
Sabato, 1 giugno 2024 - San Giustino ( Letture di oggi)

Salmi 1

1 Beatus vir, qui non abiit in consilio impiorum
et in via peccatorum non stetit
et in conventu derisorum non sedit,
1 How blessed is anyone who rejects the advice of the wicked and does not take a stand in the path that sinners tread, nor a seat in company with cynics,
2 sed in lege Domini voluntas eius,
et in lege eius meditatur die ac nocte.
2 but who delights in the law of Yahweh and murmurs his law day and night.
3 Et erit tamquam lignum plantatum secus decursus aquarum,
quod fructum suum dabit in tempore suo;
et folium eius non defluet,
et omnia, quaecumque faciet, prosperabuntur.
3 Such a one is like a tree planted near streams; it bears fruit in season and its leaves never wither, and every project succeeds.
4 Non sic impii, non sic,
sed tamquam pulvis, quem proicit ventus.
4 How different the wicked, how different! Just like chaff blown around by the wind
5 Ideo non consurgent impii in iudicio,
neque peccatores in concilio iustorum.
5 the wicked will not stand firm at the Judgement nor sinners in the gathering of the upright.
6 Quoniam novit Dominus viam iustorum,
et iter impiorum peribit.
6 For Yahweh watches over the path of the upright, but the path of the wicked is doomed.