
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

Sirach 34

1 The hopes of a senseless man are empty and false; and dreams extol the imprudent.1 Vanas y engañosas son las esperanzas del insensato, y los sueños dan alas a los necios.
2 Like one who chases a shadow and pursues the wind, so also is one who pays attention to lying visions.2 Tratar de asir una sombra o correr detrás del viento es dar crédito a los sueños.
3 In the vision of dreams, one thing represents another, as when a mask is before the face of a man.3 Las visiones de los sueños no son más que un espejismo: un rostro ante el reflejo de su propia imagen.
4 What can be cleansed by the unclean? And what truth can be spoken from a lie?4 ¿Puede sacarse algo puro de lo impuro o de la mentira puede salir la verdad?
5 Erroneous divinations and false signs and the dreams of evildoers are emptiness.5 Adivinaciones, augurios y sueños son cosas vanas, puras fantasías, como las de una parturienta.
6 For your heart suffers from imagination, like a woman suffering in childbirth. Unless it is a visitation sent from the Most High, you should not set your heart upon it.6 A no ser que los envíe el Altísimo en una visita, no les prestes ninguna atención.
7 For dreams have caused many to go astray, and those who have hoped in them have fallen away.7 Porque los sueños han extraviado a muchos que cayeron por esperar en ellos.
8 The word of the law will be fulfilled without a lie, and wisdom will be made plain in the mouths of the faithful.8 La Ley debe cumplirse sin falsedad, y la sabiduría expresada fielmente es perfecta.
9 He who has not been tested, what does he know? A man with much experience will consider many things. And whoever has learned much will explain with understanding.9 El que ha viajado mucho sabe muchas cosas, y el hombre de experiencia habla inteligentemente.
10 He who has no experience knows little. And he who has done many things has made many mistakes.10 El que no ha sido probado sabe pocas cosas, pero el que ha andado mucho adquiere gran habilidad.
11 He who has not been tested, what kind of things can he know? He who has been deceived will be more cunning.11 Yo he visto muchas cosas en el curo de mis viajes, y sé mucho más de lo que podría expresar.
12 I have seen much by wandering, and the customs of many things.12 Muchas veces estuve en peligro de muerte, y gracias a todo eso escapé sano y salvo.
13 At times, I have even been in danger of death because of these things, but I was freed by the grace of God.13 El espíritu de los que temen al Señor vivirá, porque han puesto su esperanza en aquel que los salva.
14 The spirit of those who fear God is sought, and they will be blessed by his providence.14 El que teme al Señor no se intimida por nada, y no se acobarda, porque él es su esperanza.
15 For their hope is in him who saves them, and the eyes of God are on those who love him.15 ¡Feliz el alma del que teme al Señor! ¿En quién se sostiene y cuál es su apoyo?
16 Those who fear the Lord will tremble at nothing, and they will not be terrified. For he is their hope.16 Los ojos del Señor miran a aquellos que lo aman: él es escudo poderoso y apoyo seguro, refugio contra el viento abrasador y el ardor del mediodía, salvaguardia contra el tropiezo y auxilio contra la caída.
17 The soul of him who fears the Lord is blessed.17 El levanta el ánimo e ilumina los ojos, da salud, vida y bendición.
18 To whom should he look, and who is his strength?18 Ofrecer en sacrificio el fruto de la injusticia es presentar una ofrenda defectuosa, y los dones de los impíos no son aceptados.
19 The eyes of the Lord are upon those who fear him. He is a powerful Protector, a Firmament of virtue, a Shelter from the heat, and a Covering from the midday sun,19 El Altísimo no acepta las ofrendas de los impíos, y no es por el número de víctimas que perdona los pecados.
20 a Guardian from offenses, and a Helper from falling, who exalts the soul and illuminates the eyes, and who gives health and life and blessing.20 Como inmolar a un hijo ante los ojos de su padre, es presentar una víctima con bienes quitados a los pobres.
21 An immolation from iniquity is a stained oblation, and the derisions of the unjust are not well pleasing.21 Un mendrugo de pan es la vida de los indigentes: el que los priva de él es un sanguinario.
22 The Lord is only for those who persevere for him in the way of truth and justice.22 Mata a su prójimo el que lo priva del sustento, derrama sangre el que retiene el salario del jornalero.
23 The Most High does not approve of the gifts of the iniquitous. Neither does he have respect for the oblations of the unjust; neither will he forgive their sins because of the multitude of their sacrifices.23 Si uno edifica y otro destruye, ¿qué ganan con eso sino fatigas?
24 Whoever offers a sacrifice from the substance of the poor is like one who sacrifices the son in the sight of his father.24 Si uno suplica y otro maldice, ¿qué voz escuchará el Dueño de todo?
25 The bread of the indigent is the life of the poor. Whoever cheats them out of it is a man of blood.25 El que vuelve a tocar a un muerto después de haberse lavado, ¿qué ha ganado con purificarse?
26 Whoever takes away the bread of sweat is like one who kills his neighbor.26 Así es el hombre que ayuda por sus pecados y luego vuelve a cometerlos ¿quién escuchará su plegaria y qué ha ganado con humillarse?
27 He who sheds blood, and he who cheats the hired hand out of his wages, are brothers.
28 When one builds and another destroys, what benefit do they have from their labor?
29 When one prays and another curses, whose voice will God heed?
30 He who washes himself after touching the dead, and then touches him again, what was the benefit of his washing?
31 Similarly, a man who fasts for his sins, and then does the same again, what was the benefit of his humbling himself? Who will heed his prayer?