
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

ΕΣΘΗΡ - Ester - Esther 9

1 εν γαρ τω δωδεκατω μηνι τρισκαιδεκατη του μηνος ος εστιν αδαρ παρην τα γραμματα τα γραφεντα υπο του βασιλεως1 When the day arrived on which the order decreed by the king was to be carried out, the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, Adar, on which the enemies of the Jews had expected to become masters of them, the situation was reversed: the Jews became masters of their enemies.
2 εν αυτη τη ημερα απωλοντο οι αντικειμενοι τοις ιουδαιοις ουδεις γαρ αντεστη φοβουμενος αυτους2 The Jews mustered in their cities throughout the provinces of King Ahasuerus to attack those who sought to do them harm, and no one could withstand them, but all peoples were seized with a fear of them.
3 οι γαρ αρχοντες των σατραπων και οι τυραννοι και οι βασιλικοι γραμματεις ετιμων τους ιουδαιους ο γαρ φοβος μαρδοχαιου ενεκειτο αυτοις3 Moreover, all the officials of the provinces, the satraps, governors, and royal procurators supported the Jews from fear of Mordecai;
4 προσεπεσεν γαρ το προσταγμα του βασιλεως ονομασθηναι εν παση τη βασιλεια4 for Mordecai was powerful in the royal palace, and the report was spreading through all the provinces that he was continually growing in power.
5 -5 The Jews struck down all their enemies with the sword, killing and destroying them; they did to their enemies as they pleased.
6 και εν σουσοις τη πολει απεκτειναν οι ιουδαιοι ανδρας πεντακοσιους6 In the stronghold of Susa, the Jews killed and destroyed five hundred men.
7 τον τε φαρσαννεσταιν και δελφων και φασγα7 They also killed Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha,
8 και φαρδαθα και βαρεα και σαρβαχα8 Porathai, Adalia, Aridatha, 9 Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai, and Vaizatha,
9 και μαρμασιμα και αρουφαιον και αρσαιον και ζαβουθαιθαν
10 τους δεκα υιους αμαν αμαδαθου βουγαιου του εχθρου των ιουδαιων και διηρπασαν10 the ten sons of Haman, son of Hammedatha, the foe of the Jews. However, they did not engage in plundering.
11 εν αυτη τη ημερα επεδοθη ο αριθμος τω βασιλει των απολωλοτων εν σουσοις11 On the same day, when the number of those killed in the stronghold of Susa was reported to the king,
12 ειπεν δε ο βασιλευς προς εσθηρ απωλεσαν οι ιουδαιοι εν σουσοις τη πολει ανδρας πεντακοσιους εν δε τη περιχωρω πως οιει εχρησαντο τι ουν αξιοις ετι και εσται σοι12 he said to Queen Esther: "In the stronghold of Susa the Jews have killed and destroyed five hundred men, as well as the ten sons of Haman. What must they have done in the other royal provinces! You shall again be granted whatever you ask, and whatever you request shall be honored."
13 και ειπεν εσθηρ τω βασιλει δοθητω τοις ιουδαιοις χρησθαι ωσαυτως την αυριον ωστε τους δεκα υιους κρεμασαι αμαν13 So Esther said, "If it pleases your majesty, let the Jews in Susa be permitted again tomorrow to act according to today's decree, and let the ten sons of Haman be hanged on gibbets."
14 και επετρεψεν ουτως γενεσθαι και εξεθηκε τοις ιουδαιοις της πολεως τα σωματα των υιων αμαν κρεμασαι14 The king then gave an order to this effect, and the decree was published in Susa. So the ten sons of Haman were hanged,
15 και συνηχθησαν οι ιουδαιοι εν σουσοις τη τεσσαρεσκαιδεκατη του αδαρ και απεκτειναν ανδρας τριακοσιους και ουδεν διηρπασαν15 and the Jews in Susa mustered again on the fourteenth of the month of Adar and killed three hundred men in Susa. However, they did not engage in plundering.
16 οι δε λοιποι των ιουδαιων οι εν τη βασιλεια συνηχθησαν και εαυτοις εβοηθουν και ανεπαυσαντο απο των πολεμιων απωλεσαν γαρ αυτων μυριους πεντακισχιλιους τη τρισκαιδεκατη του αδαρ και ουδεν διηρπασαν16 The other Jews, who dwelt in the royal provinces, also mustered and defended themselves, and obtained rest from their enemies. They killed seventy-five thousand of their foes, without engaging in plunder,
17 και ανεπαυσαντο τη τεσσαρεσκαιδεκατη του αυτου μηνος και ηγον αυτην ημεραν αναπαυσεως μετα χαρας και ευφροσυνης17 on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar. On the fourteenth of the month they rested, and made it a day of feasting and rejoicing.
18 οι δε ιουδαιοι οι εν σουσοις τη πολει συνηχθησαν και τη τεσσαρεσκαιδεκατη και ουκ ανεπαυσαντο ηγον δε και την πεντεκαιδεκατην μετα χαρας και ευφροσυνης18 (The Jews in Susa, however, mustered on the thirteenth and fourteenth of the month. But on the fifteenth they rested, and made it a day of feasting and rejoicing.)
