
Sabato, 1 giugno 2024 - San Giustino ( Letture di oggi)

1 Samuel 30

1 And when David and his men had arrived at Ziklag on the third day, the Amalekites had made an attack on the south side against Ziklag. And they had struck Ziklag, and burned it with fire.1 - Dopo tre giorni Davide e i suoi giungevano a Siceleg, quando gli Amaleciti aveano fatto un'incursione dal mezzodì contro Siceleg, e dopo aver abbattuto e incendiato la città,
2 And they had led the women in it away as captives, from the small to the great. And they had not killed anyone, but they led them away with them. And then they traveled on their journey.2 avevano tratto prigioniere le donne, [con tutti quelli che vi si trovavano] e grandi e piccoli, senza uccidere alcuno, ma se li aveano condotti seco e se ne erano andati per la loro strada.
3 Therefore, when David and his men had arrived at the city, and had found it burned with fire, and that their wives and their sons and daughters had been led away as captives,3 Come dunque Davide e i suoi giunsero alla città e la trovarono incendiata e le loro mogli e i loro figliuoli e le loro figliuole condotti prigionieri,
4 David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices. And they mourned until the tears in them failed.4 levarono Davide e il popolo che lo accompagnava voci di lamento e piansero finchè ebbero lacrime,
5 For indeed, the two wives of David also had been led away as captives: Ahinoam, the Jezreelite, and Abigail, the wife of Nabal of Carmel.5 Poichè anche le due mogli di Davide, Achinoam di Jezrael e Abigail già moglie di Nabal di Carmelo erano state tratte in schiavitù.
6 And David was greatly saddened. And the people were willing to stone him, because the soul of every man was bitter over his sons and daughters. But David was strengthened by the Lord his God.6 Davide poi era anche rattristato assai, perchè il popolo lo volea lapidare, tanta era l'esasperazione di tutti a cagione dei propri figliuoli e figliuole. Davide allora, confortandosi nel Signore Dio suo
7 And he said to the priest Abiathar, the son of Ahimelech, “Bring the ephod to me.” And Abiathar brought the ephod to David.7 disse ad Abiatar sacerdote figlio di Achimelec: «Portami qua l'efod»; e Abiatar portò l'efod a Davide.
8 And David consulted the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue these robbers, and will I overtake them, or not?” And the Lord said to him: “Pursue. For without doubt, you will overtake them and find the prey.”8 Davide consultò il Signore in questi termini: «L'inseguirò io questi predoni e li raggiungerò sì, o no?». E il Signore rispose: «Inseguili e senza dubbio li raggiungerai e riavrai la preda».
9 Therefore, David went away, he and the six hundred men who were with him, and they arrived as far as the torrent Besor. And certain ones, being weary, stayed there.9 Partì dunque Davide con i seicento uomini che aveva con sè e arrivarono al torrente Besor, dove parecchi stanchi si fermarono.
10 But David pursued, he and four hundred men. For two hundred stayed, who, being weary, were not able to cross the torrent Besor.10 Davide continuò l'inseguimento con quattrocento, poichè in numero di duecento erano quelli che, stanchi, si erano fermati, impossibilitati ad andar oltre il torrente Besor.
11 And they found an Egyptian man in the field, and they led him to David. And they gave him bread, so that he might eat, and water, so that he might drink,11 Trovarono nella campagna un Egiziano che condussero a Davide e gli diedero pane da mangiare, acqua da bere
12 and also a section of a mass of dried figs, and two clusters of dried grapes. And when he had eaten, his spirit returned, and he was refreshed. For he had not eaten bread, nor drank water, for three days and three nights.12 e una parte di una massa di fichi e due penzoli di uva passa. Com'ebbe mangiato e si fu riavuto, chè da tre giorni e da tre notti non aveva preso alcun cibo e non aveva bevuto acqua,
13 And so David said to him: “To whom do you belong? Or where are you from? And where are you going?” And he said: “I am a young man of Egypt, the servant of an Amalekite man. But my lord abandoned me, because I began to be sick the day before yesterday.13 Davide gli domandò: «A chi appartieni tu? Donde vieni e dove vai?», ed egli rispose: «Sono un Egiziano, al servizio di un Amalecita e venni abbandonato dal mio padrone perchè ier l'altro era caduto ammalato.
14 For indeed, we broke forth to the southern side of Cherethi, and against Judah, and to the south of Caleb, and we burned Ziklag with fire.”14 Noi abbiamo fatto un'irruzione a mezzogiorno di Cereti, sul territorio di Giuda, e a sud di Caleb abbiamo incendiato Siceleg».
15 And David said to him, “Are you able to lead me to this battle line?” And he said, “Swear to me by God that you will not kill me, and that you will not deliver me into the hands of my lord, and I will lead you to this battle line.” And David swore to him.15 Davide gli disse: «Puoi tu condurmi a questa gente?». Quegli rispose: «Giurami, nel nome di Dio che non mi ucciderai nè mi darai nelle mani del mio padrone e ti condurrò a quella gente». E Davide glielo giurò.
