
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Judges 19

1 There was a certain man, a Levite, living beside mount Ephraim, who took a wife from Bethlehem of Judah.1 وفي تلك الايام حين لم يكن ملك في اسرائيل كان رجل لاوي متغربا في عقاب جبل افرايم. فاتخذ له امرأة سرية من بيت لحم يهوذا.
2 She left him, and she returned to the house of her father in Bethlehem. And she stayed with him for four months.2 فزنت عليه سريته وذهبت من عنده الى بيت ابيها في بيت لحم يهوذا وكانت هناك اياما اربعة اشهر.
3 And her husband followed her, wishing to be reconciled with her, and to speak kindly to her, and to lead her back with him. And he had with him a servant and two donkeys. And she received him, and brought him into the house of her father. And when his father-in-law had heard about this, and had seen him, he met him with joy.3 فقام رجلها وسار وراءها ليطيّب قلبها ويردّها ومعه غلامه وحماران. فادخلته بيت ابيها. فلما رآه ابو الفتاة فرح بلقائه.
4 And he embraced the man. And the son-in-law stayed in the house of his father-in-law for three days, eating and drinking with him in a friendly manner.4 وامسكه حموه ابو الفتاة فمكث معه ثلاثة ايام فأكلوا وشربوا وباتوا هناك.
5 But on the fourth day, arising in the night, he intended to set out. But his father-in-law took hold of him, and he said to him, “First taste a little bread, and strengthen your stomach, and then you shall set out.”5 وكان في اليوم الرابع انهم بكروا صباحا وقام للذهاب. فقال ابو الفتاة لصهره اسند قلبك بكسرة خبز وبعد تذهبون.
6 And they sat down together, and they ate and drank. And the father of the young woman said to his son-in-law, “I ask you to remain here today, so that we may rejoice together.”6 فجلسا وأكلا كلاهما معا وشربا. وقال ابو الفتاة للرجل ارتض وبتّ وليطب قلبك.
7 But getting up, he intended to begin to set out. But nevertheless, his father-in-law pressed him resolutely, and made him remain with him.7 ولما قام الرجل للذهاب الحّ عليه حموه فعاد وبات هناك.
8 But when morning came, the Levite was preparing for his journey. And his father-in-law said to him again, “I beg you to take a little food, and to be strengthened, until the daylight increases, and after that, you shall set out.” Therefore, they ate together.8 ثم بكر في الغد في اليوم الخامس للذهاب فقال ابو الفتاة اسند قلبك. وتوانوا حتى يميل النهار. واكلا كلاهما.
9 And the young man got up, so that he might travel with his wife and servant. And his father-in-law spoke to him again: “Consider that the daylight is declining, and it approaches toward evening. Remain with me also today, and spend the day in gladness. And tomorrow you shall set out, so that you may go to your own house.”9 ثم قام الرجل للذهاب هو وسريته وغلامه فقال له حموه ابو الفتاة ان النهار قد مال الى الغروب. بيتوا الآن. هوذا آخر النهار. بتّ هنا وليطب قلبك وغدا تبكرون في طريقكم وتذهب الى خيمتك.
10 His son-in-law was not willing to agree to his words. Instead, he immediately continued on, and he arrived opposite Jebus, which by another name is called Jerusalem, leading with him two donkeys carrying burdens, and his mate.10 فلم يرد الرجل ان يبيت بل قام وذهب وجاء الى مقابل يبوس. هي اورشليم. ومعه حماران مشدودان وسريته معه
11 And now they were near Jebus, but day was turning into night. And the servant said to his lord, “Come, I beg you, let us turn aside to the city of the Jebusites, so that we may find lodging in it.”11 وفيما هم عند يبوس والنهار قد انحدر جدا قال الغلام لسيده تعال نميل الى مدينة اليبوسيين هذه ونبيت فيها.
12 His lord responded to him: “I will not enter into the town of a foreign people, who are not of the sons of Israel. Instead, I will cross over as far as Gibeah.12 فقال له سيده لا نميل الى مدينة غريبة حيث ليس احد من بني اسرائيل هنا. نعبر الى جبعة.
13 And when I will have arrived there, we will lodge in that place, or at least in the city of Ramah.”13 وقال لغلامه تعال نتقدم الى احد الاماكن ونبيت في جبعة او في الرامة.
14 Therefore, they passed by Jebus, and continuing on, they undertook the journey. But the sun went down on them when they were near Gibeah, which is of the tribe of Benjamin.14 فعبروا وذهبوا وغابت لهم الشمس عند جبعة التي لبنيامين.
15 And so they diverted to it, so that they might lodge there. And when they had entered, they were sitting in the street of the city. For no one was willing to give them hospitality.15 فمالوا الى هناك لكي يدخلوا ويبيتوا في جبعة. فدخل وجلس في ساحة المدينة ولم يضمّهم احد الى بيته للمبيت.
16 And behold, they saw an old man, returning from the field and from his work in the evening, and he was also from mount Ephraim, and he was living as a stranger in Gibeah. For the men of that region were of the sons of Benjamin.16 واذا برجل شيخ جاء من شغله من الحقل عند المساء. والرجل من جبل افرايم وهو غريب في جبعة ورجال المكان بنيامينيون.
