
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

Proverbi (امثال) 16

1 للانسان تدابير القلب ومن الرب جواب اللسان.1 It is for man to prepare the soul, and for the Lord to govern the tongue.
2 كل طرق الانسان نقية في عيني نفسه. والرب وازن الارواح.2 All the ways of a man are open to his eyes; the Lord is the one who weighs spirits.
3 الق على الرب اعمالك فتثبت افكارك.3 Open your works to the Lord, and your intentions will be set in order.
4 الرب صنع الكل لغرضه والشرير ايضا ليوم الشر.4 The Lord has wrought all things because of himself. Likewise the impious is for the evil day.
5 مكرهة الرب كل متشامخ القلب. يدا ليد لا يتبرأ.5 All the arrogant are an abomination to the Lord. Even if hand will be joined to hand, he is not innocent. The beginning of a good way is to do justice. And this is more acceptable with God than to immolate sacrifices.
6 بالرحمة والحق يستر الاثم وفي مخافة الرب الحيدان عن الشر.6 By mercy and truth, iniquity is redeemed. And by the fear of the Lord, one turns away from evil.
7 اذا ارضت الرب طرق انسان جعل اعداءه ايضا يسالمونه.7 When the ways of man will please the Lord, he will convert even his enemies to peace.
8 القليل مع العدل خير من دخل جزيل بغير حق.8 Better is a little with justice, than many fruits with iniquity.
9 قلب الانسان يفكر في طريقه والرب يهدي خطوته.9 The heart of man disposes his way. But it is for Lord to direct his steps.
10 في شفتي الملك وحي. في القضاء فمه لا يخون10 Foreknowledge is in the lips of the king. His mouth shall not err in judgment.
11 قبّان الحق وموازينه للرب. كل معايير الكيس عمله.11 Weights and scales are judgments of the Lord. And all the stones in the bag are his work.
12 مكرهة الملوك فعل الشر لان الكرسي يثبت بالبر.12 Those who act impiously are abominable to the king. For the throne is made firm by justice.
13 مرضاة الملوك شفتا حق والمتكلم بالمستقيمات يحب.13 Just lips are the will of kings. He who speaks honestly shall be loved.
14 غضب الملك رسل الموت والانسان الحكيم يستعطفه.14 The indignation of a king is a herald of death. And the wise man will appease it.
15 في نور وجه الملك حياة ورضاه كسحاب المطر المتأخر.15 In the cheerfulness of the king’s countenance, there is life. And his clemency is like belated rain.
16 قنية الحكمة كم هي خير من الذهب وقنية الفهم تختار على الفضة.16 Possess wisdom, for it is better than gold. And acquire prudence, for it is more precious than silver.
17 منهج المستقيمين الحيدان عن الشر. حافظ نفسه حافظ طريقه17 The path of the just turns away from evils. He who guards his soul preserves his way.
18 قبل الكسر الكبرياء وقبل السقوط تشامخ الروح.18 Arrogance precedes destruction. And the spirit is exalted before a fall.
19 تواضع الروح مع الودعاء خير من قسم الغنيمة مع المتكبرين.19 It is better to be humbled with the meek, than to divide spoils with the arrogant.
20 الفطن من جهة امر يجد خيرا. ومن يتكل على الرب فطوبى له.20 The learned in word shall find good things. And whoever hopes in the Lord is blessed.
21 حكيم القلب يدعى فهيما وحلاوة الشفتين تزيد علما.21 Whoever is wise in heart shall be called prudent. And whoever is sweet in eloquence shall attain to what is greater.
22 الفطنة ينبوع حياة لصاحبها وتأديب الحمقى حماقة.22 Learning is a fountain of life to one who possesses it. The doctrine of the foolish is senseless.
23 قلب الحكيم يرشد فمه ويزيد شفتيه علما.23 The heart of the wise shall instruct his mouth and add grace to his lips.
24 الكلام الحسن شهد عسل حلو للنفس وشفاء للعظام.24 Careful words are a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and healthful to the bones.
25 توجد طريق تظهر للانسان مستقيمة وعاقبتها طرق الموت.25 There is a way which seems right to a man, and its end result leads to death.
26 نفس التعب تتعب له لان فمه يحثّه.26 The soul of the laborer labors for himself, because his mouth has driven him to it.
27 الرجل اللئيم ينبش الشر وعلى شفتيه كالنار المتقدة.27 The impious man digs up evil, and in his lips is a burning fire.
28 رجل الاكاذيب يطلق الخصومة والنمّام يفرّق الاصدقاء.28 A perverse man stirs up lawsuits. And one who is verbose divides leaders.
29 الرجل الظالم يغوي صاحبه ويسوقه الى طريق غير صالحة.29 A man of iniquity entices his friend, and he leads him along a way that is not good.
30 من يغمض عينيه ليفكر في الاكاذيب ومن يعض شفتيه فقد اكمل شرا.30 Whoever, with astonished eyes, thinks up depravities, biting his lips, accomplishes evil.
31 تاج جمال شيبة توجد في طريق البر.31 Old age is a crown of dignity, when it is found in the ways of justice.
32 البطيء الغضب خير من الجبار ومالك روحه خير ممن يأخذ مدينة.32 A patient man is better than a strong one. And whoever rules his soul is better than one who assaults cities.
33 القرعة تلقى في الحضن ومن الرب كل حكمها33 Lots are cast into the lap, but they are tempered by the Lord.