
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

ΑΡΙΘΜΟΙ - Numeri - Numbers 3

1 και αυται αι γενεσεις ααρων και μωυση εν η ημερα ελαλησεν κυριος τω μωυση εν ορει σινα1 The following were the descendants of Aaron and Moses at the time that the LORD spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai.
2 και ταυτα τα ονοματα των υιων ααρων πρωτοτοκος ναδαβ και αβιουδ ελεαζαρ και ιθαμαρ2 The sons of Aaron were Nadab his first-born, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
3 ταυτα τα ονοματα των υιων ααρων οι ιερεις οι ηλειμμενοι ους ετελειωσαν τας χειρας αυτων ιερατευειν3 These are the names of the sons of Aaron, the anointed priests who were ordained to exercise the priesthood.
4 και ετελευτησεν ναδαβ και αβιουδ εναντι κυριου προσφεροντων αυτων πυρ αλλοτριον εναντι κυριου εν τη ερημω σινα και παιδια ουκ ην αυτοις και ιερατευσεν ελεαζαρ και ιθαμαρ μετ' ααρων του πατρος αυτων4 But when Nadab and Abihu offered profane fire before the LORD in the desert of Sinai, they met death in the presence of the LORD, and left no sons. Thereafter only Eleazar and Ithamar performed the priestly functions under the direction of their father Aaron.
5 και ελαλησεν κυριος προς μωυσην λεγων5 Now the LORD said to Moses:
6 λαβε την φυλην λευι και στησεις αυτους εναντιον ααρων του ιερεως και λειτουργησουσιν αυτω6 "Summon the tribe of Levi and present them to Aaron the priest, as his assistants.
7 και φυλαξουσιν τας φυλακας αυτου και τας φυλακας των υιων ισραηλ εναντι της σκηνης του μαρτυριου εργαζεσθαι τα εργα της σκηνης7 They shall discharge his obligations and those of the whole community before the meeting tent by serving at the Dwelling.
8 και φυλαξουσιν παντα τα σκευη της σκηνης του μαρτυριου και τας φυλακας των υιων ισραηλ κατα παντα τα εργα της σκηνης8 They shall have custody of all the furnishings of the meeting tent and discharge the duties of the Israelites in the service of the Dwelling.
9 και δωσεις τους λευιτας ααρων και τοις υιοις αυτου τοις ιερευσιν δομα δεδομενοι ουτοι μοι εισιν απο των υιων ισραηλ9 You shall give the Levites to Aaron and his sons; they have been set aside from among the Israelites as dedicated to me.
10 και ααρων και τους υιους αυτου καταστησεις επι της σκηνης του μαρτυριου και φυλαξουσιν την ιερατειαν αυτων και παντα τα κατα τον βωμον και εσω του καταπετασματος και ο αλλογενης ο απτομενος αποθανειται10 But only Aaron and his descendants shall you appoint to have charge of the priestly functions. Any layman who comes near shall be put to death."
11 και ελαλησεν κυριος προς μωυσην λεγων11 The LORD said to Moses,
12 και εγω ιδου ειληφα τους λευιτας εκ μεσου των υιων ισραηλ αντι παντος πρωτοτοκου διανοιγοντος μητραν παρα των υιων ισραηλ λυτρα αυτων εσονται και εσονται εμοι οι λευιται12 "It is I who have chosen the Levites from the Israelites in place of every first-born that opens the womb among the Israelites. The Levites, therefore, are mine,
13 εμοι γαρ παν πρωτοτοκον εν η ημερα επαταξα παν πρωτοτοκον εν γη αιγυπτου ηγιασα εμοι παν πρωτοτοκον εν ισραηλ απο ανθρωπου εως κτηνους εμοι εσονται εγω κυριος13 because every first-born is mine. When I slew all the first-born in the land of Egypt, I made all the first-born in Israel sacred to me, both of man and of beast. They belong to me; I am the LORD."
14 και ελαλησεν κυριος προς μωυσην εν τη ερημω σινα λεγων14 The LORD said to Moses in the desert of Sinai,
15 επισκεψαι τους υιους λευι κατ' οικους πατριων αυτων κατα δημους αυτων κατα συγγενειας αυτων παν αρσενικον απο μηνιαιου και επανω επισκεψασθε αυτους15 "Take a census of the Levites by ancestral houses and clans, registering every male of a month or more."
16 και επεσκεψαντο αυτους μωυσης και ααρων δια φωνης κυριου ον τροπον συνεταξεν αυτοις κυριος16 Moses, therefore, took their census in accordance with the command the LORD had given him.
17 και ησαν ουτοι οι υιοι λευι εξ ονοματων αυτων γεδσων κααθ και μεραρι17 The sons of Levi were named Gershon, Kohath and Merari.
