
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Salmi 48

1 Cantico di Salmo de’ figliuoli di Core. IL Signore è grande, e molto glorioso Nella Città dell’Iddio nostro, nel monte della sua santità.1 Unto the end. A Psalm to the sons of Korah.
2 Il monte di Sion, il fondo verso il Settentrione, La Città del gran Re È in bella contrada, è la gioia di tutta la terra.2 Hear these things, all nations. Pay attention, all inhabitants of the world:
3 Iddio è riconosciuto ne’ palazzi di essa, per alta fortezza.3 whoever is earth-born, you sons of men, together as one, the rich and the poor.
4 Perciocchè ecco, i re si erano adunati, Ed erano tutti insieme passati oltre.4 My mouth will speak wisdom, and the meditation of my heart will speak prudence.
5 Come prima la videro, furono attoniti, Si smarrirono, si affrettarono a fuggire.5 I will incline my ear to a parable. I will open my case with the psaltery.
6 Tremore li colse quivi; Doglia, come di donna che partorisce.6 Why should I fear in the evil day? The iniquity at my heel will surround me.
7 Furono rotti come per lo vento orientale Che rompe le navi di Tarsis7 Those who trust in their own strength and who glory in the multitude of their riches,
8 Come avevamo udito, così abbiam veduto, Nella Città del Signor degli eserciti, Nella Città dell’Iddio nostro; Iddio la stabilirà in perpetuo. Sela.8 no brother redeems, nor will man buy back. He will not give to God his appeasement,
9 O Dio, noi abbiamo, chetamente aspettata la tua benignità Dentro al tuo Tempio.9 nor the price for the redemption of his soul. And he will labor continuously,
10 O Dio, quale è il tuo Nome, Tale è la tua lode, infino all’estremità della terra; La tua destra è piena di giustizia.10 and he will still live, until the end.
11 Il monte di Sion si rallegrerà, Le figliuole di Giuda festeggeranno, per li tuoi giudicii.11 He will not see death, when he sees the wise dying: the foolish and the senseless will perish together. And they will leave their riches to strangers.
12 Circuite Sion, e andate attorno a lei, Contate le sue torri.12 And their sepulchers will be their houses forever, their tabernacles from generation to generation. They have called their names in their own lands.
13 Ponete mente alle bastie, Mirate l’altezza de’ suoi palazzi; Acciocchè lo raccontiate all’età a venire.13 And man, when he was held in honor, did not understand. He has been compared to the senseless beasts, and he has become like them.
14 Perciocchè questo Dio è il nostro Dio in sempiterno; Egli ci guiderà infino alla morte14 This way of theirs is a scandal to them. And afterwards, they will delight in their mouth.
15 They have been placed in Hell like sheep. Death will feed on them. And the just will have dominion over them in the morning. And their help will grow old in Hell for their glory.
16 Even so, truly God will redeem my soul from the hand of Hell, when he will receive me.
17 Do not be afraid, when a man will have been made rich, and when the glory of his house will have been multiplied.
18 For when he dies, he will take nothing away, and his glory will not descend with him.
19 For his soul will be blessed in his lifetime, and he will admit to you when you do good to him.
20 He will even enter with the progeny of his fathers, but, even in eternity, he will not see the light.
21 Man, when he was in honor, did not understand. He has been compared to the senseless beasts, and he has become like them.