
Martedi, 11 giugno 2024 - San Barnaba ( Letture di oggi)

Isaia (اشعياء) 40

1 عزّوا عزّوا شعبي يقول الهكم.1 'Console my people, console them,' says your God.
2 طيبوا قلب اورشليم ونادوها بان جهادها قد كمل ان اثمها قد عفي عنه انها قد قبلت من يد الرب ضعفين عن كل خطاياها2 'Speak to the heart of Jerusalem and cry to her that her period of service is ended, that her guilt hasbeen atoned for, that, from the hand of Yahweh, she has received double punishment for all her sins.'
3 صوت صارخ في البرية اعدوا طريق الرب. قوّموا في القفر سبيلا لالهنا.3 A voice cries, 'Prepare in the desert a way for Yahweh. Make a straight highway for our God across thewastelands.
4 كل وطاء يرتفع وكل جبل واكمة ينخفض ويصير المعوج مستقيما والعراقيب سهلا.4 Let every val ey be fil ed in, every mountain and hil be level ed, every cliff become a plateau, everyescarpment a plain;
5 فيعلن مجد الرب ويراه كل بشر جميعا لان فم الرب تكلم5 then the glory of Yahweh will be revealed and al humanity wil see it together, for the mouth of Yahwehhas spoken.'
6 صوت قائل ناد. فقال بماذا انادي. كل جسد عشب وكل جماله كزهر الحقل.6 A voice said, 'Cry aloud!' and I said, 'What shal I cry?' -'All humanity is grass and all its beauty like thewild flower's.
7 يبس العشب ذبل الزهر لان نفخة الرب هبت عليه. حقا الشعب عشب.7 The grass withers, the flower fades when the breath of Yahweh blows on them. (The grass is surely thepeople.)
8 يبس العشب ذبل الزهر واما كلمة الهنا فتثبت الى الابد8 The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God remains for ever.'
9 على جبل عال اصعدي يا مبشرة صهيون. ارفعي صوتك بقوة يا مبشرة اورشليم. ارفعي لا تخافي. قولي لمدن يهوذا هوذا الهك.9 Go up on a high mountain, messenger of Zion. Shout as loud as you can, messenger of Jerusalem!Shout fearlessly, say to the towns of Judah, 'Here is your God.'
10 هوذا السيد الرب بقوة يأتي وذراعه تحكم له. هوذا اجرته معه وعملته قدامه.10 Here is Lord Yahweh coming with power, his arm maintains his authority, his reward is with him andhis prize precedes him.
11 كراع يرعى قطيعه. بذراعه يجمع الحملان وفي حضنه يحملها ويقود المرضعات11 He is like a shepherd feeding his flock, gathering lambs in his arms, holding them against his breastand leading to their rest the mother ewes.
12 من كال بكفه المياه وقاس السموات بالشبر وكال بالكيل تراب الارض ووزن الجبال بالقبان والآكام بالميزان.12 Who was it measured the water of the sea in the hol ow of his hand and calculated the heavens to thenearest inch, gauged the dust of the earth to the nearest bushel, weighed the mountains in scales, the hil s in abalance?
13 من قاس روح الرب ومن مشيره يعلمه.13 Who directed the spirit of Yahweh, what counsellor could have instructed him?
14 من استشاره فافهمه وعلمه في طريق الحق وعلمه معرفة وعرفه سبيل الفهم.14 Whom has he consulted to enlighten him, to instruct him in the path of judgement, to teach himknowledge and show him how to understand?
15 هوذا الامم كنقطة من دلو وكغبار الميزان تحسب هوذا الجزائر يرفعها كدقة.15 See, the nations are like a drop in a bucket, they count as a grain of dust on the scales. See, coastsand islands weigh no more than fine powder.
16 ولبنان ليس كافيا للايقاد وحيوانه ليس كافيا لمحرقة.16 The Lebanon is not enough for the burning fires nor its animals enough for the burnt offering.
17 كل الامم كلا شيء قدامه. من العدم والباطل تحسب عنده17 Al the nations are as nothing before him, for him they count as nothingness and emptiness.
18 فبمن تشبهون الله واي شبه تعادلون به.18 To whom can you compare God? What image can you contrive of him?
19 الصنم يسبكه الصانع والصائغ يغشيه بذهب ويصوغ سلاسل فضة.19 The craftsman casts an idol, a goldsmith overlays it with gold and casts silver chains for it.
20 الفقير عن التقدمة ينتخب خشبا لا يسوس يطلب له صانعا ماهرا لينصب صنما لا يتزعزع20 Someone too poor to afford a sacrifice chooses a piece of wood that will not rot; he then seeks out askil ed craftsman to set up an idol that wil not totter.
21 ألا تعلمون. ألا تسمعون. ألم تخبروا من البداءه. ألم تفهموا من اساسات الارض21 Did you not know, had you not heard? Was it not told you from the beginning? Have you notunderstood how the earth was set on its foundations?
22 الجالس على كرة الارض وسكانها كالجندب الذي ينشر السموات كسرادق ويبسطها كخيمة للسكن22 He who sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, the inhabitants of which are like grasshoppers,stretches out the heavens like a cloth, spreads them out like a tent to live in.
23 الذي يجعل العظماء لا شيء ويصير قضاة الارض كالباطل.23 He reduces princes to nothing, the rulers of the world to mere emptiness.
24 لم يغرسوا بل لم يزرعوا ولم يتأصل في الارض ساقهم. فنفخ ايضا عليهم فجفوا والعاصف كالعصف يحملهم.24 Scarcely are they planted, scarcely sown, scarcely has their stem taken root in the soil, than he blowson them and they wither and the storm carries them away like chaff.
25 فبمن تشبهونني فاساويه يقول القدوس.25 'To whom can you compare me, or who is my equal?' says the Holy One.
26 ارفعوا الى العلاء عيونكم وانظروا من خلق هذه. من الذي يخرج بعدد جندها يدعو كلها باسماء. لكثرة القوة وكونه شديد القدرة لا يفقد احد26 Lift your eyes and look: he who created these things leads out their army in order, summoning each ofthem by name. So mighty is his power, so great his strength, that not one fails to answer.
27 لماذا تقول يا يعقوب وتتكلم يا اسرائيل قد اختفت طريقي عن الرب وفات حقي الهي.27 How can you say, Jacob, how can you repeat, Israel, 'My way is hidden from Yahweh, my rights areignored by my God'?
28 أما عرفت ام لم تسمع. اله الدهر الرب خالق اطراف الارض لا يكل ولا يعيا ليس عن فهمه فحص.28 Did you not know? Had you not heard? Yahweh is the everlasting God, he created the remotest partsof the earth. He does not grow tired or weary, his understanding is beyond fathoming.
29 يعطي المعيي قدرة ولعديم القوة يكثر شدة.29 He gives strength to the weary, he strengthens the powerless.
30 الغلمان يعيون ويتعبون والفتيان يتعثرون تعثرا.30 Youths grow tired and weary, the young stumble and fal ,
31 واما منتظروا الرب فيجددون قوة. يرفعون اجنحة كالنسور. يركضون ولا يتعبون يمشون ولا يعيون31 but those who hope in Yahweh wil regain their strength, they wil sprout wings like eagles, thoughthey run they will not grow weary, though they walk they wil never tire.