
Lunedi, 3 giugno 2024 - San Carlo Lwanga ( Letture di oggi)

Livro de Josué 3

1 Levantando-se bem cedo, Josué desfez o acampamento e partiu de Setim com todos os filhos de Israel. Chegados ao Jordão, aí se detiveram antes de atravessá-lo.1 And so, Joshua arose in the night, and he moved the camp. And they departed from Shittim, and they went to the Jordan: he, and all the sons of Israel, and they remained there for three days.
2 Passados três dias, os oficiais atravessaram pelo meio do acampamento,2 After these things unfolded, announcers passed through the midst of the camp,
3 dando ao povo esta ordem: Quando virdes a arca da aliança do Senhor, vosso Deus, levada pelos sacerdotes, filhos de Levi, deixareis vosso acampamento e vos poreis em marcha, seguindo-a.3 and they began to proclaim: “When you will see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests of the stock of Levi carrying it, you also shall rise up and follow those who are going before you.
4 Haja entre vós e ela uma distância de dois mil côvados aproximadamente. Guardai-vos de vos aproximar dela. Isso para que possais conhecer o caminho por onde deveis ir, porque nunca passastes por ele.4 And let there be, between you and the ark, the space of two thousand cubits, so that you may be able to see it from far away, and to know along which way you should advance. For you have not walked this way before. And be careful that you do not approach the ark.”
5 Josué disse ao povo: Santificai-vos, porque amanhã o Senhor operará no meio de vós coisas maravilhosas.5 And Joshua said to the people: “Be sanctified. For tomorrow the Lord will accomplish miracles among you.”
6 Depois falou aos sacerdotes: Tomai a arca da aliança e ide, adiante do povo. Eles tomaram a arca da aliança e caminharam à testa do povo.6 And he said to the priests: “Take up the ark of the covenant, and go before the people.” And they fulfilled the orders, and they took it and walked before them.
7 O Senhor disse a Josué: Hoje começarei a exaltar-te diante de todo o Israel, para que saibam que, assim como estive com Moisés, assim estarei contigo.7 And the Lord said to Joshua: “Today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, so that they may know that, just as I was with Moses, so also am I with you.
8 Eis o que ordenarás aos sacerdotes que levam a arca da aliança: quando chegardes ao Jordão, deter-vos-eis junto às águas do rio.8 Now instruct the priests, who are carrying the ark of the covenant, and say to them, ‘When you will have entered into a part of the water of the Jordan, stand still in it.’ ”
9 Então Josué disse aos israelitas: Aproximai-vos e ouvi as palavras do Senhor, vosso Deus.9 And Joshua said to the sons of Israel, “Approach to here, and listen to the word of the Lord your God.”
10 Por isso, prosseguiu ele, sabereis que o Deus vivo está no meio de vós, e que ele expulsará de diante de vós os cananeus, os hiteus, os heveus, os ferezeus, os gergeseus, os amorreus e os jebuseus.10 And again, he said: “By this shall you know that the Lord, the living God, is in your midst, and that he shall scatter in your sight, the Canaanite and the Hittite, the Hivite and the Perizzite, likewise the Girgashite, and the Jebusite, and the Amorite.
11 Eis que a arca da aliança do Senhor de toda a terra vai atravessar diante de vós o Jordão.11 Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth shall go before you through the Jordan.
12 Tomai doze homens, um de cada tribo de Israel.12 Prepare twelve men from the tribes of Israel, one from each tribe.
13 Logo que os sacerdotes que levam a arca de Javé, o Senhor de toda a terra, tiverem tocado com a planta dos seus pés as águas do Jordão, estas serão cortadas, e as águas que vêm de cima pararão, amontoando-se.13 And when the priests who are carrying the ark of the Lord, the God of the entire earth, will have placed the steps of their feet in the waters of the Jordan, the waters that are lower will run down and pass away, and those that are approaching above will stand together in a mass.”
14 O povo dobrou suas tendas e dispôs-se a passar o Jordão, tendo diante de si os sacerdotes que marchavam na frente do povo levando a arca.14 And the people departed from their tents, so that they might cross the Jordan. And the priests who were carrying the ark of the covenant were advancing before them.
15 No momento em que os portadores da arca chegaram ao rio e os sacerdotes mergulharam os seus pés na beira do rio - o Jordão estava transbordante e inundava suas margens durante todo o tempo da ceifa -,15 And as soon as they entered into the Jordan, and their feet were dipped in a portion of the water, (now the Jordan, since it was the time of the harvest, had filled the banks of its channel,)
16 as águas que vinham de cima detiveram-se e amontoaram-se em uma grande extensão, até perto de Adom, localidade situada nas proximidades de Sartã; e as águas que desciam para o mar da planície, o mar Salgado, foram completamente separadas. O povo atravessou defronte de Jericó.16 the descending waters stood still in one place, and, swelling up like a mountain, they were seen from far away, from the city that is called Adam, even as far as the place of Zarethan. But those that were lower ran down into the Sea of the Wilderness, (which is now called the Dead Sea,) until they entirely passed away.
17 Os sacerdotes, que levavam a arca da aliança do Senhor, conservaram-se de pé sobre o leito seco do Jordão, enquanto que todo o Israel passava a pé enxuto. E ali permaneceram até que todos passassem para a outra margem.17 Then the people advanced opposite Jericho. And the priests who were carrying the ark of the covenant of the Lord were standing, fully-dressed, upon dry soil in the midst of the Jordan, and all the people passed over, through the channel that was dried up.