
Sabato, 15 giugno 2024 - Santa Germana ( Letture di oggi)

Livre de Judith 16

1 Entonnez un chant à mon Dieu sur les tambourins, chantez le Seigneur avec les cymbales, mêlezpour lui le psaume au cantique, exaltez et invoquez son nom!1 Then Judith sang this canticle to the Lord, saying:
2 Car le Seigneur est un Dieu briseur de guerres; il a établi son camp au milieu de son peuple, pourm'arracher de la main de mes adversaires.2 “Call to the Lord with drums, sing to the Lord with cymbals, play for him a new psalm, exalt and invoke his name.
3 Assur descendit des montagnes du septentrion, il vint avec les myriades de son armée. Leurmultitude obstruait les torrents, leurs chevaux couvraient les collines.3 The Lord crushes wars; the Lord is his name.
4 Ils parlaient d'embraser mon pays, de passer mes adolescents au fil de l'épée, de jeter à terre mesnourrissons, de livrer au butin mes enfants et mes jeunes filles au rapt.4 He has set up his camp in the midst of his people, to rescue us from the hand of all our enemies.
5 Mais le Seigneur Tout-Puissant le leur interdit par la main d'une femme.5 Assur came from the mountains, from the North, with the multitude of his strength. His multitude blockaded the torrents, and their horses covered the valleys.
6 Car leur héros n'est pas tombé devant des jeunes gens, ce ne sont pas des fils de titans qui l'ontfrappé, ni de fiers géants qui l'ont attaqué, mais c'est Judith, fille de Merari, qui l'a désarmé par la beauté de sonvisage.6 He told himself that he would set fire to my borders, and kill my young men with the sword, to give my children into plunder and my virgins into captivity.
7 Elle avait déposé son vêtement de deuil pour le réconfort des affligés d'Israël, elle avait oint sonvisage de parfums,7 But the almighty Lord has harmed him, and he has delivered him into the hands of a woman, and he has pierced him through.
8 elle avait emprisonné sa chevelure sous un turban, elle avait mis une robe de lin pour le séduire.8 For their powerful one did not fall by young men, nor did the sons of Titan strike him, nor did lofty giants set themselves against him, but Judith, the daughter of Merari, dissolved him with the splendor of her face.
9 Sa sandale ravit son regard, sa beauté captiva son âme... et le cimeterre lui trancha le cou!9 For she put away from herself the garments of widowhood, and she clothed herself with the garments of rejoicing, for the sake of the exultation of the sons of Israel.
10 Les Perses frémirent de son audace et les Mèdes furent confondus de sa hardiesse.10 She anointed her face with ointment, and she gathered the locks of her hair with a headdress; she accepted a new dress in order to deceive him.
11 Alors mes humbles crièrent, et eux prirent peur, mes faibles hurlèrent, et eux furent saisis d'effroi;ils enflèrent leur voix, et eux reculèrent.11 Her sandals ravished his eyes; her beauty made his soul her captive; with a blade, she cut off his head.
12 Des enfants de femmelettes les tuèrent, ils les transpercèrent comme des fils de déserteurs. Ilspérirent dans la bataille de mon Seigneur!12 The Persians were horrified at her constancy, and the Medes at her boldness.
13 Je veux chanter à mon Dieu un cantique nouveau. Seigneur, tu es grand, tu es glorieux, admirabledans ta force, invincible.13 Then the camp of the Assyrians howled, when my humble ones appeared, parched with thirst.
14 Que toute ta création te serve! Car tu as dit et les êtres furent, tu envoyas ton souffle et ils furentconstruits, et personne ne peut résister à ta voix.14 The sons of the servant girls have pierced them through, and, like fleeing servants, they have killed them. They perished in battle before the face of the Lord, my God.
15 Les montagnes crouleraient-elles pour se mêler aux flots, les rochers fondraient-ils comme la ciredevant ta face, qu'à ceux qui te craignent tu serais encore propice.15 Let us sing a canticle to the Lord; let us sing a new hymn to our God.
16 Certes, c'est peu de chose qu'un sacrifice d'agréable odeur, et moins encore la graisse qui t'estbrûlée en holocauste; mais qui craint le Seigneur est grand toujours.16 O Adonai, O Lord, you are great, and splendor is in your virtue, and no one is able to overcome you.
17 Malheur aux nations qui se dressent contre ma race! Le Seigneur Tout-Puissant les châtiera au jourdu jugement. Il enverra le feu et les vers dans leurs chairs et ils pleureront de douleur éternellement.17 Let all your creatures serve you. For you spoke, and they became. You sent forth your Spirit, and they were created. And there is no one who can withstand your voice.
18 Quand ils furent arrivés à Jérusalem, tous se prosternèrent devant Dieu et, une fois le peuplepurifié, ils offrirent leurs holocaustes, leurs oblations volontaires et leurs dons.18 The mountains will be moved from the foundations by the waters. The rocks, like wax, will liquefy before your face.
19 Judith voua à Dieu, en anathème, tout le mobilier d'Holopherne donné par le peuple et la draperiequ'elle avait elle-même enlevée de son lit.19 But those who fear you will be great with you, throughout all things.
20 La population se livra à l'allégresse devant le Temple, à Jérusalem, trois mois durant, et Judith restaavec eux.20 Woe to the people that rises up against my people. For the Lord almighty will be vindicated against them; in the day of judgment, he will visit them.
21 Ce temps écoulé, chacun revint chez soi. Judith regagna Béthulie et y demeura dans son domaine.De son vivant elle devint célèbre dans tout le pays.21 For he will bestow fire and worms on their flesh, so that they may burn and have sensations without ceasing.”
22 Beaucoup la demandèrent en mariage, mais elle ne connut point d'homme tous les jours de sa viedepuis que son mari Manassé était mort et avait été réuni à son peuple.22 And it happened that, after these things, all the people came to Jerusalem after the victory, to adore the Lord. And as soon as they were purified, they all offered holocausts, and vows, and their promises.
23 Son renom croissait de plus en plus tandis qu'elle avançait en âge dans la maison de son mari. Elleatteignit 105 ans. Elle affranchit sa servante, puis mourut à Béthulie et fut ensevelie dans la caverne où reposaitson mari Manassé.23 Moreover, Judith offered all the implements of war from Holofernes, which the people gave to her, and the canopy that she had taken away from his chamber, as an anathema unto oblivion.
24 La maison d'Israël célébra son deuil durant sept jours. Avant de mourir elle avait réparti ses biensdans la parenté de son mari Manassé et dans la sienne propre.24 But the people were cheerful before the face of the sanctuary, and for three months the gladness of this victory was celebrated with Judith.
25 Plus personne n'inquiéta les Israélites du temps de Judith ni longtemps encore après sa mort.25 And after those days, each one returned to his own house, and Judith became great in Bethulia, and she had great splendor in all the land of Israel.
26 For chastity was one with her virtue, so that she did not know man all the days of her life, after the passing away of her husband, Manasseh.
27 And then, on feast days, she came forth with great glory.
28 But she remained in her husband’s house for one hundred and five years, and she set her handmaid free. And she passed away and was buried with her husband in Bethulia.
29 And all the people mourned her, for seven days.
30 And, during all the time of her life, there was no one who disturbed Israel, nor for many years after her death.
31 Moreover, the day of the festivity of this victory was accepted by the Hebrews in the numbering of holy days, and it was religiously observed by the Jews, from that time, even to the present day.