
Lunedi, 10 giugno 2024 - Santa Faustina di Cizico ( Letture di oggi)

Esther 4

1 And so, after this had been carried out, and the indignation of king Artaxerxes had subsided, he remembered Vashti, and what she had done, and what had happened to her.1 - Quando Mardocheo seppe ciò, si strappò le vesti, si coprì di sacco, si sparse di cenere il capo, e sulla piazza in mezzo alla città si diede a gridare a gran voce, mostrando l'amarezza dell'anima sua,
2 And the servants of the king, and his ministers, said, “Let young women be sought for the king, virgins and beautiful,2 e così urlando giunse sino alle porte del palazzo; non era però lecito ad uno vestito di sacco entrare nella residenza del re.
3 and let investigators be sent throughout all the provinces for young women, beautiful and virgins. And let them bring them to the city of Susa, and deliver them to the house of the women under the hand of Hegai the eunuch, who is the overseer and keeper of the king’s women. And let them receive feminine ornaments, and other things necessary for their use.3 Anche in tutte le province, città e luoghi ov'era arrivato il crudele decreto del re, era gran pianto presso i Giudei, digiunando essi e gridando e gemendo: e molti di loro giacevano sul sacco e sulla cenere invece che sul letto.
4 And whoever among them all will please the king’s eyes, let her reign instead of Vashti.” The idea pleased the king, and so he ordered it to be done as they had suggested.4 Or vennero le ancelle d'Ester e gli eunuchi, e le annunziaron la cosa. Com'ebbe ciò udito, restò costernata, e mandò a Mardocheo una veste, acciò, toltogli il sacco, ne lo vestissero; ma egli non volle prenderla.
5 There was a Jewish man in the city of Susa, by the name of Mordecai, son of Jair, son of Shimei, son of Kish, of the house of Benjamin,5 Chiamato allora l'eunuco Atac datole dal re per ministro, Ester gli ordinò di recarsi da Mardocheo, per sapere da lui per qual motivo faceva così.
6 who had been carried away from Jerusalem at the time that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon carried away Jeconiah king of Judah,6 Uscì dunque Atac, ed andò da Mardocheo che stava sulla piazza della città, davanti alla porta del palazzo.
7 who had raised his brother’s daughter Hadassah, who by another name was called Esther. And she had lost both her parents. She was very beautiful, with a graceful appearance. Since her father and mother had both died, Mordecai adopted her as his own daughter.7 Mardocheo gli raccontò tutto quel che era accaduto, e come Aman avesse promesso di mandare al tesoro reale una somma d'argento per ottenere l'uccisione dei Giudei;
8 And when the king’s command became very well-known, in accordance with his command, many beautiful virgins were brought to Susa, and were delivered to Hegai the eunuch. Likewise, Esther, along with the other young women, was delivered to him, to be protected with the assembled women.8 gli dette ancora un esemplare dell'editto affisso in Susa, perchè lo desse alla regina, e l'ammonisse di presentarsi al re a supplicarlo per il popolo suo.
9 She was pleasing to him, and she found favor in his sight. And he commanded a eunuch to hasten the women’s ornaments, and to deliver her share to her, along with seven of the most beautiful young women of the king’s house, so as to both adorn and honor her and her handmaids.9 Tornato Atac, riferì ad Ester tutto quello che Mardocheo aveva detto.
10 She was not willing to reveal to him her people or her native land. For Mordecai had instructed her that she should keep silent about all these things.10 Ed essa gli rispose, comandandogli di ripeterlo a Mardocheo:
11 He went for a walk every day, in the front courtyard of the house in which the chosen virgins were kept, having concern for Esther’s welfare and wanting to know what would happen to her.11 «Tutti i servi del re, e tutte le province a lui soggette sanno che qualunque uomo o donna penetri nella corte interna del re senz'esser chiamato, subito e senza indugio è messo a morte, a meno che il re non stenda verso di lui lo scettro d'oro in segno di benevolenza, così che possa aver salva la vita. Come dunque potrò presentarmi al re io, che già da trenta giorni non sono stata chiamata da lui?».
12 But, when the time came for each in the line of young women to go in to the king, after everything had been completed concerning feminine grooming, the twelfth month had been reached, to the extent that for six months they were anointed with oil of myrrh, and for another six months they used certain types of makeup and perfumes.12 Mardocheo, ciò udito,
13 And when they were going in to the king, whatever they requested to adorn themselves, they received, and when each was pleased with herself, having been prepared in the chamber of the women, she passed on to the king’s chamber.13 mandò a dire ad Ester in risposta: «Non credere di poter salvare almeno la tua vita, a differenza di tutti i Giudei, perchè tu sei nella casa del re.
14 And whoever entered at evening, departed in the morning, and then from there she was led to the second house, which was under the hand of Shaashgaz the eunuch, who presided over the king’s concubines. Nor did she have the power to return again to the king, unless the king desired it and had summoned her by name.14 Se tu ora tacerai, i Giudei saranno liberati in altra maniera: ma tu e la casa del padre tuo perirete. E chi sa che appunto per questo tu non sia pervenuta al trono, per esser pronta in questa occasione?».
15 But, as the order continued to progress, the day arrived when Esther, the daughter of Abihail the brother of Mordecai, whom he had adopted as his daughter, was required to go in to the king. She did not seek feminine ornaments, except that whatever Hegai the eunuch and keeper of the virgins chose, he gave her to adorn her. For she was very attractive, and her incredible beauty made her appear gracious and amiable in the eyes of all.15 Allora Ester mandò a dire a Mardocheo:
16 And so she was led to the chamber of king Artaxerxes, in the tenth month, which is called Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.16 «Va', raduna tutti i Giudei che troverai in Susa, e pregate per me. Per tre giorni e tre notti non mangiate nè bevete, ed io digiunerò egualmente con le mie ancelle; dopo di che, mi presenterò al re non chiamata, facendo contro la legge, ed esponendomi al pericolo ed alla morte».
17 It was inquired into and discovered, and they were both hanged on a gallows. And it was committed to the histories and the chronicles which are delivered in the sight of the king.17 Andò dunque Mardocheo, e fece tutto quello che Ester gli aveva ordinato.