
Venerdi, 20 settembre 2024 - Santi Martiri Coreani ( Letture di oggi)

1 Chronicles 10

1 Now the Philistines fought against Israel, and the men of Israel fled from before the Philistines, and fell down wounded in mount Gelboe.1 Os filisteus combatiam contra Israel e os israelitas puseram-se em fuga diante deles: muitos tombaram feridos de morte, na montanha de Gelboé.
2 And the Philistines drew near pursuing after Saul, and his sons, and they killed Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Melchisua the sons of Saul.2 Os filisteus lançaram-se a perseguir Saul e seus filhos; mataram Jônatas, Abinadab e Melquisua, filhos de Saul.
3 And the battle grew hard against Saul, and the archers reached him, and wounded him with arrows.3 Em seguida, o peso da luta voltou-se contra Saul; os arqueiros alcançaram-no e o feriram no ventre.
4 And Saul said to his armourbearer: Draw thy sword, and kill me: lest these uncircumcised come, and mock me. But his armourbearer would not, for he was struck with fear: so Saul took his sword, and fell upon it.4 Disse então Saul a seu escudeiro: Desembainha tua espada e transpassa-me, para que os incircuncisos não venham a ultrajar-me. Mas o escudeiro não o quis, tanto medo se apossava dele. Então Saul tirou sua espada e atirou-se sobre ela.
5 And when his armourbearer saw it, to wit, that Saul was dead, he also fell upon his sword and died.5 À vista de Saul morto, o escudeiro também se atirou sobre sua espada, e morreu.
6 So Saul died, and his three sons, and all his house fell together.6 Assim morreram Saul e seus três filhos; e toda a sua casa pereceu ao mesmo tempo.
7 And when the men of Israel, that dwelt in the plains, saw this, they fled: and Saul and his sons being dead, they forsook their cities, and were scattered up and down: and the Philistines came, and dwelt in them.7 Todos os israelitas que estavam na planície, vendo que os filhos de Israel recuavam e que Saul e seus filhos estavam mortos, abandonaram suas cidades e fugiram; e vieram os filisteus e estabeleceram-se nelas.
8 And the next day the Philistines taking away the spoils of them that were slain, found Saul and his sons lying on mount Gelboe.8 No dia seguinte, os filisteus, vindos para despojar os mortos, encontraram Saul e seus filhos estendidos na montanha de Gelboé.
9 And when they had stripped him, and cut off his head, and taken away his armour, they sent it into their land, to be carried about, and shewn in the temples of the idols and to the people.9 Despojaram-no, tiraram sua cabeça e suas armas, e as enviaram para anunciar as boas novas a toda a terra dos filisteus, diante de seus ídolos e do povo.
10 And his armour they dedicated in the temple of their god, and his head they fastened up in the temple of Dagon.10 Colocaram as armas de Saul no templo de seus deuses e suspenderam seu crânio no templo de Dagon.
11 And when the men of Jabes Galaad had heard this, to wit, all that the Philistines had done to Saul,11 Todos os habitantes de Jabes em Galaad, ao serem informados de tudo o que os filisteus tinham feito a Saul,
12 All the valiant men of them arose, and took the bodies of Saul and of his sons, and brought them to Jabes, and buried their bones under the oak that was in Jabes, and they fasted seven days.12 levantaram-se; todos os homens valentes tomaram o corpo de Saul e os corpos de seus filhos, e os transportaram para Jabes. Enterraram seus ossos debaixo do terebinto de Jabes e jejuaram durante sete dias.
13 So Saul died for his iniquities, because he transgressed the commandment of the Lord, which he had commanded, and kept it not: and moreover consulted also a witch,13 Saul morreu por causa da infidelidade, pela qual se tornara culpado contra o Senhor, não observando a palavra do Senhor e por ter consultado necromantes.
14 And trusted not is the Lord: therefore he slew him, and transferred his kingdom to David the son of Isai.14 Não consultou o Senhor e o Senhor o fez morrer, transferindo assim a realeza para Davi, filho de Isaí.