16 And when he had led him, behold, they were stretched out on the face of the land everywhere, eating and drinking and celebrating, as if it were a feast day, because of all the prey and spoils that they had taken from the land of the Philistines, and from the land of Judah.16 Avendoli egli condotti colà, ecco gli Amaleciti sparsi da per tutto su quel territorio tutti intenti a mangiare e a bere e a far festa a cagione del gran bottino che avevano riportato dalla terra dei Filistei e dal paese di Giuda.
17 And David struck them down from evening until the evening of the next day. And no one among them escaped, except four hundred youths, who had climbed on camels and fled.17 Davide li battè da questa sera fino alla sera del giorno successivo e nessuno gli sfuggì tranne quattrocento giovani che montati sopra i cammelli avevano preso la fuga.
18 Therefore, David rescued all that the Amalekites had taken, and he rescued his two wives.18 Davide ricuperò tutto ciò che gli Amaleciti aveano preso e liberò anche le sue due mogli,
19 And nothing was missing, from small even to great, among the sons and daughters, and among the spoils, and among everything whatsoever that they had seized. David returned it all.19 nè mancò cosa alcuna nè piccola nè grande nè tra i figli nè tra le figlie nè tra le spoglie; ma Davide riportò tutto quanto era stato rapito
20 And he took all the flocks and the herds, and he drove them before his face. And they said, “This is the prey of David.”20 e prese ancora tutto il gregge, gli alimenti e come tutto fu condotto innanzi a lui, gli dissero: «Questa è la preda di Davide».
21 Then David arrived at the two hundred men, who, being weary, had stayed, for they had not been able to follow David, and he had ordered them to remain at the torrent Besor. And they went out to meet David, and the people who were with him. Then David, drawing near to the people, greeted them peacefully.21 Arrivato Davide presso i duecento che per essere stati troppo stanchi non l'avevan seguìto, ma erano stati lasciati al torrente Besor, questi uscirono incontro a Davide e all'esercito che stava con lui e Davide si avvicinò a loro e li salutò cortesemente;
22 And all the wicked and iniquitous men, out of the men who had gone with David, responding, said: “Since they did not go with us, we will not give to them anything from the prey that we have rescued. But let his wife and children be enough for each of them; when they have accepted this, they may go back.”22 mentre i più perversi e rivoltosi di quelli che erano andati con Davide dicevano: «Non essendo essi venuti con noi, non li metteremo a parte della preda che abbiam ricuperata; basti a ciascuno la sua moglie e i figli; si prendano questi e vadano».
23 But David said: “You shall not do this, my brothers, with these things that the Lord has delivered to us, for he has preserved us, and he has given into our hands the robbers who broke out among us.23 Ma Davide disse: «Non fate così, fratelli miei, riguardo a quanto il Signore ci ha dato; egli ci ha custoditi e ha dato nelle nostre mani i ladroni che eran venuti contro di noi.
24 And so, let no one heed you over these words. But equal shall be the portion of him who descended to the battle, and of him who remained with the supplies, and they will divide it alike.”24 No, nessuno vi ascolterà in questa pretesa perchè sarà data una parte conveniente a chi è sceso a combattere e a chi è rimasto alle salmerie; e tutti divideranno [la preda] allo stesso modo».
25 And this has been done from that day and thereafter. And it was established as a statute, and as if a law, in Israel even to this day.25 E da quel giorno in poi si fece così; venne deciso e stabilito di farne quasi una legge in Israele fino ad oggi.
26 Then David went to Ziklag, and he sent gifts from the prey to the elders of Judah, his neighbors, saying, “Receive a blessing from the prey of the enemies of the Lord,”26 Tornato Davide in Siceleg mandò una parte del bottino agli anziani di Giuda suoi amici, dicendo: «Ricevete questa benedizione che vien dal bottino dei nemici del Signore».
27 to those who were in Bethel, and who were in Ramoth toward the south, and who were in Jattir,27 Ne mandò poi a quei di Betel, di Ramot verso mezzogiorno, di Jeter,
28 and who were in Aroer, and who were in Siphmoth, and who were in Eshtemoa,28 di Aroer, di Sefamot, di Estamo,
29 and who were in Racal, and who were in the cities of Jerahmeel, and who were in the cities of Keni,29 di Racal e gli abitanti delle città di Jerameel e di Ceni,
30 and who were in Hormah, and who were at the lake of Ashan, and who were in Athach,30 a quei di Arama, del lago di Asan, di Atac,
31 and who were in Hebron, and to the remainder who were in those places where David had stayed, he and his men.31 di Ebron e a quei che abitavano nei luoghi dove dimorò Davide coi suoi uomini.