
Domenica, 9 giugno 2024 - Beata Anna Maria Taigi ( Letture di oggi)

Judges 14

1 Then Samson descended to Timnah. And seeing there a woman from the daughters of the Philistines,1 Sansón bajó a Timná, y allí le llamo la atención una mujer filistea.
2 he went up, and he told his father and his mother, saying: “I saw a woman in Timnah from the daughters of the Philistines. I ask that you take her to me as wife.”2 Entonces fue a decir a su padre y a su madre: «He visto en Timná a una mujer filistea; tráiganmela para que sea mi esposa».
3 And his father and mother said to him, “Is there not a woman among the daughters of your brothers, or among all my people, so that you would be willing to take a wife from the Philistines, who are uncircumcised?” And Samson said to his father: “Take this woman to me. For she has pleased my eyes.”3 Su padre y su madre le replicaron: «¿No hay ninguna mujer entre las hijas de tus hermanos y en todo tu pueblo, para que vayas a buscarte una mujer entre esos filisteos incircuncisos?». Pero Sansón dijo a sus padres: «Tráemela, porque esa es la que a mí me gusta».
4 Now his parents did not know that the matter was done by the Lord, and that he sought an occasion against the Philistines. For at that time, the Philistines had dominion over Israel.4 Su padre y su madre no sabían que esto procedía del Señor. El Señor, en efecto, buscaba un pretexto contra los filisteos, porque en ese tiempo los filisteos dominaban a Israel.
5 And so, Samson descended with his father and mother to Timnah. And when they had arrived at the vineyards of the town, he saw a young lion, savage and roaring, and it met him.5 Sansón bajó a Timná, y al llegar a las viñas de Timná, un cachorro de león le salió al paso rugiendo.
6 Then the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon Samson, and he tore apart the lion, like a young goat being torn into pieces, having nothing at all in his hand. And he was not willing to reveal this to his father and mother.6 El espíritu del Señor se apoderó de él, y Sansón, sin tener nada en la mano, despedazó al león como se despedaza un cabrito. Pero él no contó ni a su padre ni a su madre lo que había hecho.
7 And he went down and spoke to the woman who had pleased his eyes.7 Luego bajó, conversó con la mujer y ella le gustó.
8 And after some days, returning to marry her, he turned aside so that he might see the carcass of the lion. And behold, there was a swarm of bees in the mouth of the lion, with a honeycomb.8 Al cabo de un tiempo, Sansón volvió para casarse con ella. Se desvió del camino para ver el cadáver del león, y vio que en su cuerpo había un enjambre de abejas y un panal de miel.
9 And when he had taken it in his hands, he ate it along the way. And arriving to his father and mother, he gave them a portion, and they also ate it. Yet he was not willing to reveal to them that he had taken the honey from the body of the lion.9 Lo recogió con su mano, y fue comiendo miel mientras caminaba. Cuando llegó adonde estaban su padre y su madre, les ofreció miel, y ellos comieron; pero no les dijo que la había sacado del cadáver del león.
10 And so his father went down to the woman, and he made a feast for his son Samson. For so the young men were accustomed to do.10 Luego Sansón bajó para encontrarse con su mujer, y allí ofreció un banquete de siete días, como suelen hacerlo los jóvenes.
11 And when the citizens of that place had seen him, they presented to him thirty companions to be with him.11 Al verlo, los filisteos designaron treinta muchachos para que estuvieran con él.
12 And Samson said to them: “I will propose to you a problem, which, if you can solve it for me within the seven days of the feast, I will give you thirty shirts and the same number of tunics.12 Entonces Sansón les dijo: «Les voy a proponer una adivinanza. Si me dan la solución correcta dentro de los siete días que dura el banquete, yo les daré treinta prendas de lino y treinta trajes de fiesta.
13 But if you are not able to solve it, you shall give me thirty shirts and the same number of tunics.” And they answered him, “Propose the problem, so that we may hear it.”13 En caso contrario, ustedes me los darán a mí». Ellos le respondieron: «Dinos tu adivinanza, porque te estamos oyendo».
14 And he said to them, “Food went forth from that which eats, and sweetness went forth from that which is strong.” And they were unable to solve the proposition for three days.14 Entonces él les dijo: «Del que come salió comida, y del fuerte salió dulzura». Y al cabo de tres días, aún no habían resuelto la adivinanza.
15 And when the seventh day had arrived, they said to the wife of Samson: “Coax your husband, and persuade him to reveal to you what the proposition means. But if you are not willing to do so, we will burn you and your father’s house. Or have you called us to the wedding in order to despoil us?”15 Al cuarto día, dijeron a la mujer de Sansón: «Seduce a tu marido para que nos resuelva la adivinanza. De lo contrario, te quemaremos a ti y a toda tu familia. ¿O es que nos han invitado para quitarnos lo que es nuestro?».
16 And she shed tears before Samson, and she complained, saying: “You hate me, and you do not love me. That is why you do not want to explain to me the problem, which you have proposed to the sons of my people.” But he responded: “I was not willing to reveal it to my father and mother. And so, how can I reveal it to you?”16 La mujer se puso a llorar en brazos y Sansón, y le dijo: «Tú no sientes ningún cariño por mí. Has propuesto una adivinanza a mis compatriotas, y no has querido darme la solución». «No se la di ni a mi padre ni a mi madre, le respondió él, ¿y te la voy a dar a ti?».
17 Therefore, she wept before him during the seven days of the feast. And at length, on the seventh day, since she had been troubling him, he explained it. And immediately she revealed it to her countrymen.17 Pero ella le estuvo encima llorando los siete días que duró la fiesta, y él, ante tanta insistencia, al séptimo día le dio la solución. Ella se la comunicó a sus compatriotas
18 And they, on the seventh day, before the sun declined, said to him: “What is sweeter than honey? And what is stronger than a lion?” And he said to them, “If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have uncovered my proposition.”18 El séptimo día, antes que Sansón entrara en la habitación matrimonial, la gente del pueblo le dijo?: «¿Qué hay más dulce que la miel y más fuerte que el león? Y él les respondió: «Si no hubieran arado con mi ternera, no habrían resuelto mi adivinanza».
19 And so the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon him, and he descended to Ashkelon, and in that place he struck down thirty men. And taking away their garments, he gave them to those who had solved the problem. And being exceedingly angry, he went up to his father’s house.19 Luego el espíritu del Señor se apoderó de Sansón; él bajó a Ascalón y allí mató a treinta hombres. Después de recoger sus despojos, entregó la ropa a los que habían acertado la adivinanza, y regresó furioso a la casa de su padre.
20 Then his wife took as a husband one of his friends and wedding companions.20 Uno de los compañeros que habían estado con él se quedó con su esposa.