
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

Isaia (اشعياء) 5

1 لأنشدنّ عن حبيبي نشيد محبّي لكرمه. كان لحبيبي كرم على اكمة خصبة.1 Let me now sing of my friend, my friend's song concerning his vineyard. My friend had a vineyard on a fertile hillside;
2 فنقبه ونقى حجارته وغرسه كرم سورق وبنى برجا في وسطه ونقر فيه ايضا معصرة فانتظر ان يصنع عنبا فصنع عنبا رديئا2 He spaded it, cleared it of stones, and planted the choicest vines; Within it he built a watchtower, and hewed out a wine press. Then he looked for the crop of grapes, but what it yielded was wild grapes.
3 والآن يا سكان اورشليم ورجال يهوذا احكموا بيني وبين كرمي.3 Now, inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah, judge between me and my vineyard:
4 ماذا يصنع ايضا لكرمي وانا لم اصنعه له. لماذا اذ انتظرت ان يصنع عنبا صنع عنبا رديئا.4 What more was there to do for my vineyard that I had not done? Why, when I looked for the crop of grapes, did it bring forth wild grapes?
5 فالآن اعرّفكم ماذا اصنع بكرمي. انزع سياجه فيصير للرعي. اهدم جدرانه فيصير للدوس.5 Now, I will let you know what I mean to do to my vineyard: Take away its hedge, give it to grazing, break through its wall, let it be trampled!
6 واجعله خرابا لا يقضب ولا ينقب فيطلع شوك وحسك واوصي الغيم ان لا يمطر عليه مطرا6 Yes, I will make it a ruin: it shall not be pruned or hoed, but overgrown with thorns and briers; I will command the clouds not to send rain upon it.
7 ان كرم رب الجنود هو بيت اسرائيل وغرس لذته رجال يهوذا. فانتظر حقا فاذا سفك دم وعدلا فاذا صراخ7 The vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are his cherished plant; He looked for judgment, but see, bloodshed! for justice, but hark, the outcry!
8 ويل للذين يصلون بيتا ببيت ويقرنون حقلا بحقل حتى لم يبق موضع. فصرتم تسكنون وحدكم في وسط الارض.8 Woe to you who join house to house, who connect field with field, Till no room remains, and you are left to dwell alone in the midst of the land!
9 في اذني قال رب الجنود ألا ان بيوتا كثيرة تصير خرابا بيوتا كبيرة وحسنة بلا ساكن.9 In my hearing the LORD of hosts has sworn: Many houses shall be in ruins, large ones and fine, with no one to live in them.
10 لان عشرة فدادين كرم تصنع بثا واحدا وحومر بذار يصنع ايفة10 Ten acres of vineyard shall yield but one liquid measure, And a homer of seed shall yield but an ephah.
11 ويل للمبكرين صباحا يتبعون المسكر. للمتأخرين في العتمة تلهبهم الخمر.11 Woe to those who demand strong drink as soon as they rise in the morning, And linger into the night while wine inflames them!
12 وصار العود والرباب والدف والناي والخمر ولائمهم والى فعل الرب لا ينظرون وعمل يديه لا يرون.12 With harp and lyre, timbrel and flute, they feast on wine; But what the LORD does, they regard not, the work of his hands they see not.
13 لذلك سبي شعبي لعدم المعرفة وتصير شرفاؤه رجال جوع وعامته يابسين من العطش.13 Therefore my people go into exile, because they do not understand; Their nobles die of hunger, and their masses are parched with thirst.
14 لذلك وسعت الهاوية نفسها وفغرت فاها بلا حد فينزل بهاؤها وجمهورها وضجيجها والمبتهج فيها.14 Therefore the nether world enlarges its throat and opens its maw without limit; Down go their nobility and their masses, their throngs and their revelry.
