
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

Yermĭyahu ( ירמיהו) - Geremia 11

1 מֹאזְנֵי מִרְמָה תֹּועֲבַת יְהוָה וְאֶבֶן שְׁלֵמָה רְצֹונֹו1 A false balance is abhorrent to Yahweh, a just weight is pleasing to him.
2 בָּא־זָדֹון וַיָּבֹא קָלֹון וְאֶת־צְנוּעִים חָכְמָה2 Pride comes first; disgrace soon fol ows; with the humble is wisdom found.
3 תֻּמַּת יְשָׁרִים תַּנְחֵם וְסֶלֶף בֹּוגְדִים [וְשַׁדָּם כ] (יְשָׁדֵּם׃ ק)3 The honest have their own honesty for guidance, the treacherous are ruined by their own perfidy.
4 לֹא־יֹועִיל הֹון בְּיֹום עֶבְרָה וּצְדָקָה תַּצִּיל מִמָּוֶת4 In the day of retribution riches wil be useless, but uprightness delivers from death.
5 צִדְקַת תָּמִים תְּיַשֵּׁר דַּרְכֹּו וּבְרִשְׁעָתֹו יִפֹּל רָשָׁע5 The uprightness of the good makes their way straight, the wicked fal by their own wickedness.
6 צִדְקַת יְשָׁרִים תַּצִּילֵם וּבְהַוַּת בֹּגְדִים יִלָּכֵדוּ6 Their uprightness sets the honest free, the treacherous are imprisoned by their own desires.
7 בְּמֹות אָדָם רָשָׁע תֹּאבַד תִּקְוָה וְתֹוחֶלֶת אֹונִים אָבָדָה7 The hope of the wicked perishes with death, hope placed in riches comes to nothing.
8 צַדִּיק מִצָּרָה נֶחֱלָץ וַיָּבֹא רָשָׁע תַּחְתָּיו8 The upright escapes affliction, the wicked incurs it instead.
9 בְּפֶה חָנֵף יַשְׁחִת רֵעֵהוּ וּבְדַעַת צַדִּיקִים יֵחָלֵצוּ9 Through his mouth the godless is the ruin of his neighbour, but by knowledge the upright aresafeguarded.
10 בְּטוּב צַדִּיקִים תַּעֲלֹץ קִרְיָה וּבַאֲבֹד רְשָׁעִים רִנָּה10 When the upright prosper the city rejoices, when the wicked are ruined there is a shout of joy.
11 בְּבִרְכַּת יְשָׁרִים תָּרוּם קָרֶת וּבְפִי רְשָׁעִים תֵּהָרֵס11 A city is raised on the blessing of the honest, and demolished by the mouth of the wicked.
12 בָּז־לְרֵעֵהוּ חֲסַר־לֵב וְאִישׁ תְּבוּנֹות יַחֲרִישׁ12 Whoever looks down on a neighbour lacks good sense; the intelligent keeps a check on the tongue.
13 הֹולֵךְ רָכִיל מְגַלֶּה־סֹּוד וְנֶאֱמַן־רוּחַ מְכַסֶּה דָבָר13 A tittle-tattler lets secrets out, the trustworthy keeps things hidden.
14 בְּאֵין תַּחְבֻּלֹות יִפָּל־עָם וּתְשׁוּעָה בְּרֹב יֹועֵץ14 For want of leadership a people perishes, safety lies in many advisers.
15 רַע־יֵרֹועַ כִּי־עָרַב זָר וְשֹׂנֵא תֹקְעִים בֹּוטֵחַ15 Whoever goes bail for a stranger does himself harm, but one who shuns going surety is safe.
16 אֵשֶׁת־חֵן תִּתְמֹךְ כָּבֹוד וְעָרִיצִים יִתְמְכוּ־עֹשֶׁר16 A gracious woman acquires honour, violent people acquire wealth.
17 גֹּמֵל נַפְשֹׁו אִישׁ חָסֶד וְעֹכֵר אֵרֹו אַכְזָרִי17 Faithful love brings its own reward, the inflexible injure their own selves.
18 רָשָׁע עֹשֶׂה פְעֻלַּת־שָׁקֶר וְזֹרֵעַ צְדָקָה שֶׂכֶר אֱמֶת18 Disappointment crowns the labours of the wicked, whoever sows uprightness reaps a solid reward.
19 כֵּן־צְדָקָה לְחַיִּים וּמְרַדֵּף רָעָה לְמֹותֹו19 Whoever establishes uprightness is on the way to life, whoever pursues evil, on the way to death.
20 תֹּועֲבַת יְהוָה עִקְּשֵׁי־לֵב וּרְצֹונֹו תְּמִימֵי דָרֶךְ20 Tortuous hearts are abhorrent to Yahweh, dear to him, those whose ways are blameless.
21 יָד לְיָד לֹא־יִנָּקֶה רָּע וְזֶרַע צַדִּיקִים נִמְלָט21 Be sure of it, the wicked wil not go unpunished, but the race of the upright wil come to no harm.
22 נֶזֶם זָהָב בְּאַף חֲזִיר אִשָּׁה יָפָה וְסָרַת טָעַם22 A golden ring in the snout of a pig is a lovely woman who lacks discretion.
23 תַּאֲוַת צַדִּיקִים אַךְ־טֹוב תִּקְוַת רְשָׁעִים עֶבְרָה23 The hope of the upright is nothing but good, the expectation of the wicked is retribution.
24 יֵשׁ מְפַזֵּר וְנֹוסָף עֹוד וְחֹושֵׂךְ מִיֹּשֶׁר אַךְ־לְמַחְסֹור24 One scatters money around, yet only adds to his wealth, another is excessively mean, but only growsthe poorer.
25 נֶפֶשׁ־בְּרָכָה תְדֻשָּׁן וּמַרְוֶה גַּם־הוּא יֹורֶא25 The soul who blesses wil prosper, whoever satisfies others wil also be satisfied.
26 מֹנֵעַ בָּר יִקְּבֻהוּ לְאֹום וּבְרָכָה לְרֹאשׁ מַשְׁבִּיר26 The people's curse is on those who hoard the wheat, their blessing on the head of those who sel it.
27 שֹׁחֵר טֹוב יְבַקֵּשׁ רָצֹון וְדֹרֵשׁ רָעָה תְבֹואֶנּוּ27 Whoever strives for good obtains favour, whoever looks for evil wil get an evil return.
28 בֹּוטֵחַ בְּעָשְׁרֹו הוּא יִפֹּל וְכֶעָלֶה צַדִּיקִים יִפְרָחוּ28 Whoever trusts in riches wil have a fal , the upright wil flourish like the leaves.
29 עֹוכֵר בֵּיתֹו יִנְחַל־רוּחַ וְעֶבֶד אֱוִיל לַחֲכַם־לֵב29 Whoever misgoverns a house inherits the wind, and the fool becomes slave to the wise.
30 פְּרִי־צַדִּיק עֵץ חַיִּים וְלֹקֵחַ נְפָשֹׂות חָכָם30 The fruit of the upright is a tree of life: the sage captivates souls.
31 הֵן צַדִּיק בָּאָרֶץ יְשֻׁלָּם אַף כִּי־רָשָׁע וְחֹוטֵא31 If here on earth the upright gets due reward, how much more the wicked and the sinner!