18 και ταυτα τα ονοματα των υιων γεδσων κατα δημους αυτων λοβενι και σεμει18 The descendants of Gershon, by clans, were named Libni and Shimei.
19 και υιοι κααθ κατα δημους αυτων αμραμ και ισσααρ χεβρων και οζιηλ19 The descendants of Kohath, by clans, were Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel.
20 και υιοι μεραρι κατα δημους αυτων μοολι και μουσι ουτοι εισιν δημοι των λευιτων κατ' οικους πατριων αυτων20 The descendants of Merari, by clans, were Mahli and Mushi. These were the clans of the Levites by ancestral houses.
21 τω γεδσων δημος του λοβενι και δημος του σεμει ουτοι δημοι του γεδσων21 To Gershon belonged the clan of the Libnites and the clan of the Shimeites; these were the clans of the Gershonites.
22 η επισκεψις αυτων κατα αριθμον παντος αρσενικου απο μηνιαιου και επανω η επισκεψις αυτων επτακισχιλιοι και πεντακοσιοι22 When all their males of a month or more were registered, they numbered seven thousand five hundred.
23 και υιοι γεδσων οπισω της σκηνης παρα θαλασσαν παρεμβαλουσιν23 The clans of the Gershonites camped behind the Dwelling, to the west.
24 και ο αρχων οικου πατριας του δημου του γεδσων ελισαφ υιος λαηλ24 The prince of their ancestral house was Eliasaph, son of Lael.
25 και η φυλακη υιων γεδσων εν τη σκηνη του μαρτυριου η σκηνη και το καλυμμα και το κατακαλυμμα της θυρας της σκηνης του μαρτυριου25 At the meeting tent they had charge of whatever pertained to the Dwelling, the tent and its covering, the curtain at the entrance of the meeting tent,
26 και τα ιστια της αυλης και το καταπετασμα της πυλης της αυλης της ουσης επι της σκηνης και τα καταλοιπα παντων των εργων αυτου26 the hangings of the court, the curtain at the entrance of the court enclosing both the Dwelling and the altar, and the ropes.
27 τω κααθ δημος ο αμραμις και δημος ο σααρις και δημος ο χεβρωνις και δημος ο οζιηλις ουτοι εισιν δημοι του κααθ27 To Kohath belonged the clans of the Amramites, the Izharites, the Hebronites, and the Uzzielites; these were the clans of the Kohathites.
28 κατα αριθμον παν αρσενικον απο μηνιαιου και επανω οκτακισχιλιοι και εξακοσιοι φυλασσοντες τας φυλακας των αγιων28 When all their males of a month or more were registered, they numbered eight thousand three hundred. They had charge of the sanctuary.
29 οι δημοι των υιων κααθ παρεμβαλουσιν εκ πλαγιων της σκηνης κατα λιβα29 The clans of the Kohathites camped at the south side of the Dwelling.
30 και ο αρχων οικου πατριων των δημων του κααθ ελισαφαν υιος οζιηλ30 The prince of their ancestral house was Elizaphan, son of Uzziel.
31 και η φυλακη αυτων η κιβωτος και η τραπεζα και η λυχνια και τα θυσιαστηρια και τα σκευη του αγιου οσα λειτουργουσιν εν αυτοις και το κατακαλυμμα και παντα τα εργα αυτων31 They had charge of whatever pertained to the ark, the table, the lampstand, the altars, the utensils with which the ministry of the sanctuary was exercised, and the veil.
32 και ο αρχων επι των αρχοντων των λευιτων ελεαζαρ ο υιος ααρων του ιερεως καθεσταμενος φυλασσειν τας φυλακας των αγιων32 The chief prince of the Levites, however, was Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest; he was supervisor over those who had charge of the sanctuary.
33 τω μεραρι δημος ο μοολι και δημος ο μουσι ουτοι εισιν δημοι μεραρι33 To Merari belonged the clans of the Mahlites and the Mushites; these were the clans of Merari.
34 η επισκεψις αυτων κατα αριθμον παν αρσενικον απο μηνιαιου και επανω εξακισχιλιοι και πεντηκοντα34 When all their males of a month or more were registered, they numbered six thousand two hundred.
35 και ο αρχων οικου πατριων του δημου του μεραρι σουριηλ υιος αβιχαιλ εκ πλαγιων της σκηνης παρεμβαλουσιν προς βορραν35 The prince of the ancestral house of the clans of Merari was Zuriel, son of Abihail. They camped at the north side of the Dwelling.
