
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Thobis 6

1 Profectus est autem Tobias, et canis secutus est eum, et mansit prima mansione juxta fluvium Tigris.1 And she dried her tears.
2 Et exivit ut lavaret pedes suos, et ecce piscis immanis exivit ad devorandum eum.2 The boy left with the angel, and the dog fol owed behind. The two walked on, and when the first eveningcame they camped beside the Tigris.
3 Quem expavescens Tobias clamavit voce magna, dicens : Domine, invadit me.3 The boy had gone down to the river to wash his feet, when a great fish leapt out of the water and triedto swal ow his foot. The boy gave a shout
4 Et dixit ei angelus : Apprehende branchiam ejus, et trahe eum ad te. Quod cum fecisset, attraxit eum in siccum, et palpitare cœpit ante pedes ejus.4 and the angel said, 'Catch the fish; do not let it go.' The boy mastered the fish and pulled it onto thebank.
5 Tunc dixit ei angelus : Exentera hunc piscem, et cor ejus, et fel, et jecur repone tibi : sunt enim hæc necessaria ad medicamenta utiliter.5 The angel said, 'Cut it open; take out gall, heart and liver; set these aside and throw the entrails away,for gal and heart and liver have curative properties.'
6 Quod cum fecisset, assavit carnes ejus, et secum tulerunt in via : cetera salierunt, quæ sufficerent eis, quousque pervenirent in Rages civitatem Medorum.6 The boy cut the fish open and took out gal and heart and liver. He fried part of the fish for his meal andkept some for salting. Then they walked on again together until they were nearly in Media.
7 Tunc interrogavit Tobias angelum, et dixit ei : Obsecro te, Azaria frater, ut dicas mihi quod remedium habebunt ista, quæ de pisce servare jussisti ?7 Then the boy asked the angel this question, 'Brother Azarias, what can the fish's heart, liver and galcure?'
8 Et respondens angelus, dixit ei : Cordis ejus particulam si super carbones ponas, fumus ejus extricat omne genus dæmoniorum sive a viro, sive a muliere, ita ut ultra non accedat ad eos.8 He replied, 'You burn the fish's heart and liver, and their smoke is used in the case of a man or womanplagued by a demon or evil spirit; any such affliction disappears for good, leaving no trace.
9 Et fel valet ad ungendos oculos in quibus fuerit albugo, et sanabuntur.
9 As regards the gal , this is used as an eye ointment for anyone having white spots on his eyes; afterusing it, you have only to blow on the spots to cure them.'
10 Et dixit ei Tobias : Ubi vis ut maneamus ?10 They entered Media and had nearly reached Ecbatana
11 Respondensque angelus, ait : Est hic Raguel nomine, vir propinquus de tribu tua, et hic habet filiam nomine Saram, sed neque masculum neque feminam ullam habet aliam præter eam.11 when Raphael said to the boy, 'Brother Tobias.' 'Yes?' he replied. The angel went on, 'Tonight we areto stay with Raguel, who is a kinsman of yours. He has a daughter cal ed Sarah,
12 Tibi debetur omnis substantia ejus, et oportet eam te accipere conjugem.12 but apart from Sarah he has no other son or daughter. Now you are her next of kin; she belongs to youbefore anyone else and you may claim her father's inheritance. She is a thoughtful, courageous and very lovelygirl, and her father loves her dearly.
13 Pete ergo eam a patre ejus, et dabit tibi eam in uxorem.13 You have the right to marry her. Listen, brother; this very evening I shal speak about the girl to herfather and arrange for her to be betrothed to you, and when we come back from Rhages we can celebrate themarriage. I assure you, Raguel has no right whatever to refuse you or to betroth her to anyone else. That wouldbe asking for death, as prescribed in the Book of Moses, once he is aware that kinship gives you the pre-eminent right to marry his daughter. So listen, brother. This very evening we shal speak about the girl and askfor her hand in marriage. When we come back from Rhages we shal fetch her and take her home with us.'
14 Tunc respondit Tobias, et dixit : Audio quia tradita est septem viris, et mortui sunt : sed et hoc audivi, quia dæmonium occidit illos.14 Tobias replied to Raphael, 'Brother Azarias, I have been told that she has already been given inmarriage seven times and that each time her bridegroom has died in the bridal room. He died the same night ashe entered her room; and I have heard people say it was a demon that killed them,
15 Timeo ergo, ne forte et mihi hæc eveniant : et cum sim unicus parentibus meis, deponam senectutem illorum cum tristitia ad inferos.15 and this makes me afraid. To her the demon does no harm because he loves her, but as soon as aman tries to approach her, he kil s him. I am my father's only son, and I have no wish to die. I do not want myfather and mother to grieve over me for the rest of their lives; they have no other son to bury them.'
16 Tunc angelus Raphaël dixit ei : Audi me, et ostendam tibi qui sunt, quibus prævalere potest dæmonium.16 The angel said, 'Have you forgotten your father's advice? After all, he urged you to choose a wife fromyour father's family. Listen then, brother. Do not worry about the demon; take her. This very evening, I promise,she wil be given you as your wife.
17 Hi namque qui conjugium ita suscipiunt, ut Deum a se et a sua mente excludant, et suæ libidini ita vacent sicut equus et mulus quibus non est intellectus : habet potestatem dæmonium super eos.17 Then once you are in the bridal room, take the heart and liver of the fish and lay a little of it on theburning incense. The reek will rise,
18 Tu autem cum acceperis eam, ingressus cubiculum, per tres dies continens esto ab ea, et nihil aliud nisi orationibus vacabis cum ea.18 the demon wil smel it and flee, and there is no danger that he wil ever be found near the girl again.Then, before you sleep together, first stand up, both of you, and pray. Ask the Lord of heaven to grant you hisgrace and protection. Do not be afraid; she was destined for you from the beginning, and you are the one tosave her. She will fol ow you, and I pledge my word she wil give you children who will be like brothers to you. Donot worry.' And when Tobias heard Raphael say this, when he understood that Sarah was his sister, akinswoman of his father's family, he fel so deeply in love with her that he could no longer cal his heart his own.
19 Ipsa autem nocte, incenso jecore piscis, fugabitur dæmonium.
20 Secunda vero nocte in copulatione sanctorum patriarcharum admitteris.
21 Tertia autem nocte, benedictionem consequeris, ut filii ex vobis procreentur incolumes.
22 Transacta autem tertia nocte, accipies virginem cum timore Domini, amore filiorum magis quam libidine ductus, ut in semine Abrahæ benedictionem in filiis consequaris.