
Mercoledi, 12 giugno 2024 - San Gaspare Luigi Bertoni ( Letture di oggi)

Daniel 13

1 Había en Babilonia un hombre llamado Joaquín.1 And there was a man living in Babylon, and his name was Joakim.
2 El se había casado con una mujer llamada Susana, hija de Jilquías, que era muy hermosa y temía a Dios,2 And he received a wife named Susanna, the daughter of Hilkiah, who was very beautiful and God-fearing.
3 porque sus padres eran justos y habían instruido a su hija según la Ley de Moisés.3 For her parents, because they were righteous, had educated their daughter according to the law of Moses.
4 Joaquín era muy rico y tenía un jardín contiguo a su casa. Muchos judíos iban a visitarlo, porque era el más estimado de todos.4 But Joakim was very wealthy, and he had an orchard near his house, and the Jews flocked to him, because he was the most honorable of them all.
5 Aquel año, se había elegido como jueces a dos ancianos del pueblo. A ellos se refiere la palabra del Señor: «La iniquidad salió en Babilonia de los ancianos y de los jueces que se tenían por guías del pueblo».5 And two elder judges had been appointed among the people that year, about whom the Lord has said, “Iniquity has come out of Babylon, from the elder judges, who seemed to govern the people.”
6 Esos ancianos frecuentaban la casa de Joaquín y todos los que tenían algún pleito acudían a ellos.6 These frequented the house of Joakim, and all came to them, who had need of judgment.
7 Hacia el mediodía, cuanto todos ya se habían retirado, Susana iba a pasearse por el jardín con su esposo.7 But when the people departed at noontime, Susanna went in and walked around in her husband’s orchard.
8 Los dos ancianos, que la veían todos los días entrar para dar un paseo, comenzaron a desearla.8 And the elders saw her entering and walking around every day, and they were inflamed with desire towards her.
9 Ellos perdieron la cabeza y apartaron sus ojos para no mirar al Cielo y no acordarse de sus justos juicios.9 And they perverted their reason and turned away their eyes, so that they would not look to heaven, nor call to mind just judgments.
10 Los dos ardían de pasión por ella, pero se ocultaban mutuamente su tormento,10 And so they were both wounded by the love of her, yet they did not reveal their grief to one another.
11 porque sentían vergüenza de confesar el deseo que tenían de acostarse con ella,11 For they were ashamed to reveal to each other their desire, wanting to lie with her.
12 y se las ingeniaban para verla todos los días.12 And so they watched carefully every day to see her. And one said to the other,
13 Un día, después de decirse el uno al otro: «Volvamos a casa, es la hora de almorzar», se separaron y se fueron cada uno por su lado,13 “Let us go home, for it is lunch time.” And going out, they departed one from another.
14 pero ambos volvieron sobre sus pasos y se encontraron frente a frente. Obligados a darse una explicación, ambos confesaron su pasión y se pusieron de acuerdo para buscar el momento en que pudieran sorprender a solas a Susana.14 And returning again, they came to the same place, and, each asking the other the reason, they admitted their desire. And then they agreed to set a time when they would be able to find her alone.
15 Una vez, mientras ellos aguardaban una ocasión favorable, Susana entró como en los días anteriores, acompañada solamente por dos jóvenes servidoras, y como hacía calor, quiso bañarse en el jardín.15 But it happened, while they watched for an opportune day, that she entered at a particular time, just as yesterday and the day before, with only two maids, and she wanted to wash in the orchard, because it was so hot.
16 Allí no había nadie, fuera de los ancianos, escondidos y al acecho.16 And there was no one there, except the two elders in hiding, and they were studying her.
17 Ella dijo a las servidoras: «Tráiganme la crema y los perfumes, y cierren la puerta del jardín para que pueda bañarme».17 And so she said to the maids, “Bring me oil and ointments, and shut the doors of the orchard, so that I may wash.”
18 Las servidoras obedecieron, cerraron la puerta del jardín y salieron por la puerta lateral para ir a buscar lo que Susana les había ordenado, sin saber que los ancianos estaban escondidos.18 And they did as she ordered them. And they shut the doors of the orchard and left through a back door to fetch what she required, and they did not know that the elders were hiding within.
19 En cuanto las servidoras salieron, ellos se levantaron y arrojándose sobre ella le dijeron:19 But when the maids had departed, the two elders arose and hurried to her, and they said,
20 «La puerta del jardín está cerrada y nadie nos ve. Nosotros ardemos de pasión por ti; consiente y acuéstate con nosotros.20 “Behold, the doors of the orchard are closed, and no one can see us, and we are in desire for you. Because of these things, consent to us and lie with us.
21 Si te niegas, daremos testimonio contra ti, diciendo que un joven estaba contigo y que por eso habías hecho salir a tus servidoras».21 But if you will not, we will bear witness against you that a young man was with you and, for this reason, you sent your maids away from you.”
