
Domenica, 16 giugno 2024 - Sant´ Aureliano ( Letture di oggi)

Lucas 17

1 Después dijo a sus discípulos: «Es inevitable que haya escándalos, pero ¡ay de aquel que los ocasiona!1 And he said to his disciples: “It is impossible for scandals not to occur. But woe to him through whom they come!
2 Más le valdría que le ataran al cuello una piedra de moler y lo precipitaran al mar, antes que escandalizar a uno de estos pequeños.2 It would be better for him if a millstone were placed around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than to lead astray one of these little ones.
3 Por lo tanto, ¡tengan cuidado! Si tu hermano peca, repréndelo, y si se arrepiente, perdónalo.3 Be attentive to yourselves. If your brother has sinned against you, correct him. And if he has repented, forgive him.
4 Y si peca siete veces al día contra ti, y otras tantas vuelve a ti, diciendo: «Me arrepiento», perdónalo».4 And if he has sinned against you seven times a day, and seven times a day has turned back to you, saying, ‘I am sorry,’ then forgive him.”
5 Los Apóstoles dijeron al Señor: «Auméntanos la fe».5 And the Apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith.”
6 El respondió: «Si ustedes tuvieran fe del tamaño de un grano de mostaza, y dijeran a esa morera que está ahí: "Arráncate de raíz y plántate en el mar", ella les obedecería.6 But the Lord said: “If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you may say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted, and be transplanted into the sea.’ And it would obey you.
7 Supongamos que uno de ustedes tiene un servidor para arar o cuidar el ganado. Cuando este regresa del campo, ¿acaso le dirá: "Ven pronto y siéntate a la mesa"?7 But which of you, having a servant plowing or feeding cattle, would say to him, as he was returning from the field, ‘Come in immediately; sit down to eat,’
8 ¿No le dirá más bien: "Prepárame la cena y recógete la túnica para servirme hasta que yo haya comido y bebido, y tú comerás y beberás después"?8 and would not say to him: ‘Prepare my dinner; gird yourself and minister to me, while I eat and drink; and after these things, you shall eat and drink?’
9 ¿Deberá mostrarse agradecido con el servidor porque hizo lo que se le mandó?9 Would he be grateful to that servant, for doing what he commanded him to do?
10 Así también ustedes, cuando hayan hecho todo lo que se les mande, digan: "Somos simples servidores, no hemos hecho más que cumplir con nuestro deber"».10 I think not. So too, when you have done all these things that have been taught to you, you should say: ‘We are useless servants. We have done what we should have done.’ ”
11 Mientras se dirigía a Jerusalén, Jesús pesaba a través de Samaría y Galilea.11 And it happened that, while he was traveling to Jerusalem, he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee.
12 Al entrar en un poblado, le salieron al encuentro diez leprosos, que se detuvieron a distancia12 And as he was entering a certain town, ten leprous men met him, and they stood at a distance.
13 y empezaron a gritarle: «¡Jesús, Maestro, ten compasión de nosotros!».13 And they lifted up their voice, saying, “Jesus, Teacher, take pity on us.”
14 Al verlos, Jesús les dijo: «Vayan a presentarse a los sacerdotes». Y en el camino quedaron purificados.14 And when he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And it happened that, as they were going, they were cleansed.
15 Uno de ellos, al comprobar que estaba curado, volvió atrás alabando a Dios en voz alta15 And one of them, when he saw that he was cleansed, returned, magnifying God with a loud voice.
16 y se arrojó a los pies de Jesús con el rostro en tierra, dándole gracias. Era un samaritano.16 And he fell face down before his feet, giving thanks. And this one was a Samaritan.
17 Jesús le dijo entonces: «¿Cómo, no quedaron purificados los diez? Los otros nueve, ¿dónde están?17 And in response, Jesus said: “Were not ten made clean? And so where are the nine?