15 ويذل الانسان ويحط الرجل وعيون المستعلين توضع.15 Men shall be abased, each one brought low, and the eyes of the haughty lowered,
16 ويتعالى رب الجنود بالعدل ويتقدس الاله القدوس بالبر.16 But the LORD of hosts shall be exalted by his judgment, and God the Holy shall be shown holy by his justice.
17 وترعى الخرفان حيثما تساق وخرب السمان تاكلها الغرباء17 Lambs shall graze there at pasture, and kids shall eat in the ruins of the rich.
18 ويل للجاذبين الاثم بحبال البطل والخطية كانه بربط العجلة18 Woe to those who tug at guilt with cords of perversity, and at sin as if with cart ropes!
19 القائلين ليسرع ليعجل عمله لكي نرى وليقرب ويأتي مقصد قدوس اسرائيل لنعلم.19 To those who say, "Let him make haste and speed his work, that we may see it; On with the plan of the Holy One of Israel! let it come to pass, that we may know it!"
20 ويل للقائلين للشر خيرا وللخير شرا الجاعلين الظلام نورا والنور ظلاما الجاعلين المرّ حلوا والحلو مرّا.20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who change darkness into light, and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter!
21 ويل للحكماء في اعين انفسهم والفهماء عند ذواتهم.21 Woe to those who are wise in their own sight, and prudent in their own esteem!
22 ويل للابطال على شرب الخمر ولذوي القدرة على مزج المسكر.22 Woe to the champions at drinking wine, the valiant at mixing strong drink!
23 الذين يبررون الشرير من اجل الرشوة واما حق الصدّيقين فينزعونه منهم23 To those who acquit the guilty for bribes, and deprive the just man of his rights!
24 لذلك كما يأكل لهيب النار القش ويهبط الحشيش الملتهب يكون اصلهم كالعفونة ويصعد زهرهم كالغبار لانهم رذلوا شريعة رب الجنود واستهانوا بكلام قدوس اسرائيل.24 Therefore, as the tongue of fire licks up stubble, as dry grass shrivels in the flame, Even so their root shall become rotten and their blossom scatter like dust; For they have spurned the law of the LORD of hosts, and scorned the word of the Holy One of Israel.
25 من اجل ذلك حمي غضب الرب على شعبه ومد يده عليه وضربه حتى ارتعدت الجبال وصارت جثثهم كالزبل في الازقة. مع كل هذا لم يرتد غضبه بل يده ممدودة بعد25 Therefore the wrath of the LORD blazes against his people, he raises his hand to strike them; When the mountains quake, their corpses shall be like refuse in the streets. For all this, his wrath is not turned back, and his hand is still outstretched.
26 فيرفع راية للامم من بعيد ويصفر لهم من اقصى الارض فاذا هم بالعجلة ياتون سريعا.26 He will give a signal to a far-off nation, and whistle to them from the ends of the earth; speedily and promptly will they come.
27 ليس فيهم رازح ولا عاثر. لا ينعسون ولا ينامون ولا تنحل حزم احقائهم ولا تنقطع سيور احذيتهم.27 None of them will stumble with weariness, none will slumber and none will sleep. None will have his waist belt loose, nor the thong of his sandal broken.
28 الذين سهامهم مسنونة وجميع قسيهم ممدودة. حوافر خيلهم تحسب كالصوان وبكراتهم كالزوبعة.28 Their arrows are sharp, and all their bows are bent. The hoofs of their horses seem like flint, and their chariot wheels like the hurricane.
29 لهم زمجرة كاللبوة ويزمجرون كالشبل ويهرون ويمسكون الفريسة ويستخلصونها ولا منقذ.29 Their roar is that of the lion, like the lion's whelps they roar; They growl and seize the prey, they carry it off and none will rescue it.
30 يهرون عليهم في ذلك اليوم كهدير البحر. فان نظر الى الارض فهوذا ظلام الضيق والنور قد اظلم بسحبها30 (They will roar over it, on that day, with a roaring like that of the sea.)