; Eliab, o terceiro;
10 Ezer was their chief, Obadiah was second, Eliab third,10 Masmana, o quarto; Jeremias, o quinto;
11 Mishmannah fourth, Jeremiah fifth,11 Eti, o sexto; Eliel, o sétimo;
12 Attai sixth, Eliel seventh,12 Joanã, o oitavo; Elzebad, o nono;
13 Johanan eighth, Elzabad ninth,13 Jeremias, o décimo; Macbanai, o undécimo.
14 Jeremiah tenth, and Machbannai eleventh.14 Eram estes os filhos de Gad, chefes do exército; o menor deles, sozinho, podia vencer cem; o mais forte, mil.
15 These Gadites were army commanders, the lesser placed over hundreds and the greater over thousands.15 Foram eles que atravessaram o Jordão, no primeiro mês, quando o rio costuma transbordar em todo o seu curso, e que puseram em fuga todos os habitantes dos vales, a leste e a oeste.
16 It was they who crossed over the Jordan when it was overflowing both its banks in the first month, and dispersed all who were in the valleys to the east and to the west.16 Houve também filhos de Benjamim e de Judá, que vieram aliar-se a Davi nas cavernas.
17 Some Benjaminites and Judahites also came to David at the stronghold.17 Davi saiu-lhes ao encontro e lhes disse: Se é como amigos que vindes a mim, para me prestar auxílio, eu estou unido de coração convosco; mas, se é para me trair e me entregar aos inimigos, enquanto minhas mãos estão limpas de toda violência, que o Deus de nossos pais o veja e faça justiça.
18 David went out to meet them and addressed them in these words: "If you come peacefully, to help me, I am of a mind to have you join me. But if you have come to betray me to my enemies though my hands have done no wrong, may the God of our fathers see and punish you."18 Então o espírito entrou em Amasaí, chefe dos trinta, o qual disse: A ti, Davi, e contigo, filho de Isaí! Paz, paz a ti e àquele que te protege, porque teu Deus te presta auxílio. Davi recebeu-os e lhes deu um lugar entre os chefes do bando.
19 Then spirit enveloped Amasai, the chief of the Thirty, who spoke: "We are yours, O David, we are with you, O son of Jesse. Peace, peace to you, and peace to him who helps you; your God it is who helps you." So David received them and placed them among the leaders of his troops.19 De Manassés também passaram homens para o lado de Davi, quando ele foi, com os filisteus, fazer guerra a Saul. Contudo, não socorreram os filisteus, porque, depois de se reunirem em conselho, os príncipes dos filisteus, despediram Davi, dizendo: Ele passará para o lado de seu mestre Saul, com perigo de nossas cabeças.
20 Men from Manasseh also deserted to David when he came with the Philistines to battle against Saul. However, he did not help the Philistines, for their lords took counsel and sent him home, saying, "At the cost of our heads he will desert to his master Saul."20 Quando voltou a Siceleg, homens de Manassés juntaram-se a ele: Ednas, Jozabad, Jediel, Miguel, Jozabad, Eliú e Salati, chefes de milhares de homens de Manassés.
21 As he was returning to Ziklag, therefore, these deserted to him from Manasseh: Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, Michael, Jozabad, Elihu, and Zillethai, chiefs of thousands of Manasseh.21 Ajudaram Davi contra os bandos de saqueadores, porque todos eram homens valentes, e foram chefes no exército.
22 They helped David by taking charge of his troops, for they were all warriors and became commanders of his army.22 Todos os dias, vinham homens a Davi para auxiliá-lo, tanto que, por fim, ele teve um grande exército, como um exército de Deus.
23 And from day to day men kept coming to David's help until there was a vast encampment, like an encampment of angels.23 Este é o número dos homens equipados para a guerra que foram ter com Davi, em Hebron, para transferir-lhe o reino de Saul, segundo a ordem do Senhor:
24 This is the muster of the detachments of armed troops that came to David at Hebron to transfer to him Saul's kingdom, as the LORD had ordained.24 filhos de Judá, portadores de escudo e lança: 6.800, armados para a guerra.