17 And the old man, lifting up his eyes, saw the man sitting with his bundles in the street of the city. And he said to him: “Where have you come from? And where are you going?”17 فرفع عينيه ورأى الرجل المسافر في ساحة المدينة فقال الرجل الشيخ الى اين تذهب ومن اين اتيت.
18 He answered him: “We set out from Bethlehem of Judah, and we are traveling to our own place, which is beside mount Ephraim. From there we went to Bethlehem, and now we go to the house of God. But no one is willing to receive us under his roof.18 فقال له نحن عابرون من بيت لحم يهوذا الى عقاب جبل افرايم. انا من هناك وقد ذهبت الى بيت لحم يهوذا وانا ذاهب الى بيت الرب وليس احد يضّمني الى البيت.
19 We have straw and hay as fodder for the donkeys, and we have bread and wine for the use of myself, and for your handmaid and the servant who is with me. We lack nothing except lodging.”19 وايضا عندنا تبن وعلف لحميرنا وايضا خبز وخمر لي ولامتك وللغلام الذي مع عبيدك. ليس احتياج الى شيء.
20 And the old man responded to him: “Peace be with you. I will provide all that is necessary. Only, I beg you, do not stay in the street.”20 فقال الرجل الشيخ السلام لك. انما كل احتياجك عليّ ولكن لا تبت في الساحة.
21 And he led him into his house, and he gave fodder to his donkeys. And after they had washed their feet, he received them with a banquet.21 وجاء به الى بيته وعلف حميرهم فغسلوا ارجلهم وأكلوا وشربوا
22 And while they were feasting, and were refreshing their bodies with food and drink after the labor of the journey, the men of that city, sons of Belial (that is, without yoke), came and surrounded the old man’s house. And they began to knock at the door, calling out to the lord of the house, and saying, “Bring out the man who entered your house, so that we may abuse him.”22 وفيما هم يطيبون قلوبهم اذا برجال المدينة رجال بني بليعال احاطوا بالبيت قارعين الباب وكلموا الرجل صاحب البيت الشيخ قائلين اخرج الرجل الذي دخل بيتك فنعرفه.
23 And the old man went out to them, and he said: “Do not choose, brothers, do not choose to do this evil. For this man has entered to my hospitality. And you must cease from this senselessness.23 فخرج اليهم الرجل صاحب البيت وقال لهم لا يا اخوتي لا تفعلوا شرا. بعدما دخل هذا الرجل بيتي لا تفعلوا هذه القباحة.
24 I have a virgin daughter, and this man has a mate. I will lead them out to you, so that you may debase them and may satisfy your lust. Only, I beg you, do not commit this crime against nature on the man.”24 هوذا ابنتي العذراء وسريته دعوني اخرجهما فاذلوهما وافعلوا بهما ما يحسن في اعينكم واما هذا الرجل فلا تعملوا به هذا الامر القبيح.
25 But they were not willing to agree to his words. So the man, discerning this, led out his mate to them, and he delivered her to their sexual abuse. And when they had abused her for the entire night, they released her in the morning.25 فلم يرد الرجال ان يسمعوا له. فامسك الرجل سريته واخرجها اليهم خارجا فعرفوها وتعللوا بها الليل كله الى الصباح وعند طلوع الفجر اطلقوها.
26 But the woman, as darkness was receding, came to the door of the house, where her lord was staying, and there she fell down.26 فجاءت المرأة عند اقبال الصباح وسقطت عند باب بيت الرجل حيث سيدها هناك الى الضوء.
27 When morning came, the man arose, and he opened the door, so that he might complete the journey that he had begun. And behold, his mate was lying before the door, with her hands reaching out to the threshold.27 فقام سيدها في الصباح وفتح ابواب البيت وخرج للذهاب في طريقه واذا بالمرأة سريته ساقطة على باب البيت ويداها على العتبة.
28 And he, thinking that she was resting, said to her, “Get up, and let us walk.” But since she gave no response, realizing that she had died, he took her up, and he laid her on his donkey, and he returned to his house.28 فقال لها قومي نذهب. فلم يكن مجيب. فأخذها على الحمار وقام الرجل وذهب الى مكانه.
29 And when he had arrived, he took up a sword, and he cut into pieces the dead body of his wife, with her bones, into twelve parts. And he sent the pieces into all the parts of Israel.29 ودخل بيته واخذ السكين وامسك سريته وقطعها مع عظامها الى اثنتي عشرة قطعة وارسلها الى جميع تخوم اسرائيل.
30 And when each one had seen this, they were crying out together, “Never has such a thing been done in Israel, from the day that our fathers ascended from Egypt, even to the present time. Let a sentence be brought and let us decide in common what ought to be done.”30 وكل من رأى قال لم يكن ولم ير مثل هذا من يوم صعود بني اسرائيل من ارض مصر الى هذا اليوم. تبصّروا فيه وتشاوروا وتكلموا