
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

Proverbios 31

1 Palabras de Lemuel, rey de Masá, que le inculcó su madre:1 The words of king Lamuel. The vision by which his mother instructed him:
2 ¡No, hijo mío! ¡No, hijo de mis entrañas! ¡No, hijo de mis votos!2 “What, O my beloved? What, O beloved of my womb? What, O beloved of my vows?
3 No entregues tu vigor a las mujeres, ni tu vida a las que corrompen a los reyes.3 Do not give your substance to women, or your riches to overthrow kings.
4 No es propio de los reyes, Lemuel, no es propio de los reyes beber vino, ni de los príncipes desear bebidas fuertes,4 Not to kings, O Lamuel, not to kings give wine. For there are no secrets where drunkenness reigns.
5 no sea que por beber se olviden de los decretos y traicionen la causa de los desvalidos.5 And perhaps they may drink and forget judgments, and alter the case of the sons of the poor.
6 Den bebida fuerte al que va a perecer y vino al que está sumido en la amargura:6 Give strong drink to the grieving, and wine to those who are bitter in soul.
7 que beba y se olvide de su miseria y no se acuerde más de su desgracia.7 Let them drink, and forget their needs, and remember their sorrow no more.
8 Abre tu boca en favor del mudo y en defensa de todos los desamparados;8 Open your mouth for the mute and for all the cases of the sons who are passing through.
9 abre tu boca, juzga con justicia y defiende la causa del desvalido y del pobre.9 Open your mouth, declare what is just, and do justice to the indigent and the poor.
10 [Alef] Una buena ama de casa, ¿quién la encontrará? Es mucho más valiosa que las perlas.10 Who shall find a strong woman? Far away, and from the furthest parts, is her price.
11 [Bet] El corazón de su marido confía en ella y no le faltará compensación.11 The heart of her husband confides in her, and he will not be deprived of spoils.
12 [Guímel]Ella le hace el bien, y nunca el mal, todos los días de su vida.12 She will repay him with good, and not evil, all the days of her life.
13 [Dálet] Se procura la lana y el lino, y trabaja de buena gana con sus manos.13 She has sought wool and flax, and she has worked these by the counsel of her hands.
14 [He] Es como los barcos mercantes: trae sus provisiones desde lejos.14 She has become like a merchant’s ship, bringing her bread from far away.
15 [Vau] Se levanta cuando aún es de noche, distribuye la comida a su familia y las tareas a sus servidoras.15 And she has risen in the night, and given a prey to her household, and provisions to her maids.
16 [Zain] Tiene en vista un campo, y lo adquiere, con el fruto de sus manos planta una viña.16 She has considered a field and bought it. From the fruit of her own hands, she has planted a vineyard.
17 [Jet] Ciñe vigorosamente su cintura y fortalece sus brazos para el trabajo.17 She has wrapped her waist with fortitude, and she has strengthened her arm.
18 [Tet] Ve con agrado que sus negocios prosperan, su lámpara no se apaga por la noche.18 She has tasted and seen that her tasks are good; her lamp shall not be extinguished at night.
19 [Iod] Aplica sus manos a la rueca y sus dedos manejan el huso.19 She has put her hand to strong things, and her fingers have taken hold of the spindle.
20 [Caf] Abre su mano al desvalido y tiende sus brazos al indigente.20 She has opened her hand to the needy, and she has extended her hands to the poor.
21 [Lámed] No teme por su casa cuando nieva, porque toda su familia tiene la ropa forrada.21 She shall not fear, in the cold of snow, for her household. For all those of her household have been clothed two-fold.
22 [Mem] Ella misma se hace sus mantas, y sus vestidos son de lino fino y púrpura.22 She has made embroidered clothing for herself. Fine linen and purple is her garment.
23 [Nun] Su marido es respetado en la puerta de la ciudad, cuando se sienta entre los ancianos del lugar.23 Her husband is noble at the gates, when he sits among the senators of the land.
24 [Sámec] Confecciona telas finas y las vende, y provee de cinturones a los comerciantes.24 She has made finely woven cloth and sold it, and she has delivered a waistband to the Canaanite.
25 [Ain] Está revestida de fortaleza y dignidad, y afronta confiada el porvenir.25 Strength and elegance are her clothing, and she will laugh in the final days.
26 [Pe] Abre su boca con sabiduría y hay en sus labios una enseñanza fiel.26 She has opened her mouth to wisdom, and the law of clemency is on her tongue.
27 [Sade] Vigila la marcha de su casa y no come el pan ociosamente.27 She has considered the paths of her household, and she has not eaten her bread in idleness.
28 [Qof] Sus hijos se levantan y la felicitan, y también su marido la elogia:28 Her sons rose up and predicted great happiness; her husband rose up and praised her.
29 [Res] «¡Muchas mujeres han dado pruebas de entereza, pero tú las superas a todas!».29 Many daughters have gathered together riches; you have surpassed them all.
30 [Sin] Engañoso es el encanto y vana la hermosura: la mujer que teme al Señor merece ser alabada.30 Charm is false, and beauty is vain. The woman who fears the Lord, the same shall be praised.
31 [Tau] Entréguenle el fruto de sus manos y que sus obras la alaben públicamente.31 Give to her from the fruit of her own hands. And let her works praise her at the gates.