
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Ecclesiasticus 22

1 In lapide luteo lapidatus est piger :
et omnes loquentur super aspernationem illius.
1 An idler is like a stone covered in filth, everyone whistles at his disgrace.
2 De stercore boum lapidatus est piger :
et omnis qui tetigerit eum excutiet manus.
2 An idler is like a lump of dung, anyone picking it up shakes it off his hand.
3 Confusio patris est de filio indisciplinato :
filia autem in deminoratione fiet.
3 It is a disgrace to have fathered a badly brought-up son, but the birth of any daughter is a loss;
4 Filia prudens hæreditas viro suo :
nam quæ confundit, in contumeliam fit genitoris.
4 a sensible daughter wil find a husband, but a shameless one is a grief to her father.
5 Patrem et virum confundit audax,
et ab impiis non minorabitur :
ab utrisque autem inhonorabitur.
5 A brazen daughter puts father and mother to shame, and wil be disowned by both.
6 Musica in luctu importuna narratio :
flagella et doctrina in omni tempore sapientia.
6 An untimely remonstrance is like music at a funeral, but a thrashing and correction are wisdom at altimes.
7 Qui docet fatuum,
quasi qui conglutinat testam.
8 Qui narrat verbum non audienti,
quasi qui excitat dormientem de gravi somno.
9 Cum dormiente loquitur qui enarrat stulto sapientiam :
et in fine narrationis dicit : Quis est hic ?
9 Teaching a fool is like gluing bits of pottery together -- you are rousing someone who is besotted withsleep.
10 Supra mortuum plora, defecit enim lux ejus :
et supra fatuum plora, defecit enim sensus.
10 You might as wel talk to someone sound asleep; when you have finished the fool will say, 'What'sup?'
11 Modicum plora super mortuum, quoniam requievit :
11 Shed tears for the dead, who has left the light behind; shed tears for the fool, who has left his witsbehind. Shed quieter tears for the dead who is at rest, for the fool life is worse than death.
12 nequissimi enim nequissima vita super mortem fatui.
12 Mourning for the dead lasts seven days, for the foolish and ungodly al the days of their lives.
13 Luctus mortui septem dies :
fatui autem et impii omnes dies vitæ illorum.
13 Do not waste many words on the stupid, do not go near a dolt. Beware of him, or you wil have troubleand be soiled by contact with him; keep away from him, and you will have peace of mind and not be exasperatedby his fol y.
14 Cum stulto ne multum loquaris,
et cum insensato ne abieris.
14 What is heavier than lead, and what is its name if not 'fool'?
15 Serva te ab illo, ut non molestiam habeas,
et non coinquinaberis peccato illius.
15 Sand and salt and a lump of iron are a lighter burden than a dolt.
16 Deflecte ab illo, et invenies requiem,
et non acediaberis in stultitia illius.
16 A tie-beam bonded into a building will not be dislodged by an earthquake; so too, a heart resolvedafter due reflection will not flinch at the critical moment.
17 Super plumbum quid gravabitur ?
et quod illi aliud nomen quam fatuus ?
17 A heart founded on intel igent reflection is like a stucco decoration on a smooth wall.
18 Arenam, et salem, et massam ferri facilius est ferre
quam hominem imprudentem, et fatuum, et impium.
18 Pebbles placed on top of a wal wil not stand up to the wind; no more can the heart of a fool frightenedat his own thoughts stand up to fear.
19 Loramentum ligneum colligatum in fundamento ædificii non dissolvetur,
sic et cor confirmatum in cogitatione consilii.
19 Prick an eye and you wil draw a tear, prick a heart and you reveal its feelings.
20 Cogitatus sensati in omni tempore metu non depravabitur.
20 Throw stones at birds and you scare them away, reproach a friend and you destroy a friendship.
21 Sicut pali in excelsis, et cæmenta sine impensa posita,
contra faciem venti non permanebunt :
21 If you have drawn your sword on a friend, do not despair; there is a way back.
22 sic et cor timidum in cogitatione stulti
contra impetum timoris non resistet.
22 If you have opened your mouth against your friend, do not worry; there is hope for reconciliation; butinsult, arrogance, betrayal of secrets, and the stab in the back -- in these cases any friend is lost.
23 Sicut cor trepidum in cogitatione fatui omni tempore non metuet,
sic et qui in præceptis Dei permanet semper.
23 Win your neighbour's confidence when he is poor, so that you may enjoy his later good fortune withhim; stand by him in times of trouble, in order to have your share when he comes into a legacy.
24 Pungens oculum deducit lacrimas,
et qui pungit cor profert sensum.
24 Fire is heralded by the reek of the furnace and smoke, so too, bloodshed by insults.
25 Mittens lapidem in volatilia, dejiciet illa :
sic et qui conviciatur amico, dissolvit amicitiam.
25 I shal not be ashamed to shelter a friend nor shal I hide away from him,
26 Ad amicum etsi produxeris gladium, non desperes :
est enim regressus.
Ad amicum
26 and if evil comes to me through him, everyone who hears about it will beware of him.
27 si aperueris os triste, non timeas :
est enim concordatio :
excepto convitio, et improperio, et superbia,
et mysterii revelatione, et plaga dolosa :
in his omnibus effugiet amicus.
27 Who wil set a guard on my mouth, and an efficient seal on my lips, to keep me from fal ing, and mytongue from causing my ruin?
28 Fidem posside cum amico in paupertate illius,
ut et in bonis illius læteris.
29 In tempore tribulationis illius permane illi fidelis,
ut et in hæreditate illius cohæres sis.
30 Ante ignem camini vapor et fumus ignis inaltatur :
sic et ante sanguinem maledicta, et contumeliæ, et minæ.
31 Amicum salutare non confundar,
a facie illius non me abscondam :
et si mala mihi evenerint per illum, sustinebo.
32 Omnis qui audiet cavebit se ab eo.
33 Quis dabit ori meo custodiam,
et super labia mea signaculum certum,
ut non cadam ab ipsis,
et lingua mea perdat me ?