
Lunedi, 21 ottobre 2024 - San Orsola ( Letture di oggi)

2 Peter 1


1Simon Peter, servant and Apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have been allotted an equal faith with us in the justice of our God and in our Savior Jesus Christ.2Grace to you. And may peace be fulfilled according to the plan of God and of Christ Jesus our Lord,3in the same manner that all things which are for life and piety have been given to us by his Divine virtue, through the plan of him who has called us to our own glory and virtue.4Through Christ, he has given us the greatest and most precious promises, so that by these things you may become sharers in the Divine Nature, fleeing from the corruption of that desire which is in the world.5But as for you, taking up every concern, minister virtue in your faith; and in virtue, knowledge;6and in knowledge, moderation; and in moderation, patience; and in patience, piety;7and in piety, love of brotherhood; and in love of brotherhood, charity.8For if these things are with you, and if they abound, they will cause you to be neither empty, nor without fruit, within the plan of our Lord Jesus Christ.9For he who does not have these things at hand is blind and groping, being forgetful of his purification from his former offenses.10Because of this, brothers, be all the more diligent, so that by good works you may make certain your calling and election. For in doing these things, you do not sin at any time.11For in this way, you shall be provided abundantly with an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.12For this reason, I will always begin to admonish you about these things, even though, certainly, you know them and are confirmed in the present truth.13But I consider it just, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up with admonishments.14For it is certain that the laying to rest of this, my tabernacle, is approaching swiftly, just as our Lord Jesus Christ has also indicated to me.15Therefore, I will present a work for you to have, so that, frequently after my passing, you may call to mind these things.16For it was not by following fanciful doctrines that we made known to you the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were made eyewitnesses of his greatness.17For he received honor and glory from God the Father, whose voice descended to him from the magnificent glory: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him.”18We also heard this voice conveyed from heaven, when we were with him on the holy mountain.19And so, we have an even firmer prophetic word, to which you would do well to listen, as to a light shining within a dark place, until the day dawns, and the daystar rises, in your hearts.20Understand this first: that every prophecy of Scripture does not result from one’s own interpretation.21For prophecy was not conveyed by human will at any time. Instead, holy men were speaking about God while inspired by the Holy Spirit.