22 Susana gimió profundamente y dijo: «No tengo salida: si consiento me espera la muerte, si me resisto no escaparé de las manos de ustedes.22 Susanna sighed and said, “I am closed in on every side. For if I do this thing, it is death to me; yet if I do not do it, I will not escape your hands.
23 Pero prefiero caer entre sus manos sin haber hecho nada, que pecar delante del Señor».23 But it is better for me to fall unavoidably into your hands, than to sin in the sight of the Lord.”
24 Susana gritó con todas sus fuerzas; los dos ancianos también se pusieron a gritar contra ella,24 And Susanna cried out with a loud voice, but the elders also cried out against her.
25 y uno de ellos corrió a abrir la puerta del jardín.25 And one of them hurried to the door of the orchard and opened it.
26 Al oír esos gritos en el jardín, la gente de la casa se precipitó por la puerta lateral para ver lo que ocurría,26 And so, when the servants of the house heard the outcry in the orchard, they rushed in by the back door to see what was happening.
27 y cuando los ancianos contaron su historia, los servidores quedaron desconcertados, porque jamás se había dicho nada semejante de Susana.27 But after the old men had spoken, the servants were greatly ashamed, for there had never been anything of this kind said about Susanna. And it happened on the next day,
28 Al día siguiente, cuando el pueblo se reunió en casa de Joaquín, su marido, también llegaron los ancianos con la intención criminal de hacer morir a Susana.28 when the people came to Joakim her husband, that the two appointed elders also came, full of wicked plans against Susanna, in order to put her to death.
29 Ellos dijeron en presencia del pueblo: «Manden a buscar a Susana, hija de Jilquías, la mujer de Joaquín». Fueron a buscarla,29 And they said before the people, “Send for Susanna, daughter of Hilkiah, the wife of Joakim.” And immediately they sent for her.
30 y ella se presentó acompañada de sus padres, sus hijos y todos sus parientes.30 And she arrived with her parents, and sons, and all her relatives.
31 Susana era una mujer muy delicada y de gran hermosura,31 Moreover, Susanna was exceedingly delicate and beautiful in appearance.
32 y como tenía puesto el velo, aquellos malvados se lo hicieron quitar para complacerse con su belleza.32 But those wicked ones commanded that her face should be uncovered, (for she was covered,) so that at least they might be satisfied with her beauty.
33 Todos sus familiares lloraban, lo mismo que todos los que la veían.33 Therefore, her own and all who knew her wept.
34 Los dos ancianos se levantaron en medio de la asamblea y le pusieron las manos sobre la cabeza.34 Yet the two appointed elders, rising up in the midst of the people, set their hands upon her head.
35 Ella, bañada en lágrimas, levantó sus ojos al cielo, porque su corazón estaba lleno de confianza en el Señor .35 And weeping, she gazed up to heaven, for her heart had faith in the Lord.
36 Los ancianos dijeron: «Mientras nos paseábamos solos por el jardín, esta mujer entró allí con dos servidoras; cerró la puerta y después hizo salir a las servidoras.36 And the appointed elders said, “While we were talking a walk in the orchard alone, this one came in with two maids, and she shut the doors of the orchard, and she sent the maids away from her.
37 Entonces llegó un joven que estaba escondido y se acostó con ella.37 And a young man came to her, who was in hiding, and he lay down with her.
38 Nosotros, que estábamos en un rincón del jardín, al ver la infamia, nos precipitamos hacia ellos.38 Furthermore, since we were in a corner of the orchard, seeing this wickedness, we ran up to them, and we saw them consorting together.
39 Los vimos abrazados, pero no pudimos atrapar al joven, porque él era más fuerte que nosotros, y abriendo la puerta, se escapó.39 And, indeed, we were unable to catch him, because he was stronger than us, and opening the doors, he leaped out.
40 En cuanto a ella, la apresamos y le preguntamos quién era ese joven,40 But, since we had apprehended this one, we demanded to know who the young man was, but she was unwilling to tell us. On this matter, we are witnesses.”
41 pero ella no quiso decirlo. De todos esto somos testigos». La asamblea les creyó porque eran ancianos y jueces del pueblo, y Susana fue condenada a muerte.41 The multitude believed them, just as if they were elders and the judges of the people, and they condemned her to death.
42 Pero ella clamó en alta voz: «Dios eterno, tú que conoces los secretos, tú que conoces todas las cosas antes que sucedan,42 But Susanna cried out with a loud voice and said, “Eternal God, who knows what is hidden, who knows all things before they happen,
43 tú sabes que ellos han levantado contra mí un falso testimonio. Yo voy a morir sin haber hecho nada de todo lo que su malicia ha tramado contra mí».43 you know that they have borne false witness against me, and behold, I must die, though I have done none of these things, which these men have maliciously invented against me.”
44 El Señor escuchó su voz:44 But the Lord heeded her voice.
45 cuando la llevaban a la muerte, suscitó el santo espíritu de un joven llamado Daniel,45 And when she was led away to death, the Lord raised up the holy spirit of a young boy, whose name was Daniel.
46 que se puso a gritar: «¡Yo soy inocente de la sangre de esta mujer!».46 And he cried out with a loud voice, “I am clean of the blood of this one.”
