
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

Tobit 14

1 Tobit died peacefully at the age of a hundred and twelve, and received an honorable burial in Nineveh.1 E finirono i sermoni di Tobia. E vivette, poi ch' egli fue ralluminato, quarantadue anni; e vidde i figliuoli delli suoi nepoti.
2 He was sixty-two years old when he lost his eyesight, and after he recovered it he lived in prosperity, giving alms and continually blessing God and praising the divine Majesty.2 E da poi ch' egli ebbe vivuto cento due anni, fu seppellito nella città di Ninive onorevolmente.
3 Just before he died, he called his son Tobiah and Tobiah's seven sons, and gave him this command: "Son, take your children3 Certo egli perdè il lume de' suoi occhii nel cinquantasei anno della sua etade; e già avea sessanta anni, quando egli riebbe il lume.
4 and flee into Media, for I believe God's word which was spoken by Nahum against Nineveh. It shall all happen, and shall overtake Assyria and Nineveh; indeed, whatever was said by Israel's prophets, whom God commissioned, shall occur. Not one of all the oracles shall remain unfulfilled, but everything shall take place in the time appointed for it. So it will be safer in Media than in Assyria or Babylon. For I know and believe that whatever God has spoken will be accomplished. It shall happen, and not a single word of the prophecies shall prove false. "As for our kinsmen who dwell in Israel, they shall all be scattered and led away into exile from the Good Land. The entire country of Israel shall become desolate; even Samaria and Jerusalem shall become desolate! God's temple there shall be burnt to the ground and shall be desolate for a while.4 Tutto l'altro tempo della sua vita fu con letizia, e con buono profitto di timore di Dio, e morì in pace.
5 But God will again have mercy on them and bring them back to the land of Israel. They shall rebuild the temple, but it will not be like the first one, until the era when the appointed times shall be completed. Afterward all of them shall return from their exile, and they shall rebuild Jerusalem with splendor. In her the temple of God shall also be rebuilt; yes, it will be rebuilt for all generations to come, just as the prophets of Israel said of her.5 E nell' ora della sua morte chiamò a sè Tobia suo figliuolo, e sette giovani suoi figliuoli, e disse loro:
6 All the nations of the world shall be converted and shall offer God true worship; all shall abandon their idols which have deceitfully led them into error,6 Egli s' appressa il tempo della distruzione di Ninive; certo la parola di Dio non viene meno; e i nostri fratelli, che sono dispersi della terra d' Israel, torneranno a lei.
7 and shall bless the God of the ages in righteousness. Because all the Israelites who are to be saved in those days will truly be mindful of God, they shall be gathered together and go to Jerusalem; in security shall they dwell forever in the land of Abraham, which will be given over to them. Those who sincerely love God shall rejoice, but those who become guilty of sin shall completely disappear from the land.7 E tutta la sua terra deserta si riempirà, e la casa di Dio, che si arse, un' altra volta si riedificherà; e ivi torneranno tutti quelli che temono Iddio.
8 "Now, as for you, my son, depart from Nineveh; do not remain here.8 E le genti lasceranno i loro idoli; e verranno in Ierusalem, e abiteranno ivi dentro.
9 "Now, children, I give you this command: serve God faithfully and do what is right before him; you must tell your children to do what is upright and to give alms, to be mindful of God and at all times to bless his name sincerely and with all their strength.9 E tutti i re della terra si rallegreranno in lei, adorando il re d' Israel.
10 The day you bury your mother next to me, do not even stay overnight within the confines of the city. For I see that people here shamelessly commit all sorts of wickedness and treachery. Think, my son, of all that Nadab did to Ahiqar, the very one who brought him up: Ahiqar went down alive into the earth! Yet God made Nadab's disgraceful crime rebound against him. Ahiqar came out again into the light, but Nadab went into the everlasting darkness, for he had tried to kill Ahiqar. Because Ahiqar had given alms to me, he escaped from the deadly trap Nadab had set for him. But Nadab himself fell into the deadly trap, and it destroyed him.10 Adunque, figliuoli miei, udite il vostro padre: servite a Dio in veritade, e investigate acciò che voi facciate le cose che a lui piacciono.
11 So, my children, note well what almsgiving does, and also what wickedness does--it kills! But now my spirit is about to leave me."11 E comandate a' vostri figliuoli, che facciano giustizie ed elemosine, acciò che si ricordino di Dio, e benedicano lui in ogni tempo, in veritade e in tutta la loro virtude.
12 They placed him on his bed and he died; and he received an honorable burial. When Tobiah's mother died, he buried her next to his father. He then departed with his wife and children for Media, where he settled in Ecbatana with his father-in-law Raguel.12 Adunque, figliuoli miei, ora mi udite, e non dimorate qui; ma in qualunque di voi seppellirete la vostra madre a lato a me in uno sepolcro, incontanente vi partite quinci.
13 He took respectful care of his aging father-in-law and mother-in-law; and he buried them at Ecbatana in Media. Then he inherited Raguel's estate as well as that of his father Tobit.13 Imperciò ch' io veggio che la iniquitade di questa cittade le darà fine.
14 He died at the venerable age of a hundred and seventeen.14 E così venne [che] Tobia, dopo la morte della sua madre, si partì da Ninive. con la moglie sua, e coi figliuoli e colli figliuoli de' suoi figliuoli; e tornossi alli suoi suoceri.
15 But before he died, he heard of the destruction of Nineveh and saw its effects. He witnessed the exile of the city's inhabitants when Cyaxares, king of Media, led them captive into Media. Tobiah praised God for all that he had done against the citizens of Nineveh and Assyria. Before dying he rejoiced over Nineveh's destruction, and he blessed the Lord God forever and ever. Amen.15 E trovolli sani e salvi in buona vecchiezza; e portossi bene di loro, ed egli chiuse i suoi occhii; ed (egli) ebbe tutta la eredità della casa di Raguel, e vidde insino alla quinta generazione i figliuoli dei suoi figliuoli.
16 E poi ch' ebbe compiuto novantanove anni nel timore di Dio, con gaudio egli fu seppellito
17 da tutto il suo parentado. E tutta la sua generazione perseveroe in santa e buona vita, in tal modo ch' egli fu grazioso a Dio e agli uomini e a tutti gli abitatori della terra.