18 ¿Ninguno volvió a dar gracias a Dios, sino este extranjero?».18 Was no one found who would return and give glory to God, except this foreigner?”
19 Y agregó: «Levántate y vete, tu fe te ha salvado».19 And he said to him: “Rise up, go forth. For your faith has saved you.”
20 Los fariseos le preguntaron cuándo llegará el Reino de Dios. El les respondió: «El Reino de Dios no viene ostensiblemente,20 Then he was questioned by the Pharisees: “When does the kingdom of God arrive?” And in response, he said to them: “The kingdom of God arrives unobserved.
21 y no se podrá decir: «Está aquí» o «Está allí». Porque el Reino de Dios está entre ustedes».21 And so, they will not say, ‘Behold, it is here,’ or ‘Behold, it is there.’ For behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”
22 Jesús dijo después a sus discípulos: «Vendrá el tiempo en que ustedes desearán ver uno solo de los días del Hijo del hombre y no lo verán.22 And he said to his disciples: “The time will come when you will desire to see one day of the Son of man, and you will not see it.
23 Les dirán: «Está aquí» o «Está allí», pero no corran a buscarlo.23 And they will say to you, ‘Behold, he is here,’ and ‘Behold, he is there.’ Do not choose to go out, and do not follow them.
24 Como el relámpago brilla de un extremo al otro del cielo, así será el Hijo del hombre cuando llegue su Día.24 For just as lightning flashes from under heaven and shines to whatever is under heaven, so also will the Son of man be in his day.
25 Pero antes tendrá que sufrir mucho y será rechazado por esta generación.25 But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.
26 En los días del Hijo del hombre sucederá como en tiempo de Noé.26 And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of man.
27 La gente comía, bebía y se casaba, hasta el día en que Noé entró en el arca y llegó el diluvio, que los hizo morir a todos.27 They were eating and drinking; they were taking wives and being given in marriage, even until the day that Noah entered the ark. And the flood came and destroyed them all.
28 Sucederá como en tiempos de Lot: se comía y se bebía, se compraba y se vendía, se plantaba y se construía.28 It shall be similar to what happened in the days of Lot. They were eating and drinking; they were buying and selling; they were planting and building.
29 Pero el día en que Lot salió de Sodoma, cayó del cielo una lluvia de fuego y de azufre que los hizo morir a todos.29 Then, on the day that Lot departed from Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and it destroyed them all.
30 Lo mismo sucederá el Día en que se manifieste el Hijo del hombre.30 According to these things, so shall it be in the day when the Son of man will be revealed.
31 En ese Día, el que esté en la azotea y tenga sus cosas en la casa, no baje a buscarlas. Igualmente, el que esté en el campo, no vuelva atrás.31 In that hour, whoever will be on the rooftop, with his goods in the house, let him not descend to take them. And whoever will be in the field, similarly, let him not turn back.
32 Acuérdense de la mujer de Lot.32 Remember Lot’s wife.
33 El que trate de salvar su vida, la perderá; y el que la pierda, la conservará.33 Whoever has sought to save his life, will lose it; and whoever has lost it, will bring it back to life.
34 Les aseguro que en ese noche, de dos hombres que estén comiendo juntos, uno será llevado y el otro dejado;34 I say to you, in that night, there will be two in one bed. One will be taken up, and the other will be left behind.
35 de dos mujeres que estén moliendo juntas, una será llevada y la otra dejada».35 Two will be at the grindstone together. One will be taken up, and the other will be left behind. Two will be in the field. One will be taken up, and the other will be left behind.”
36 [De dos que estén en un campo, uno será llevado y el otro dejado.]36 Responding, they said to him, “Where, Lord?”
37 Entonces le preguntaron: «¿Dónde sucederá esto, Señor?». Jesús les respondió: «Donde esté el cadáver, se juntarán los buitres».37 And he said to them, “Wherever the body will be, in that place also, the eagles shall be gathered together.”