
Venerdi, 7 giugno 2024 - Sant' Andronico di Perm ( Letture di oggi)

Judith 13

1 So then, when it had become late, his servants hurried to their lodgings, and Vagao closed the chamber doors, and he went away.1 Cuando se hizo tarde, sus ayudantes se retiraron inmediatamente, Bagoas cerró la carpa por fuera, después de hacer salir a los que estaban con su señor, y todos se fueron a dormir, rendidos porque habían bebido demasiado.
2 But they were all drowsy from the wine.2 Sólo Judit quedó en la carpa, mientras Holofernes, completamente ebrio, yacía tendido en su lecho.
3 And Judith was alone in the chamber.3 Judit mandó a su servidora que se quedara fuera de su dormitorio y que la esperara a la salida como todos los días, porque había dicho que saldría para hacer oración y había hablado en el mismo sentido a Bagoas.
4 Moreover, Holofernes, being very inebriated, was fast asleep, reclining on his bed.4 Cuando todos ya se habían retirado de la carpa, y no quedaba nadie dentro de ella, ni grande ni pequeño, Judit, de pie junto al lecho de Holofernes, dijo en su corazón: «Señor, Dios todopoderoso, mira favorablemente en esta hora lo que voy a hacer para la exaltación de Jerusalén.
5 And Judith told her handmaid to stand outside before the chamber, and to watch.5 Ha llegado el momento de acudir en ayuda de tu herencia, y de realizar lo que me había propuesto para aplastar a los enemigos que se alzaron contra nosotros».
6 And Judith stood in front of the bed, praying with tears, and her lips moved in silence,6 Judit se aproximó entonces a la barra del lecho que estaba junto a la cabeza de Holofernes, descolgó de allí su espada,
7 saying: “Confirm me, O Lord God of Israel, and in this hour look kindly upon the works of my hands, so that, just as you promised, you may raise up Jerusalem, your city, and so that, believing through you that this plan is able to be accomplished, I may succeed.”7 y acercándose al lecho, lo tomó por la cabellera y exclamó: «¡Fortaléceme en esta hora, Dios de Israel!».
8 And when she had said this, she approached the pillar, which was at the head of the bed, and she released his blade, which was hanging tied to it.8 Luego le asestó dos golpes en el cuello con todas sus fuerzas y le cortó la cabeza.
9 And when she had unsheathed it, she grabbed him by the hair of his head, and she said, “Confirm me, O Lord God, in this hour.”9 Hizo rodar el cuerpo desde el lecho y arrancó el cortinado de las columnas. Poco después, salió y entregó a su servidora la cabeza de Holofernes.
10 And she struck him twice on his neck, and she cut off his head, and she took off his canopy from the pillars, and she rolled away the trunk of his body.10 Esta la metió en la bolsa de las provisiones, y las dos salieron juntas, como lo hacían habitualmente para la oración. Atravesaron el campamento y, bordeando el barranco, subieron la pendiente de Betulia hasta llegar a sus puertas.
11 And after a little while, she went out, and she delivered the head of Holofernes to her handmaid, and she ordered her to put it in her bag.11 Judit gritó desde lejos a los guardias de las puertas: «¡Abran, abran las puertas! Dios, nuestro Dios, está con nosotros para manifestar todavía su fuerza en Israel y su poder contra nuestros enemigos, como lo ha hecho hoy».
12 And the two went out, according to their custom, as if to prayer, and they passed through the camp, and having circled around the valley, they came to the gate of the city.12 Apenas escucharon su voz, la gente de la ciudad se apresuró a bajar a las puertas, y convocaron a los ancianos de la ciudad .
13 And Judith, from a distance, spoke to the watchmen on the walls, “Open the gates, for God is with us, and he has acted with his power in Israel.”13 Todos acudieron rápidamente, desde el más pequeño hasta el más grande, porque les parecía increíble que hubiera vuelto. Abrieron las puertas para recibirlas, encendieron una hoguera para poder ver y se agolparon alrededor de ellas.
