
Martedi, 11 giugno 2024 - San Barnaba ( Letture di oggi)

Psalms 37

1 [Of David] Do not get heated about the wicked or envy those who do wrong.1 (Salmo di David. Memoriale. Pel giorno di sabato).
2 Quick as the grass they wither, fading like the green of the fields.2 Signore, non mi riprendere nel tuo furore, non mi castigare nel tuo sdegno,
3 Put your trust in Yahweh and do right, make your home in the land and live secure.3 Perché le tue saette son confitte nella mia persona, e tu hai aggravata sopra di me la tua mano.
4 Make Yahweh your joy and he will give you your heart's desires.4 Non v'è più parte sana nella mia carne a cagione del tuo sdegno, non han pace le mie ossa per via dei miei peccati.
5 Commit your destiny to Yahweh, be confident in him, and he wil act,5 Perchè le mie iniquità mi passano sopra il capo e mi opprimono qual grave peso;
6 making your uprightness clear as daylight, and the justice of your cause as the noon.6 Si sono imputridite e corrotte le mie piaghe a motivo della mia follia.
7 Stay quiet before Yahweh, wait longingly for him, do not get heated over someone who is making afortune, succeeding by devious means.7 Son divenuto infelice e tutto curvo, e passo tutto il giorno nella tristezza.
8 Refrain from anger, leave rage aside, do not get heated -- it can do no good;8 Perchè i miei lombi sono pieni d'illusioni e non vi è sanità nella mia carne.
9 for evil-doers will be annihilated, while those who hope in Yahweh shal have the land for their own.9 Sono abbattuto e oltremodo umiliato, e vo sfogando in ruggiti i gemiti del mio cuore.
10 A little while and the wicked wil be no more, however wel you search for the place, the wicked wilnot be there;10 Signore, ti sta dinanzi ogni mio desiderio, e i miei sospiri non ti son nascosti.
11 but the poor wil have the land for their own, to enjoy untroubled peace.11 Ho il cuore agitato, le forze mi abbandonano, e mi viene meno anche il lume degli occhi.
12 The wicked plots against the upright and gnashes his teeth at him,12 I miei amici e i miei congiunti, dopo essersi un po' avvicinati, si son fermati, e quelli che m'eran vicini s'allontanarono.
13 but Yahweh only laughs at his efforts, knowing that his end is in sight.13 E quelli che attentano alla mia vita fanno ogni sforzo, e quelli che cercano farmi del male minacciano guai, e tutto il giorno tessono inganni.
14 Though the wicked draw his sword and bend his bow to slaughter the honest and bring down thepoor and the needy,14 Ma io come sordo fo vista di non sentire e son come un muto che non apre la sua bocca.
15 his sword will pierce his own heart, and his bow wil be shattered.15 Mi diporto come un uomo che non sente nulla e che nulla ha da dire in sua difesa.
16 What little the upright possesses outweighs al the wealth of the wicked;16 Perchè in te, o Signore, ho riposta la mia speranza, tu mi esaudirai, o Signore mio Dio.
17 for the weapons of the wicked shal be shattered, while Yahweh supports the upright.17 Ho detto: « Che non abbiano a sghignazzare di me i miei nemici, i quali, ogni volta che vacillo, parlan contro di me con arroganza ».
18 The lives of the just are in Yahweh's care, their birthright wil endure for ever;18 Io son esposto ai castighi e il dolore non mi lascia mai.
19 they wil not be put to shame when bad times come, in time of famine they wil have plenty.19 Confesso le mie iniquità e penso al mio peccato.
20 The wicked, enemies of Yahweh, wil be destroyed, they wil vanish like the green of the pasture, theywil vanish in smoke.20 Ma i miei nemici vivono e son più forti di me e si son moltiplicati quelli che mi odiano ingiustamente.
21 The wicked borrows and wil not repay, but the upright is generous in giving;21 Quelli che rendono il male per il bene mi denigrano, perchè cerco di fare il bene.
22 those he blesses will have the land for their own, and those he curses be annihilated.22 Non mi abbandonare, o Signore, mio Dio, non ti allontanare da me.
23 Yahweh guides a strong man's steps and keeps them firm; and takes pleasure in him.23 Accorri in mio soccorso, o Signore, Dio della mia salvezza.
24 When he trips he is not thrown sprawling, since Yahweh supports him by the hand.
25 Now I am old, but ever since my youth I never saw an upright person abandoned, or the descendantsof the upright forced to beg their bread.
26 The upright is always compassionate, always lending, so his descendants reap a blessing.
27 Turn your back on evil and do good, you wil have a home for ever,
28 for Yahweh loves justice and wil not forsake his faithful. Evil-doers wil perish eternally, thedescendants of the wicked be annihilated,
29 but the upright shal have the land for their own, there they shal live for ever.
30 Wisdom comes from the lips of the upright, and his tongue speaks what is right;
31 the law of his God is in his heart, his foot wil never slip.
32 The wicked keeps a close eye on the upright, looking out for a chance to kill him;
33 Yahweh will never abandon him to the clutches of the wicked, nor let him be condemned if he is tried.
34 Put your hope in Yahweh, keep to his path, he wil raise you up to make the land your own; you willook on while the wicked are annihilated.
35 I have seen the wicked exultant, towering like a cedar of Lebanon.
36 When next I passed he was gone, I searched for him and he was nowhere to be found.
37 Observe the innocent, consider the honest, for the lover of peace wil not lack children.
38 But the wicked wil al be destroyed together, and their children annihilated.
39 The upright have Yahweh for their Saviour, their refuge in times of trouble;
40 Yahweh helps them and rescues them, he wil rescue them from the wicked, and save them becausethey take refuge in him.