36 η επισκεψις η φυλακη υιων μεραρι τας κεφαλιδας της σκηνης και τους μοχλους αυτης και τους στυλους αυτης και τας βασεις αυτης και παντα τα σκευη αυτων και τα εργα αυτων36 The Merarites were charged with the care of whatever pertained to the boards of the Dwelling, its bars, columns, pedestals, and all its fittings,
37 και τους στυλους της αυλης κυκλω και τας βασεις αυτων και τους πασσαλους και τους καλους αυτων37 as well as the columns of the surrounding court with their pedestals, pegs and ropes.
38 και οι παρεμβαλλοντες κατα προσωπον της σκηνης του μαρτυριου απ' ανατολης μωυσης και ααρων και οι υιοι αυτου φυλασσοντες τας φυλακας του αγιου εις τας φυλακας των υιων ισραηλ και ο αλλογενης ο απτομενος αποθανειται38 East of the Dwelling, that is, in front of the meeting tent, toward the sunrise, were camped Moses and Aaron and the latter's sons. They discharged the obligations of the sanctuary for the Israelites. Any layman who came near was to be put to death.
39 πασα η επισκεψις των λευιτων ους επεσκεψατο μωυσης και ααρων δια φωνης κυριου κατα δημους αυτων παν αρσενικον απο μηνιαιου και επανω δυο και εικοσι χιλιαδες39 The total number of male Levites a month old or more whom Moses had registered by clans in keeping with the LORD'S command, was twenty-two thousand.
40 και ειπεν κυριος προς μωυσην λεγων επισκεψαι παν πρωτοτοκον αρσεν των υιων ισραηλ απο μηνιαιου και επανω και λαβε τον αριθμον εξ ονοματος40 The LORD then said to Moses, "Take a census of all the first-born males of the Israelites a month old or more, and compute their total number.
41 και λημψη τους λευιτας εμοι εγω κυριος αντι παντων των πρωτοτοκων των υιων ισραηλ και τα κτηνη των λευιτων αντι παντων των πρωτοτοκων εν τοις κτηνεσιν των υιων ισραηλ41 Then assign the Levites to me, the LORD, in place of all the first-born of the Israelites, as well as their cattle in place of all the first-born among the cattle of the Israelites."
42 και επεσκεψατο μωυσης ον τροπον ενετειλατο κυριος παν πρωτοτοκον εν τοις υιοις ισραηλ42 So Moses took a census of all the first-born of the Israelites, as the LORD had commanded him.
43 και εγενοντο παντα τα πρωτοτοκα τα αρσενικα κατα αριθμον εξ ονοματος απο μηνιαιου και επανω εκ της επισκεψεως αυτων δυο και εικοσι χιλιαδες τρεις και εβδομηκοντα και διακοσιοι43 When all the first-born males of a month or more were registered, they numbered twenty-two thousand two hundred and seventy-three.
44 και ελαλησεν κυριος προς μωυσην λεγων44 The LORD said to Moses:
45 λαβε τους λευιτας αντι παντων των πρωτοτοκων των υιων ισραηλ και τα κτηνη των λευιτων αντι των κτηνων αυτων και εσονται εμοι οι λευιται εγω κυριος45 "Take the Levites in place of all the first-born of the Israelites, and the Levites' cattle in place of their cattle, that the Levites may belong to me. I am the LORD.
46 και τα λυτρα τριων και εβδομηκοντα και διακοσιων οι πλεοναζοντες παρα τους λευιτας απο των πρωτοτοκων των υιων ισραηλ46 As ransom for the two hundred and seventy-three first-born of the Israelites who outnumber the Levites,
47 και λημψη πεντε σικλους κατα κεφαλην κατα το διδραχμον το αγιον λημψη εικοσι οβολους του σικλου47 you shall take five shekels for each individual, according to the standard of the sanctuary shekel, twenty gerahs to the shekel.
48 και δωσεις το αργυριον ααρων και τοις υιοις αυτου λυτρα των πλεοναζοντων εν αυτοις48 Give this silver to Aaron and his sons as ransom for the extra number."
49 και ελαβεν μωυσης το αργυριον τα λυτρα των πλεοναζοντων εις την εκλυτρωσιν των λευιτων49 So Moses took the silver as ransom from those who were left when the rest had been redeemed by the Levites.
50 παρα των πρωτοτοκων των υιων ισραηλ ελαβεν το αργυριον χιλιους τριακοσιους εξηκοντα πεντε σικλους κατα τον σικλον τον αγιον50 From the first-born of the Israelites he received in silver one thousand three hundred and sixty-five shekels according to the sanctuary standard.
51 και εδωκεν μωυσης τα λυτρα των πλεοναζοντων ααρων και τοις υιοις αυτου δια φωνης κυριου ον τροπον συνεταξεν κυριος τω μωυση51 He then gave this ransom silver to Aaron and his sons, as the LORD had commanded him.