
Sabato, 1 giugno 2024 - San Giustino ( Letture di oggi)

Sirach 10

1 A wise judge will judge his people, and the leadership of an understanding man will be steadfast.1 Le sage gouvernant tient son peuple dans la discipline et l'autorité d'un homme sensé estbien établie.
2 As the judge of the people is, so also are his assistants. And whatever kind of man the ruler of a city is, of such a kind also are those who live in it.2 Tel le gouvernant et tels ses subordonnés, tel celui qui régit la ville et tels les habitants.
3 A foolish king will be the ruin of his people. For cities will be inhabited through the understanding of those with power.3 Un roi sans instruction est la ruine de son peuple, une ville doit sa prospérité à l'intelligencedes chefs.
4 Power over the earth is in the hand of God, and, in due time, he will raise up a helpful leader over the earth.4 Aux mains du Seigneur est le gouvernement du monde; il suscite au bon moment le chef quiconvient.
5 The prosperity of a man is in the hand of God, and he will place his honor above the face of the scribe.5 Le succès d'un homme est dans la main du Seigneur; c'est lui qui donne au scribe sa gloire.
6 You should forget all injury done to you by your neighbor, and you should do nothing among the works of injury.6 Ne garde jamais rancune au prochain, quels que soient ses torts, et ne fais rien dans unmouvement de passion.
7 Arrogance is hateful in the sight of God and of men. And all iniquity among the nations is abominable.7 L'orgueil déplaît à Dieu comme à l'homme et tous deux ont l'injustice en horreur.
8 A kingdom is transferred from one people to another because of injustices, and injuries, and contempt, and every kind of deceit.8 La souveraineté passe d'une nation à une autre par l'injustice, la violence et l'argent.
9 But nothing is more wicked than a greedy man. Why should that which is earth and ashes be arrogant?9 Pourquoi tant d'orgueil pour qui est terre et cendre, un être qui, vivant, a déjà les tripesdégoûtantes?
10 There is nothing more iniquitous than to love money. For such a one has sold even his own soul. For in his life, he casts aside his innermost being.10 Une longue maladie se moque du médecin, qui est roi aujourd'hui demain mourra.
11 All power is of short life. A prolonged sickness is of grave concern to a physician.11 Quand un homme meurt, il reçoit en partage les insectes, les fauves et les vers.
12 A physician causes a sickness to be shortened. So also, a king is here today, and tomorrow he will die.12 Le principe de l'orgueil, c'est d'abandonner le Seigneur et de tenir son coeur éloigné duCréateur.
13 For when a man dies, he will inherit serpents, and wild beasts, and worms.13 Car le principe de l'orgueil c'est le péché, celui qui s'y adonne répand l'abomination. C'estpourquoi le Seigneur lui a infligé d'étranges châtiments et l'a réduit à néant.
14 The beginning of the arrogance of man is apostasy from God.14 Le Seigneur a renversé le trône des puissants et fait asseoir à leur place les doux.
15 For his heart has withdrawn from the One who made him. For arrogance is the beginning of all sin. Whoever holds to it, will be filled with evil words, and it will overthrow him in the end.15 Le Seigneur a déraciné les orgueilleux et planté à leur place les humbles.
16 Because of this, the Lord has dishonored the gatherings of the evil, and he has destroyed them, even unto the end.16 Le Seigneur a bouleversé le territoire des nations et les a anéanties jusqu'aux fondementsde la terre.
17 God has destroyed the seats of arrogant leaders, and he has caused the meek to be seated in their place.17 Il les a quelquefois enlevées et détruites et a effacé du monde leur souvenir.
18 The roots of arrogant nations, God has dried up, and the humble among these nations, he has planted.18 L'orgueil n'est pas fait pour l'homme ni la violente colère pour la race de la femme.
19 The Lord has overthrown the lands of the Gentiles, and he has utterly destroyed them, even to their foundation.19 Quelle race est digne d'honneur? La race de l'homme. Quelle race est digne d'honneur?Ceux qui craignent le Seigneur. Quelle race est digne de mépris? La race de l'homme. Quelle race est digne demépris? Ceux qui violent la loi.
20 He has dried up some of them, and he has utterly destroyed them, and he has caused their memory to depart from the earth.20 Le chef est honoré parmi ses frères, ceux qui craignent le Seigneur sont honorés de lui.
21 God has abolished the memory of the arrogant, and he has left behind only the memory of those who are humble in mind.
22 Arrogance was not created for men, nor was an angry temperament created for the gender of women.22 Riche, chargé d'honneurs ou pauvre, qu'il mette sa fierté dans la crainte du Seigneur.
23 Those who fear God among the offspring of men will be honored. But those among the offspring who ignore the commandments of the Lord will be dishonored.23 Ce n'est pas bien de mépriser un pauvre intelligent, il ne convient pas d'honorer unpécheur.
24 In the midst of his brothers, a ruler has honor. And those who fear the Lord will have honor in his eyes.24 Grand, magistrat, puissant sont dignes d'honneur, mais nul n'est plus grand que celui quicraint le Seigneur.
25 The fear of God is the glory of the wealthy, and of the honorable, and of the poor.25 L'esclave sage a les hommes libres comme serviteurs et l'homme instruit ne se plaint pas.
26 Do not choose to despise a just man who is poor, and do not choose to magnify a sinful man who is rich.26 Ne fais pas le malin quand tu accomplis ta besogne, ne fais pas le glorieux quand tu esdans la gêne.
27 The great man, and the judge, and the powerful have honor. But no one is greater than he who fears God.27 Mieux vaut l'homme qui travaille et vit dans l'abondance que celui qui va se glorifiant etn'a pas de quoi vivre.
28 Those who are free will serve an understanding servant. And a prudent and disciplined man will not murmur at correction. But an ignorant man will not be honored.28 Mon fils, glorifie-toi modestement et apprécie-toi à ta juste valeur.
29 Do not choose to extol yourself in doing your work, and do not be unproductive during the time of distress.29 Qui oserait justifier celui qui se fait tort à soi-même et estimer celui qui se méprise?
30 He who works, and so abounds in all things, is better than he who boasts, and so lacks bread.30 On honore le pauvre pour son savoir et le riche pour ses richesses.
31 Son, preserve your soul in meekness, and give it honor according to its merit.31 Honoré dans la pauvreté, que serait-ce dans la richesse! méprisé dans la richesse, queserait-ce dans la pauvreté!
32 Who will justify one who sins in his soul? And who will honor one who dishonors his soul?
33 The poor man is glorified by his discipline and fear. And there is a man who is honored because of his substance.
34 But if someone is glorified in poverty, how much more in substance? And whoever is glorified in substance, let him fear poverty.