
Lunedi, 10 giugno 2024 - Santa Faustina di Cizico ( Letture di oggi)

Deuteronomio (تثنية) 19

1 متى قرض الرب الهك الامم الذين الرب الهك يعطيك ارضهم وورثتهم وسكنت مدنهم وبيوتهم1 "When the LORD, your God, removes the nations whose land he is giving you, and you have taken their place and are settled in their cities and houses,
2 تفرز لنفسك ثلاث مدن في وسط ارضك التي يعطيك الرب الهك لتمتلكها.2 you shall set apart three cities in the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you to occupy.
3 تصلح الطريق وتثلث تخوم ارضك التي يقسم لك الرب الهك فتكون لكي يهرب اليها كل قاتل.3 You shall thereby divide into three regions the land which the LORD, your God, will give you as a heritage, and so arrange the routes that every homicide will be able to find a refuge.
4 وهذا هو حكم القاتل الذي يهرب الى هناك فيحيا. من ضرب صاحبه بغير علم وهو غير مبغض له منذ امس وما قبله.4 "It is in the following case that a homicide may take refuge in such a place to save his life: when someone unwittingly kills his neighbor to whom he had previously borne no malice.
5 ومن ذهب مع صاحبه في الوعر ليحتطب حطبا فاندفعت يده بالفاس ليقطع الحطب وافلت الحديد من الخشب واصاب صاحبه فمات فهو يهرب الى احدى تلك المدن فيحيا.5 For example, if he goes with his neighbor to a forest to cut wood, and as he swings his ax to fell a tree, its head flies off the handle and hits his neighbor a mortal blow, he may take refuge in one of these cities to save his life.
6 لئلا يسعى ولي الدم وراء القاتل حين يحمى قلبه ويدركه اذا طال الطريق ويقتله وليس عليه حكم الموت لانه غير مبغض له منذ امس وما قبله.6 Should the distance be too great, the avenger of blood may in the heat of his anger pursue the homicide and overtake him and strike him dead, even though he does not merit death since he had previously borne the slain man no malice.
7 لاجل ذلك انا آمرك قائلا ثلاث مدن تفرز لنفسك.7 That is why I order you to set apart three cities.
8 وان وسّع الرب الهك تخومك كما حلف لآبائك واعطاك جميع الارض التي قال انه يعطي لآبائك8 "But if the LORD, your God, enlarges your territory, as he swore to your fathers, and gives you all the land he promised your fathers he would give
9 اذا حفظت كل هذه الوصايا لتعملها كما انا اوصيك اليوم لتحب الرب الهك وتسلك في طرقه كل الايام فزد لنفسك ايضا ثلاث مدن على هذه الثلاث9 in the event that you carefully observe all these commandments which I enjoin on you today, loving the LORD, your God, and ever walking in his ways: then add three cities to these three.
10 حتى لا يسفك دم بري في وسط ارضك التي يعطيك الرب الهك نصيبا فيكون عليك دم.10 Thus, in the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you as a heritage, innocent blood will not be shed and you will not become guilty of bloodshed.
11 ولكن اذا كان انسان مبغضا لصاحبه فكمن له وقام عليه وضربه ضربة قاتلة فمات ثم هرب الى احدى تلك المدن11 "However, if someone lies in wait for his neighbor out of hatred for him, and rising up against him, strikes him mortally, and then takes refuge in one of these cities,
12 يرسل شيوخ مدينته وياخذونه من هناك ويدفعونه الى يد ولي الدم فيموت.12 the elders of his own city shall send for him and have him taken from there, and shall hand him over to be slain by the avenger of blood.
13 لا تشفق عينك عليه. فتنزع دم البري من اسرائيل فيكون لك خير13 Do not look on him with pity, but purge from Israel the stain of shedding innocent blood, that you may prosper.
14 لا تنقل تخم صاحبك الذي نصبه الاولون في نصيبك الذي تناله في الارض التي يعطيك الرب الهك لكي تمتلكها14 "You shall not move your neighbor's landmarks erected by your forefathers in the heritage you receive in the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you to occupy.
15 لا يقوم شاهد واحد على انسان في ذنب ما او خطية ما من جميع الخطايا التي يخطئ بها. على فم شاهدين او على فم ثلاثة شهود يقوم الامر.15 "One witness alone shall not take the stand against a man in regard to any crime or any offense of which he may be guilty; a judicial fact shall be established only on the testimony of two or three witnesses.
16 اذا قام شاهد زور على انسان ليشهد عليه بزيغ16 "If an unjust witness takes the stand against a man to accuse him of a defection from the law,
17 يقف الرجلان اللذان بينهما الخصومة امام الرب امام الكهنة والقضاة الذين يكونون في تلك الايام.17 the two parties in the dispute shall appear before the LORD in the presence of the priests or judges in office at that time;
18 فان فحص القضاة جيدا واذا الشاهد شاهد كاذب قد شهد بالكذب على اخيه18 and if after a thorough investigation the judges find that the witness is a false witness and has accused his kinsman falsely,
19 فافعلوا به كما نوى ان يفعل باخيه. فتنزعون الشر من وسطكم.19 you shall do to him as he planned to do to his kinsman. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst.
20 ويسمع الباقون فيخافون ولا يعودون يفعلون مثل ذلك الامر الخبيث في وسطك.20 The rest, on hearing of it, shall fear, and never again do a thing so evil among you.
21 لا تشفق عينك. نفس بنفس. عين بعين. سن بسن. يد بيد. رجل برجل21 Do not look on such a man with pity. Life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, and foot for foot!