47 Todos se volvieron hacia él y le preguntaron: «¿Qué has querido decir con esto?».47 And all the people, turning back towards him, said, “What is this word that you are saying?”
48 De pie, en medio de la asamblea, él respondió: «¿Son ustedes tan necios, israelitas? ¡Sin averiguar y sin tener evidencia ustedes han condenado a una hija de Israel!48 But he, while standing in the midst of them, said, “Are you so foolish, sons of Israel, that without judging and without knowing what the truth is, you have condemned a daughter of Israel?
49 Vuelvan al lugar del juicio, porque estos hombres han levantado un falso testimonio contra ella».49 Return to judgment, because they have spoken false witness against her.”
50 Todo el pueblo se apresuró a volver, y los ancianos dijeron a Daniel: «Ven a sentarte en medio de nosotros y dinos qué piensas, ya que Dios te ha dado la madurez de un anciano».50 Therefore, the people returned with haste, and the old men said to him, “Come and sit down in our midst and show us, since God has given you the honor of old age.”
51 Daniel les dijo: «Sepárenlos bien a uno del otro y yo los interrogaré».51 And Daniel said to them, “Separate these at a distance from one another, and I will judge between them.”
52 Cuando estuvieron separados, Daniel llamó a uno de ellos y le dijo: «¡Hombre envejecido en el mal! Ahora han llegado al colmo los pecados que cometías anteriormente52 And so, when they were divided, one from the other, he called one of them, and he said to him, “You deep-rooted ancient evil, now your sins have come out, which you have committed before,
53 cuando dictabas sentencias injustas, condenabas a los inocentes y absolvías a los culpables, a pesar de que el Señor ha dicho: «No harás morir al inocente y al justo».53 judging unjust judgments, oppressing the innocent, and setting free the guilty, though the Lord declares, ‘The innocent and the just you must not put to death.’
54 Si es verdad que tú la viste, dinos bajo qué árbol los has visto juntos». El respondió: «Bajo una acacia».54 Now then, if you saw her, declare under which tree you saw them conversing together.” He said, “Under an evergreen mastic tree.”
55 Daniel le dijo entonces: «Has mentido a costa de tu cabeza: el Angel de Dios ya ha recibido de él tu sentencia y viene a partirte por el medio».55 But Daniel said, “Truly, you have lied against your own head. For behold, the angel of God, having received the sentence from him, will split you down the middle.
56 Después que lo hizo salir, mandó venir al otro y le dijo: «¡Raza de Canaán y no de Judá, la belleza te ha descarriado, el deseo ha pervertido tu corazón!56 And, having put him aside, he commanded the other to approach, and he said to him, “You offspring of Canaan, and not of Judah, beauty has deceived you, and desire has perverted your heart.
57 Así obraban ustedes con las hijas de Israel, y el miedo hacía que ellas se les entregaran. ¡Pero una hija de Judá no ha podido soportar la iniquidad de ustedes!57 Thus did you do to the daughters of Israel, and they, out of fear, consorted with you, but a daughter of Judah would not tolerate your iniquity.
58 Dime ahora, ¿bajo qué árbol los sorprendiste juntos?». El respondió: «Bajo un ciprés».58 Now then, declare to me, under which tree you caught them conversing together.” He said, “Under an evergreen oak tree.”
59 Daniel le dijo entonces: «Tú también has mentido a costa de tu cabeza: el Angel de Dios te espera con la espada en la mano, para partirte por el medio. Así acabará con ustedes».59 And Daniel said to him, “Truly, you also have lied against your own head. For the angel of the Lord waits, holding a sword, to cut you down the middle and put you to death.”
60 Entonces toda la asamblea clamó en alta voz, bendiciendo a Dios que salva a los que esperan en él.60 And then the entire assembly cried out in a loud voice, and they blessed God, who saves those who hope in him.
61 Luego, todos se levantaron contra los dos ancianos, a los que Daniel por su propia boca había convencido de falso testimonio, y se les aplicó la misma pena que ellos habían querido infligir a su prójimo:61 And they rose up against the two appointed elders, (for Daniel had convicted them, by their own mouth, of bearing false witness,) and they did to them just as they had wickedly done against their neighbor,
62 Para cumplir la Ley de Moisés, se los condenó a muerte, y ese día se salvó la vida de una inocente.62 so as to act according to the law of Moses. And they put them to death, and innocent blood was saved on that day.
63 Jilquías y su mujer dieron gracias a Dios por su hija Susana, lo mismo que Joaquín, su marido, y todos sus parientes, porque nada indigno se había hallado en ella.63 But Hilkiah and his wife praised God for their daughter, Susanna, with Joakim, her husband, and all her relatives, because there had been found in her no disgrace.
64 Desde ese día, Daniel fue grande a los ojos del pueblo.64 And so Daniel became great in the sight of the people from that day, and thereafter.
65 And king Astyages was laid to rest with his fathers. And Cyrus the Persian received his kingdom.