19 δια τουτο ουν οι ιουδαιοι οι διεσπαρμενοι εν παση χωρα τη εξω αγουσιν την τεσσαρεσκαιδεκατην του αδαρ ημεραν αγαθην μετ' ευφροσυνης αποστελλοντες μεριδας εκαστος τω πλησιον οι δε κατοικουντες εν ταις μητροπολεσιν και την πεντεκαιδεκατην του αδαρ ημεραν ευφροσυνην αγαθην αγουσιν εξαποστελλοντες μεριδας τοις πλησιον19 That is why the rural Jews, who dwell in villages, celebrate the fourteenth of the month of Adar as a day of rejoicing and feasting, a holiday on which they send gifts of food to one another.
20 εγραψεν δε μαρδοχαιος τους λογους τουτους εις βιβλιον και εξαπεστειλεν τοις ιουδαιοις οσοι ησαν εν τη αρταξερξου βασιλεια τοις εγγυς και τοις μακραν20 Mordecai recorded these events and sent letters to all the Jews, both near and far, in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus.
21 στησαι τας ημερας ταυτας αγαθας αγειν τε την τεσσαρεσκαιδεκατην και την πεντεκαιδεκατην του αδαρ21 He ordered them to celebrate every year both the fourteenth and the fifteenth of the month of Adar
22 εν γαρ ταυταις ταις ημεραις ανεπαυσαντο οι ιουδαιοι απο των εχθρων αυτων και τον μηνα εν ω εστραφη αυτοις ος ην αδαρ απο πενθους εις χαραν και απο οδυνης εις αγαθην ημεραν αγειν ολον αγαθας ημερας γαμων και ευφροσυνης εξαποστελλοντας μεριδας τοις φιλοις και τοις πτωχοις22 as the days on which the Jews obtained rest from their enemies and as the month which was turned for them from sorrow into joy, from mourning into festivity. They were to observe these days with feasting and gladness, sending food to one another and gifts to the poor.
23 και προσεδεξαντο οι ιουδαιοι καθως εγραψεν αυτοις ο μαρδοχαιος23 The Jews took upon themselves for the future this observance which they instituted at the written direction of Mordecai.
24 πως αμαν αμαδαθου ο μακεδων επολεμει αυτους καθως εθετο ψηφισμα και κληρον αφανισαι αυτους24 Haman, son of Hammedatha the Agagite, the foe of all the Jews, had planned to destroy them and had cast the pur, or lot, for the time of their defeat and destruction.
25 και ως εισηλθεν προς τον βασιλεα λεγων κρεμασαι τον μαρδοχαιον οσα δε επεχειρησεν επαξαι επι τους ιουδαιους κακα επ' αυτον εγενοντο και εκρεμασθη αυτος και τα τεκνα αυτου25 Yet, when Esther entered the royal presence, the king ordered in writing that the wicked plan Haman had devised against the Jews should instead be turned against Haman and that he and his sons should be hanged on gibbets.
26 δια τουτο επεκληθησαν αι ημεραι αυται φρουραι δια τους κληρους οτι τη διαλεκτω αυτων καλουνται φρουραι δια τους λογους της επιστολης ταυτης και οσα πεπονθασιν δια ταυτα και οσα αυτοις εγενετο26 And so these days have been named Purim after the word pur. Thus, because of all that was contained in this letter, and because of what they had witnessed and experienced in this affair,
27 και εστησεν και προσεδεχοντο οι ιουδαιοι εφ' εαυτοις και επι τω σπερματι αυτων και επι τοις προστεθειμενοις επ' αυτων ουδε μην αλλως χρησονται αι δε ημεραι αυται μνημοσυνον επιτελουμενον κατα γενεαν και γενεαν και πολιν και πατριαν και χωραν27 the Jews established and took upon themselves, their descendants, and all who should join them, the inviolable obligation of celebrating these two days every year in the manner prescribed by this letter, and at the time appointed.
28 αι δε ημεραι αυται των φρουραι αχθησονται εις τον απαντα χρονον και το μνημοσυνον αυτων ου μη εκλιπη εκ των γενεων28 These days were to be commemorated and kept in every generation, by every clan, in every province, and in every city. These days of Purim were never to fall into disuse among the Jews, nor into oblivion among their descendants.
29 και εγραψεν εσθηρ η βασιλισσα θυγατηρ αμιναδαβ και μαρδοχαιος ο ιουδαιος οσα εποιησαν το τε στερεωμα της επιστολης των φρουραι29 Queen Esther, daughter of Abihail and of Mordecai the Jew, wrote to confirm with full authority this second letter about Purim,
30 -30 when Mordecai sent documents concerning peace and security to all the Jews in the hundred and twenty-seven provinces of Ahasuerus' kingdom.
31 και μαρδοχαιος και εσθηρ η βασιλισσα εστησαν εαυτοις καθ' εαυτων και τοτε στησαντες κατα της υγιειας αυτων και την βουλην αυτων31 Thus were established, for their appointed time, these days of Purim which Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther had designated for the Jews, just as they had previously enjoined upon themselves and upon their race the duty of fasting and supplication.
32 και εσθηρ λογω εστησεν εις τον αιωνα και εγραφη εις μνημοσυνον32 The command of Esther confirmed these prescriptions for Purim and was recorded in the book.