
Venerdi, 1 novembre 2024 - Tutti i Santi ( Letture di oggi)

Esther 8

1 That same day King Ahasuerus gave Queen Esther the house of Haman, the persecutor of the Jews.Mordecai was presented to the king, Esther having revealed their mutual relationship.1 Naquele mesmo dia Assuero fez presente à rainha Ester da casa de Amã, o opressor dos judeus; e Mardoqueu se apresentou diante do rei, porque Ester tinha manifestado o que ele era dela.
2 The king, who had recovered his signet ring from Haman, took it off and gave it to Mordecai, whileEsther gave Mordecai charge of Haman's house.2 Tirando seu anel, que tinha retomado de Amã, o rei o presenteou a Mardoqueu, que foi colocado por Ester à frente da casa de Amã.
3 Esther again went to speak to the king. She fel at his feet, weeping and imploring his favour, to frustratethe malice that Haman the Agagite had been plotting against the Jews.3 Ester voltou de novo à presença do rei e falou. Prostrada a seus pés, desfeita em lágrimas, lhe suplicava que destruísse as maquinações que Amã, o agagita, tinha perversamente urdido contra os judeus.
4 The king held out the golden sceptre to her, whereupon Esther stood up and faced him.4 O rei estendeu o cetro de ouro a Ester, a qual se pôs em pé diante dele.
5 'If such is the king's good pleasure,' she said, 'and if I have found favour before him, if my petition seemsproper to him and if I myself am pleasing to his eyes, may he be pleased to issue a written revocation of theletters which Haman son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, has had written, ordering the destruction of the Jewsthroughout the royal provinces.5 Se parecer bem ao rei, disse ela, e se achei graça diante dele, e se isso lhe parecer justo e se sou agradável a seus olhos, que revogue por escrito as cartas, que Amã, filho de Amedata, o agagita, tinha concebido o redigido para perder os judeus de todas as províncias do rei.
6 For how can I look on, while my people suffer what is proposed for them? How can I bear to witness theextermination of my relatives?'6 Como poderia eu ver a desgraça que aguarda meu povo, e como poderia assistir ao extermínio de minha raça?
7 King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther and to Mordecai the Jew, 'I for my part have given EstherHaman's house, and have had him hanged on the gal ows for planning to destroy the Jews.7 O rei Assuero respondeu à rainha Ester e ao judeu Mardoqueu: Fiz presente a Ester da casa de Amã, e fiz perecer esse homem por ter levantado a mão contra os judeus.
8 You, for your part, write what you please as regards the Jews, in the king's name, and seal it with theking's signet; for any edict written in the king's name and sealed with his signet is irrevocable.'8 Escrevei, portanto, vós mesmos, em nome do rei, em favor dos judeus, como bem vos parecer e selai com o selo real, porque toda ordem escrita em nome do rei e firmada com seu selo é irrevogável.
9 The royal scribes were summoned at once -- it was the third month, the month of Sivan, on the twenty-third day -- and at Mordecai's dictation an order was written to the Jews, the satraps, governors and principalofficials of the provinces stretching from India to Ethiopia, a hundred and twenty-seven provinces, to eachprovince in its own script, and to each people in its own language, and to the Jews in their own script andlanguage.9 Foram então chamados os escribas do rei, no vigésimo terceiro dia do terceiro mês, chamado Sivã; e conforme as instruções de Mardoqueu, escreveram aos judeus, aos sátrapas, aos governadores e aos senhores das cento e vinte e sete províncias situadas entre a Índia e a Etiópia, a cada província em sua escritura, a cada nação em sua língua, e aos judeus na sua própria escritura e língua.
10 These letters, written in the name of King Ahasuerus and sealed with the king's signet, were carried bycouriers mounted on horses from the king's own stud-farms.10 Redigiram-se, pois, em nome do rei Assuero e marcaram-se com o selo real as cartas, que foram expedidas por correios a cavalo, tendo como montarias cavalos procedentes das cavalariças reais.
11 In them the king granted the Jews, in whatever city they lived, the right to assemble in self-defence,with permission to destroy, slaughter and annihilate any armed force of any people or province that might attackthem, together with their women and children, and to plunder their possessions,11 Essas comunicações diziam que o rei outorgava aos judeus, em qualquer cidade em que residissem, o direito de se reunir para defender sua vida, de destruir, matar e fazer perecer, em cada província do reino, todos os que se armassem para atacá-los, com suas mulheres e filhos; igualmente o direito de se apoderarem de seus despojos.