25 Judahites bearing shields and spears: six thousand eight hundred armed troops.25 Dos filhos de Simeão, 7.100 valentes guerreiros.
26 Of the Simeonites, warriors fit for battle: seven thousand one hundred.26 Dos filhos de Levi, 4.600;
27 Of the Levites: four thousand six hundred,27 Jojada, chefe da casa de Aarão, com 3.700 homens,
28 along with Jehoiada, leader of the line of Aaron, with another three thousand seven hundred,28 e Sadoc, jovem e valente guerreiro, e a casa de seu pai, 22 chefes.
29 and Zadok, a young warrior, with twenty-two princes of his father's house.29 Dos filhos de Benjamim, irmãos de Saul, 3.000; pois, até então, a maior parte deles guardava fidelidade à casa de Saul.
30 Of the Benjaminites, the brethren of Saul: three thousand--until this time, most of them had held their allegiance to the house of Saul.30 Dos filhos de Efraim, 20.800 guerreiros conhecidos pela sua valentia nas suas famílias.
31 Of the Ephraimites: twenty thousand eight hundred warriors, men renowned in their ancestral houses.31 Da meia tribo de Manassés, 18.000, que foram nominalmente designados para ir proclamar Davi rei.
32 Of the half-tribe of Manasseh: eighteen thousand, designated by name to come and make David king.32 Dos filhos de Issacar, que tinham o senso da oportunidade e sabiam o que Israel devia fazer, 200 chefes e todos os seus irmãos sob suas ordens.
33 Of the Issacharites, their chiefs who were endowed with an understanding of the times and who knew what Israel had to do: two hundred chiefs, together with all their brethren under their command.33 De Zabulon, 50.000, em estado de ir para o exército, preparados para o combate, perfeitamente equipados com todas as armas, prontos para socorrer Davi, de coração resoluto.
34 From Zebulun, men fit for military service, set in battle array with every kind of weapon for war: fifty thousand men rallying with a single purpose.34 De Neftali, 1.000 chefes e, com eles, 37.000 homens levando escudo e lança.
35 From Naphtali: one thousand captains, and with them, armed with shield and lance, thirty-seven thousand men.35 Dos danitas, 28.600 homens, prontos para se pôr em linha de batalha.
36 Of the Danites, set in battle array: twenty-eight thousand six hundred.36 De Aser, aptos para o serviço militar e preparados para o combate, 40.000.
37 From Asher, fit for military service and set in battle array: forty thousand.37 E, do outro lado do Jordão, dos rubenitas, dos gaditas e da meia tribo de Manassés, em perfeito equipamento de armas de guerra, 120.000.
38 From the other side of the Jordan, of the Reubenites, Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh, men equipped with every kind of weapon of war: one hundred and twenty thousand.38 Todos esses homens de guerra, prontos para se formarem em linha de batalha, vieram de coração sincero a Hebron, para aclamar Davi rei de todo o Israel. E todo o restante de Israel estava igualmente unânime em aclamar Davi rei.
39 All these soldiers, drawn up in battle order, came to Hebron with the resolute intention of making David king over all Israel. The rest of Israel was likewise of one mind to make David king.39 Permaneceram ali, três dias com Davi, comendo e bebendo, porque seus irmãos lhes tinham preparado víveres.
40 They remained with David for three days, feasting and drinking, for their brethren had prepared for them.40 Ademais, os que moravam perto deles, até Issacar, Zabulon e Neftali, traziam-lhes víveres, sobre jumentos, camelos, mulas e bois, farinha, massa de figos, tortas de uvas, vinho, óleo, bois, ovelhas em abundância; porque havia alegria em Israel.
41 Moreover, their neighbors from as far as Issachar, Zebulun, and Naphtali came bringing food on asses, camels, mules, and oxen--provisions in great quantity of meal, pressed figs, raisins, wine, oil, oxen, and sheep. For there was rejoicing in Israel.