
Sabato, 1 giugno 2024 - San Giustino ( Letture di oggi)

2 Samuel 5

1 Then all the tribes of Israel came to David in Hebron, saying: Behold we are thy bone and thy flesh.1 Todas as tribos de Israel vieram ter com Davi em Hebron e disseram,-lhe: Vê: não somos nós teus ossos e tua carne?
2 Já antes, quando Saul era nosso rei, eras tu que dirigias os negócios de Israel. O Senhor te disse: és tu que apascentarás o meu povo e serás o chefe de Israel.
3 Moreover yesterday also and the day before, when Saul was king over us, thou wast he that did lead out and bring in Israel: and the Lord said to thee: Thou shalt feed my people Israel, and thou shalt be prince over Israel.3 Vieram, pois, todos os anciãos de Israel ter com o rei em Hebron. Davi fez com eles um tratado diante do Senhor e eles sagraram-no rei de Israel.
4 The ancients also of Israel came to the king to Hebron, and king David made a league with them in Hebron before the Lord: and they anointed David to be king over Israel.4 Davi tinha trinta anos quando começou a reinar, e seu reinado durou quarenta anos:
5 David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years.5 sete anos e meio sobre Judá, em Hebron, e depois trinta e três anos em Jerusalém, sobre todo o Israel e Judá.
6 In Hebron he reigned over Juda seven years and six months: and in Jerusalem he reigned three and thirty years over all Israel and Juda.6 Davi partiu com seus homens para Jerusalém, contra os jebuseus que ocupavam a terra. Estes disseram a Davi: Tu não entrarás aqui: cegos e coxos te repelirão! {O que queria dizer: Davi não entrará jamais aqui.}
7 And the king and all the men that were with him went to Jerusalem to the Jebusites the inhabitants of the land: and they said to David: Thou shalt not come in hither unless thou take away the blind and the lame that say: David shall not come in hither.7 Mas Davi apoderou-se da fortaleza de Sião, que é a cidade de Davi.
8 But David took the castle of Sion, the same is the city of David.8 Davi dissera naquele dia: Quem quiser abater os jebuseus, siga o canal para atingir esses cegos e coxos, inimigos de Davi. De onde o ditado: Nem cego nem coxo entrarão na casa.
9 For David had offered that day a reward to whosoever should strike the Jebusites and get up to the gutters of the tops of the houses, and take away the blind and the lame that hated the soul of David: therefore it is said in the proverb: The blind and the lame shall not come into the temple.9 Davi estabeleceu-se na fortaleza e chamou-a Cidade de Davi. Cercou-a de muralhas desde Milo, e construiu no interior.
10 And David dwelt in the castle, and called it, The city of David: and built round about from Mello and inwards.10 Davi ia-se fortificando, e o Senhor, Deus dos exércitos, estava com ele.
11 dummy verses inserted by amos11 O rei de Tiro, Hirão, mandou-lhe mensageiros, com madeira de cedro, carpinteiros e pedreiros, para construir-lhe um palácio.
12 And Hiram the king of Tyre sent messengers to David, and cedar trees, and carpenters, and masons for walls: and they built a house for David.12 Davi reconheceu que o Senhor firmava o seu trono em Israel e exaltava a sua realeza por causa de seu povo.
13 And David knew that the Lord bad confirmed him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom over his people Israel.13 Davi tomou mais concubinas e mulheres em Jerusalém, depois que deixou Hebron, e teve delas filhos e filhas.
14 And David took more concubines and wives of Jerusalem, after he was come from Hebron: and there were born to David other sons also and daughters:14 Eis os nomes dos filhos que teve em Jerusalém:
15 And these are the names of them, that were born to him in Jerusalem, Samua, and Sobab, and Nathan, and Solomon,15 Samua, Sobab, Natã, Salomão, Jebaar, Elisua, Nefeg,
16 And Jebahar, and Elisua, and Nepheg,16 Jafia, Elisama, Elioda e Elifalet.
17 And Japhia, and Elisama, and Elioda, and Eliphaleth.17 Quando os filisteus souberam que Davi fora ungido rei de Israel, puseram-se todos em campanha para apoderar-se dele. Informado disto, Davi desceu à fortaleza.
18 And the Philistines heard that they had anointed David to be king over Israel: and they all came to seek David: and when David heard of it, he went down to a strong hold.18 Os filisteus, desde que chegaram, espalharam-se pelo vale dos Gigantes.
19 And the Philistines coming spread themselves in the valley of Raphaim.19 Davi consultou o Senhor, dizendo: Devo subir ao encontro dos filisteus? Entregá-los-eis nas minhas mãos? Vai, respondeu o Senhor, eu os entregarei certamente nas tuas mãos.
20 And David consulted the Lord, saying: Shall I go up to the Philistines? and wilt thou deliver them into my hand? And the Lord said to David: Go up, for I will surely deliver the Philistines into thy hand.20 Veio Davi a Baal-Farasim, onde os derrotou. O Senhor, disse ele, rompeu os meus inimigos diante de mim, como as águas rompem os diques. Por isso chamou àquele lugar Baal-Farasim.
21 And David came to Baal Pharisim: and defeated them there, and he said: The Lord hath divided my enemies before me, as waters are divided. Therefore the name of the place was called Baal Pharisim.21 Os filisteus abandonaram ali seus ídolos; Davi e seus homens os levaram.
22 And they left there their idols: which David and his men took away.22 Os filisteus voltaram ao ataque, espalhando-se pelo vale dos Gigantes.
23 And the Philistines came up again and spread themselves in the valley of Raphaim.23 Davi consultou o Senhor, que lhe respondeu: Não vás ao seu encontro, mas dá a volta por detrás deles e os atingirás do lado das amoreiras.
24 And David consulted the Lord: Shall I go up against the Philistines, and wilt thou deliver them into my hands? He answered: Go not up against them, but fetch a compass behind them, and thou shalt come upon them over against the pear trees.24 Quando ouvires um rumor de passos, então apressa-te e ataca, porque o Senhor irá adiante de ti para esmagar o exército dos filisteus.
25 And when thou shalt hear the sound of one going in the tops of the pear trees, then shalt thou join battle: for then will the Lord go out before thy face to strike the army of the Philistines.25 Davi fez como lhe ordenara o Senhor, e feriu os filisteus desde Gabaa até Gezer.