
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

Psalms 107

1 Al eluia! Give thanks to Yahweh for he is good, his faithful love lasts for ever.1 Cantico a esso David.
2 So let them say whom Yahweh redeemed, whom he redeemed from the power of their enemies,2 Iddio, apparecchiato è il mio cuore; apparecchiato è il cuore mio; canterò, e salmeggerò nella mia gloria.
3 bringing them back from foreign lands, from east and west, north and south.3 Lèvati [gloria mia; lèvati] salterio e citara; leverommi per tempo.
4 They were wandering in the desert, in the wastelands, could find no way to an inhabited city;4 A te confesserò ne' popoli, Signore; e loderò te nelle nazioni.
5 they were hungry and thirsty, their life was ebbing away.5 Come è grande sopra li cieli la misericordia tua, e insino alle nubi la verità tua.
6 They cried out to Yahweh in their distress, he rescued them from their plight,6 Lèvati, Signore, sopra li cieli; e sopra ogni terra è la gloria tua;
7 he set them on the road, straight to an inhabited city.7 acciò siano liberati li diletti tuoi. Con la tua destra fammi salvo, ed esaudi me.
8 Let them thank Yahweh for his faithful love, for his wonders for the children of Adam!8 Iddio ha parlato nel santo suo. Rallegrarommi (nel Salvatore) e dividerò la Sichima, e mensurarò la valle de' tabernacoli.
9 He has fed the hungry to their hearts' content, filled the starving with good things.9 Mio è Galaad, e mio è Manasse; ed Efraim ricevitore del mio capo. Iuda è mio re;
10 Sojourners in gloom and shadow dark as death, fettered in misery and chains,10 Moab vaso della mia speranza. Nell' Idumea stenderò il mio calzamento; a me gli estranei sono fatti amici.
11 for defying the orders of Yahweh, for scorning the plan of the Most High-11 Chi mi ritornerà nella città fortificata? chi mi ritornerà insino a Idumea?
12 he subdued their spirit by hard labour; if they fel there was no one to help.12 Non sarai tu, Signore, che ne hai suspetti? E non uscirai, o Dio, nelle virtù nostre?
13 They cried out to Yahweh in their distress, he rescued them from their plight,13 A noi dona l'aiuto della tribulazione; però che vana è la salute delli uomini.
14 he brought them out from gloom and shadow dark as death, and shattered their chains.14 In Dio faremo la virtù; e lui a niente reducerà li nemici nostri.
15 Let them thank Yahweh for his faithful love, for his wonders for the children of Adam!
16 He broke open gates of bronze and smashed iron bars.
17 Fools for their rebellious ways, wretched because of their sins,
18 finding all food repugnant, brought close to the gates of death-
19 they cried out to Yahweh in their distress; he rescued them from their plight,
20 he sent out his word and cured them, and rescued their life from the abyss.
21 Let them thank Yahweh for his faithful love, for his wonders for the children of Adam!
22 Let them offer thanksgiving sacrifices, and recount with shouts of joy what he has done!
23 Voyagers on the sea in ships, plying their trade on the great ocean,
24 have seen the works of Yahweh, his wonders in the deep.
25 By his word he raised a storm-wind, lashing up towering waves.
26 Up to the sky then down to the depths! Their stomachs were turned to water;
27 they staggered and reeled like drunkards, and al their skill went under.
28 They cried out to Yahweh in their distress, he rescued them from their plight,
29 he reduced the storm to a calm, and al the waters subsided,
30 and he brought them, overjoyed at the stillness, to the port where they were bound.
31 Let them thank Yahweh for his faithful love, for his wonders for the children of Adam!
32 Let them extol him in the assembly of the people, and praise him in the council of elders.
33 He has turned rivers into desert, bubbling springs into arid ground,
34 fertile country into salt-flats, because the people living there were evil.
35 But he has turned desert into stretches of water, arid ground into bubbling springs,
36 and has given the hungry a home, where they have built themselves a city.
37 There they sow fields and plant vines, and reap a harvest of their produce.
38 He blesses them and their numbers increase, he keeps their cattle at full strength.
39 Their numbers had fal en, they had grown weak, under pressure of disaster and hardship;
40 he covered princes in contempt, left them to wander in trackless wastes.
41 But the needy he raises from their misery, makes their families as numerous as sheep.
42 At the sight the honest rejoice, and the wicked have nothing to say.
43 Who is wise? Such a one should take this to heart, and come to understand Yahweh's faithful love.