14 And it happened that, when the men had heard her voice, they called the elders of the city.14 Judit les dijo en voz alta: «¡Alaben, alaben a Dios! Alaben a Dios, que no ha retirado su fidelidad del pueblo de Israel, sino que, por mi intermedio, ha destrozado esta noche a sus enemigos».
15 And all rushed toward her, from the least to the greatest. For, until then, they held no hope that she would return.15 Entonces sacó la cabeza de la bolsa y la mostró, diciendo: «Aquí está la cabeza de Holofernes, el general en jefe de los ejércitos asirios, y este es el cortinado bajo el cual estaba tendido completamente ebrio. ¡El Señor lo ha matado por la mano de una mujer!
16 And, enflaming the lights, they gathered all around her. But she climbed up to a higher place, and she ordered them to be made silent. And when all had quieted down,16 ¡Por la vida del Señor, que me protegió en el camino que recorrí! Mi rostro lo sedujo para su perdición, pero él no cometió conmigo ningún pecado que me manchara o me deshonrara».
17 Judith said: “Praise the Lord our God, who has not abandoned those who hope in him.17 Todo el pueblo quedó fuera de sí y, postrándose, adoraron a Dios y exclamaron unánimemente: «Bendito eres, Dios nuestro, porque hoy has aniquilado a los enemigos de tu pueblo».
18 And by me, his handmaid, he has fulfilled his mercy, which he promised to the house of Israel. And he has killed the enemy of his people, by my hand this night.”18 Ozías, por su parte, dijo a Judit: «Que el Dios Altísimo te bendiga, hija mía, más que a todas las mujeres de la tierra; y bendito sea el Señor Dios, creador del cielo y de la tierra, que te ha guiado para cortar la cabeza del jefe de nuestros enemigos.
19 Then, taking the head of Holofernes from the bag, she displayed it to them, saying: “Behold, the head of Holofernes the leader of the military of the Assyrians, and behold his canopy, under which he reclined in his drunkenness, where the Lord our God struck him by the hand of a woman.19 Nunca olvidarán los hombres la confianza que has demostrado y siempre recordarán el poder de Dios.
20 But, as the Lord himself lives, his angel has been my guardian both from my departure, and while staying there, and when returning from there. And the Lord has not permitted me, his handmaid, to be defiled, but he has called me back to you without the pollution of sin, rejoicing in his victory, in my escape, and in your liberation.20 Que Dios te exalte para siempre, favoreciéndote con sus bienes. Porque no vacilaste en exponer tu vida, al ver la humillación de nuestro pueblo, sino que has conjurado nuestra ruina, procediendo resueltamente delante de nuestro Dios». Y todo el pueblo añadió: «¡Amén! ¡Amén!».
21 Confess everything to him, for he is good, for his mercy is with every generation.”
22 Then everyone adored the Lord, and they said to her, “The Lord has blessed you by his power, because, through you, he has reduced our enemies to nothing.”
23 Furthermore, Uzziah, the leader of the people of Israel, said to her: “O daughter, you have been blessed by the Lord, the most high God, above all the women on earth.
24 Blessed is the Lord, who made heaven and earth, who has guided you in harming the head of the leader of our enemies.
25 For he has so magnified your name this day, that your praise will not retire from the mouth of men, who will be mindful of the power of the Lord forever, because you have risked your life for the sake of the distress and tribulation of your people, and you have prevented our ruin before the sight of our God.”
26 And all the people said: “Amen. Amen.”
27 And so, Achior was called, and he drew near, and Judith said to him: “The God of Israel, to whom you gave testimony, has avenged himself on his enemies. He has cut down the head of all unbelievers, by my hand this night.
28 And, so that you may determine that this is so, behold, the head of Holofernes, who, in the contempt of his pride, despised the God of Israel and threatened Israel with ruin, saying, ‘When the people of Israel have been captured, I will instruct your sides to be pierced through with a sword.’ ”
29 Then Achior, seeing the head of Holofernes, and being distressed by fear, fell upon his face on the ground, and his soul became agitated.
30 In truth, after this, when he had recovered his breath, he fell down before her feet, and he showed reverence for her, and he said:
31 “Blessed are you by your God, in every tabernacle of Jacob, for in every nation that will hear of your name, the God of Israel will be magnified over you.”