
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

Leviticus 22

1 The LORD said to Moses,1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:
2 "Tell Aaron and his sons to respect the sacred offerings which the Israelites consecrate to me; else they will profane my holy name. I am the LORD.2 'Speak to Aaron and his sons. They must be consecrated by the holy offerings of the Israelites andmust not profane my holy name; for my sake they must sanctify it; I am Yahweh.
3 "Tell them: If any one of you, or of your descendants in any future generation, dares, while he is in a state of uncleanness, to draw near the sacred offerings which the Israelites consecrate to the LORD, such a one shall be cut off from my presence. I am the LORD.3 Say to them: "Any one of your descendants, for al time, who in a state of uncleanness approaches theholy offerings consecrated to Yahweh by the Israelites, wil be outlawed from my presence. I am Yahweh.
4 "No descendant of Aaron who is stricken with leprosy, or who suffers from a flow, may eat of these sacred offerings, unless he again becomes clean. Moreover, if anyone touches a person who has become unclean by contact with a corpse, or if anyone has had an emission of seed,4 "Anyone of Aaron's line who is afflicted with a contagious skin-disease or a discharge will not eat holythings until he is clean. Anyone who touches anything made unclean by a dead body, or who has a seminaldischarge,
5 or if anyone touches any swarming creature or any man whose uncleanness, of whatever kind it may be, is contagious,5 or who is made unclean by touching any kind of reptile or any one who has contaminated him with hisown uncleanness, be it what it may,
6 the one who touches such as these shall be unclean until evening and may not eat of the sacred portions until he has first bathed his body in water,6 in short, anyone who has had any such contact wil be unclean until evening, and must not eat holythings until he has washed his body.
7 then, when the sun sets, he again becomes clean. Only then may he eat of the sacred offerings, which are his food.7 At sunset he wil be clean and may then eat holy things, for these are his food.
8 He shall not make himself unclean by eating of any animal that has died of itself or has been killed by wild beasts. I am the LORD.8 "He must not eat an animal that has died a natural death or been savaged; he would contractuncleanness from it. I am Yahweh.
9 "They shall keep my charge and not do wrong in this matter; else they will die for their profanation. I am the LORD who have consecrated them.9 "They must keep my rules and not burden themselves with sin. If they profane them, they will incurdeath; I, Yahweh, have sanctified them.
10 "Neither a lay person nor a priest's tenant or hired servant may eat of any sacred offering.10 "No lay person may eat anything holy; no guest or employee of a priest may eat anything holy.
11 But a slave whom a priest acquires by purchase or who is born in his house may eat of his food.11 But if the priest has acquired a slave by purchase, the slave may eat it like anyone born in hishousehold; they will share his food.
12 A priest's daughter who is married to a layman may not eat of the sacred contributions.12 "If a priest's daughter marries a layman, she will have no share in the holy things set aside,
13 But if a priest's daughter is widowed or divorced and, having no children, returns to her father's house, she may then eat of her father's food as in her youth. No layman, however, may eat of it.13 but if she is widowed or divorced and, being childless, has had to return to her father's house aswhen she was young, she may share her father's food. No lay person may share it;
14 If such a one eats of a sacred offering through inadvertence, he shall make restitution to the priest for the sacred offering, with an increment of one fifth of the amount.14 anyone who does eat a holy thing by inadvertence, wil restore it to the priest with one-fifth added.
15 The sacred offerings which the Israelites contribute to the LORD the priests shall not allow to be profaned15 "They may not profane the holy offerings which the Israelites have set aside for Yahweh.
16 nor in the eating of the sacred offering shall they bring down guilt that must be punished; it is I, the LORD, who make them sacred."16 By eating these, they would burden them with guilt requiring a sacrifice of reparation; for I, Yahweh, have sanctified these offerings." '
17 The LORD said to Moses,17 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:
18 "Speak to Aaron and his sons and to all the Israelites, and tell them: When anyone of the house of Israel, or any alien residing in Israel, who wishes to offer a sacrifice, brings a holocaust as a votive offering or as a free-will offering to the LORD,18 'Speak to Aaron, to his sons, and to al the Israelites and say: "Any member of the House of Israel orany alien resident in Israel who brings an offering either in payment of a vow or as a voluntary gift, and offers itas a burnt offering to Yahweh,
19 if it is to be acceptable, the ox or sheep or goat that he offers must be an unblemished male.19 must, if he is to be acceptable, offer an unblemished male, be it bul or sheep or goat.
20 You shall not offer one that has any defect, for such a one would not be acceptable for you.20 You wil not offer anything with a blemish, for it would not make you acceptable.
21 When anyone presents a peace offering to the LORD from the herd or the flock in fulfillment of a vow, or as a free-will offering, if it is to find acceptance, it must be unblemished; it shall not have any defect.21 "If anyone offers Yahweh a communion sacrifice, either to fulfil a vow or as a voluntary offering, theanimal, be it from the herd or flock, must be perfect, if he is to be acceptable; it must be unblemished.
22 One that is blind or crippled or maimed, or one that has a running sore or mange or ringworm, you shall not offer to the LORD; do not put such an animal on the altar as an oblation to the LORD.22 You wil not offer Yahweh any animal which is blind, lame, mutilated, ulcerous, scabby or covered insores. No part of such an animal wil be offered on the altar as food burnt for Yahweh.
23 An ox or a sheep that is in any way ill-proportioned or stunted you may indeed present as a free-will offering, but it will not be acceptable as a votive offering.23 As a voluntary offering, you may offer a bul or a lamb that is underdeveloped or deformed; but suchwil not be acceptable in payment of a vow.
24 One that has its testicles bruised or crushed or torn out or cut off you shall not offer to the LORD. You shall neither do this in your own land24 You wil not offer Yahweh an animal if its testicles have been bruised, crushed, torn or cut off. Youmay not do that in your country,
25 nor receive from a foreigner any such animals to offer up as the food of your God; since they are deformed or defective, they will not be acceptable for you."25 and you may not accept any such from the hands of a stranger, to be offered as food for your God.Their deformity is a blemish, and they would not make you acceptable." '
26 The LORD said to Moses,26 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said:
27 "When an ox or a lamb or a goat is born, it shall remain with its mother for seven days; only from the eighth day onward will it be acceptable, to be offered as an oblation to the LORD.27 'A calf, lamb, or kid will stay with its dam for seven days after being born. From the eighth dayonwards, it wil be acceptable as food burnt for Yahweh.
28 You shall not slaughter an ox or a sheep on one and the same day with its young.28 But no animal, whether cow or ewe, wil be slaughtered on the same day as its young.
29 Whenever you offer a thanksgiving sacrifice to the LORD, so offer it that it may be acceptable for you;29 'If you offer Yahweh a sacrifice with praise, do it in the acceptable manner;
30 it must, therefore, be eaten on the same day; none of it shall be left over until the next day. I am the LORD.30 it must be eaten the same day; you wil leave nothing over til next morning. I am Yahweh.
31 "Be careful to observe the commandments which I, the LORD, give you,31 'You wil keep my commands and put them into practice. I am Yahweh.
32 and do not profane my holy name; in the midst of the Israelites I, the LORD, must be held as sacred. It is I who made you sacred32 You wil not profane my holy name -- so that I may be honoured as holy among the Israelites, I,Yahweh, who make you holy,
33 and led you out of the land of Egypt, that I, the LORD, might be your God."33 I who brought you out of Egypt, to be your God, I, Yahweh.'