
Sabato, 8 giugno 2024 - San Medardo ( Letture di oggi)

Livro de Judite 2

1 No décimo terceiro ano do rei Nabucodonosor, no vigésimo segundo dia do primeiro mês, foi tomada na casa de Nabucodonosor, rei dos assírios, a decisão de que ele se vingaria.1 In the thirteenth year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, on the twenty-second day of the first month, the word went forth from the house of Nebuchadnezzar, king of the Assyrians, that he would defend himself.
2 Convocou todos os anciãos, todos os seus chefes e guerreiros, e teve com eles um conselho secreto, no qual 3. revelou-lhes o seu desígnio de submeter toda a terra ao seu império.2 And he called all the native leaders, and all the commanders, and his officers of war, and he met with them in his secret council.
3 And he said to them that his thoughts were to subjugate all the earth to his authority.
4 Tendo a sua proposta agradado à assembléia, o rei Nabucodonosor ordenou a Holofernes, marechal do seu exército,4 And when this saying pleased them all, king Nebuchadnezzar called Holofernes, the leader of his military.
5 dizendo: Vai contra todos os reinos do ocidente, principalmente contra aqueles que desprezaram a minha ordem.5 And he said to him: “Go out against all the kingdoms of the west, and against those in particular who showed contempt for my authority.
6 Ferirás a todos sem consideração alguma e me sujeitarás todas as fortalezas.6 Your eye must not spare any kingdom, and all the fortified cities you will subjugate to me.”
7 Holofernes convocou os generais e oficiais do exército assírio e contou os efetivos da expedição, conforme a ordem do rei: havia cento e vinte mil soldados de infantaria e doze mil frecheiros a cavalo.7 Then Holofernes called the commanders and the magistrates of the army of the Assyrians. And he numbered men for the expedition, just as the king had instructed him: one hundred and twenty thousand foot-soldiers, and twelve thousand archers on horseback.
8 Mandou adiante do seu exército uma multidão de camelos com provisões abundantes para as tropas, e inumeráveis rebanhos de bois e de cordeiros.8 And he caused his entire expeditionary force to go ahead with an innumerable multitude of camels, with whatever was needed in abundance for the armies, and with herds of cattle, and flocks of sheep, which could not be numbered.
9 Ordenou que em toda a Síria se preparasse trigo para quando ele passasse.9 He appointed grain to be prepared from all of Syria, as he passed through it.
10 Levou também grande quantidade de ouro e de prata do tesouro real.10 In fact, he took up gold and silver from the house of the king in great abundance.
11 Pôs-se a caminho com todo o exército, com os carros, os cavaleiros e os frecheiros, que se espalharam pela terra como gafanhotos.11 And he set out, he and all the army, with the four-horse chariots, and horsemen, and archers. And they covered the face of the earth like locusts.
12 Atravessou as fronteiras da Assíria e chegou às grandes montanhas de Ange, que ficam ao norte da Cilícia. Penetrou em todos os seus fortes e apoderou-se de todos os seus bens.12 And when he had crossed over the borders of the Assyrians, he came to the great mountains of Ange, which are on the left of Cilicia. And he ascended to all their castles, and he prevailed over all the fortifications.
13 Tomou de assalto a célebre cidade de Melitene, e saqueou todos os filhos de Társis e os filhos de Ismael, que habitavam defronte do deserto, ao sul da terra de Celon.13 Moreover, he broke open the renowned city of Melothus, and he pillaged all the sons of Tarshish, and the sons of Ishmael, who were opposite the face of the desert and to the south of the land of Cellon.
14 Passando o Eufrates pela segunda vez, penetrou na Mesopotâmia e arrasou todas as fortalezas do país, desde a torrente de Caboras até o mar.14 And he crossed over the Euphrates and came into Mesopotamia. And he crushed all the lofty cities that were there, from the torrent of Mambre, even until one passes through to the sea.
15 Em seguida, apossou-se de todas as regiões (que marginam o Eufrates), desde a Cilícia até a terra de Jafet, que se estende para o sul.15 And he occupied its furthest regions, from Cilicia all the way to the coastlines of Japheth, which are towards the south.
16 Levou consigo todos os madianitas, saqueou todas as suas riquezas e passou ao fio da espada todos os que lhe opunham resistência.16 And he carried away all the sons of Midian, and he plundered them in all their wealthy regions. And all who resisted him, he slew with the edge of the sword.
17 Depois desceu às planícies de Damasco no tempo da colheita, queimou todas as colheitas e cortou todas as árvores e as vinhas.17 And after these things, he descended to the plains of Damascus, in the days of the harvest, and he set fire to all the crops, and he caused all the trees and the vineyards to be cut down.
18 Tornou-se, assim, objeto de terror para todos os habitantes da terra.18 And the fear of them fell upon all the inhabitants of the land.