12 with effect from the same day throughout the provinces of King Ahasuerus -- the thirteenth day of thetwelfth month, which is Adar. (a) The text of the letter was as fol ows: (b) 'The Great King, Ahasuerus, to thesatraps of the hundred and twenty-seven provinces which stretch from India to Ethiopia, to the provincialgovernors and to al our loyal subjects, greeting: (c) 'Many people, repeatedly honoured by the extreme bountyof their benefactors, only grow the more arrogant. It is not enough for them to seek our subjects' injury, butunable as they are to support the weight of their own surfeit they turn to scheming against their benefactorsthemselves. (d) Not content with banishing gratitude from the human heart, but elated by the plaudits of peopleunacquainted with goodness, notwithstanding that all is for ever under the eye of God, they expect to escape hisjustice, so hostile to the wicked. (e) Thus it has often happened to those placed in authority that, havingentrusted friends with the conduct of affairs and al owed themselves to be influenced by them, they findthemselves sharing with these the guilt of innocent blood and involved in irremediable misfortunes, (f) the uprightintentions of rulers having been misled by false arguments of the evil y disposed. (g) This may be seen withoutrecourse to the history of earlier times to which we have referred; you have only to look at what is before you, atthe crimes perpetrated by a plague of unworthy officials. (h) For the future, we shall exert our efforts to assurethe tranquil ity and peace of the realm for al , (i) by adopting new policies and by always judging matters that arebrought to our notice in the most equitable spirit. (k) 'Thus Haman son of Hammedatha, a Macedonian, without adrop of Persian blood and far removed from our goodness, enjoyed our hospitality (l) and was treated by us withthe benevolence which we show to every nation, even to the extent of being proclaimed our 'father' and beingaccorded universal y the prostration of respect as second in dignity to the royal throne. (m) But he, unable tokeep within his own high rank, schemed to deprive us of our realm and of our life. (n) Furthermore, by tortuouswiles and arguments, he would have had us destroy Mordecai, our saviour and constant benefactor, with Estherthe blameless partner of our majesty, and their whole nation besides. (o) He thought by these means to leave uswithout support and so to transfer the Persian empire to the Macedonians. (p) 'But we find that the Jews, markedout for annihilation by this arch-scoundrel, are not criminals: they are in fact governed by the most just of laws.(q) They are children of the Most High, the great and living God to whom we and our ancestors owe thecontinuing prosperity of our realm. (r) You will therefore do wel not to act on the letters sent by Haman son ofHammedatha, since their author has been hanged at the gates of Susa with his whole household: a fittingpunishment, which God, Master of the Universe, has speedily inflicted on him. (s) Put up copies of this lettereverywhere, al ow the Jews to observe their own customs without fear, and come to their help against anyonewho attacks them on the day original y chosen for their maltreatment, that is, the thirteenth day of the twelfthmonth, which is Adar. (t) For the al -powerful God has made this day a day of joy and not of ruin for the chosenpeople. (u) You, for your part, among your solemn festivals celebrate this as a special day with every kind offeasting, so that now and in the future, for you and for Persians of good will, it may commemorate your rescue,and for your enemies may stand as a reminder of their ruin. (v) 'Every city and, more generally, every country,which does not fol ow these instructions, wil be mercilessly devastated with fire and sword, and made not onlyinaccessible to human beings but hateful to wild animals and even birds for ever.'12 {Tudo isso se faria} num só dia, em todas as províncias do rei Assuero, no dia treze do duodécimo mês, chamado Adar.
13 Copies of this edict, to be promulgated as law in each province, were published to the various peoples,so that the Jews could be ready on the day stated to avenge themselves on their enemies.13 Uma cópia do edito, que devia ser promulgado como lei em cada província, foi enviada a todos os povos, a fim de que os judeus estivessem preparados, naquele dia, para tirar vingança de seus inimigos.
14 The couriers, mounted on the king's horses, set out in great haste and urgency at the king's command.The edict was also published in the citadel of Susa.14 Os correios, montando cavalos das cavalariças reais, partiram apressadamente e cumpriram diligentemente a ordem do rei. O edito foi publicado primeiramente em Susa, a capital.
15 Mordecai left the royal presence in a princely gown of violet and white, with a great golden crown and acloak of fine linen and purple. The city of Susa shouted for joy.15 Saiu então Mardoqueu da casa do rei, com uma veste real, azul e branca, com uma grande coroa de ouro e um manto de linho e púrpura. A cidade de Susa alegrou-se com os gritos de júbilo.
16 For the Jews there was light and gladness, joy and honour.16 Não havia para os judeus senão felicidade, alegria e cantos de triunfo.
17 In every province and in every city, wherever the king's command and decree arrived, there was joyand gladness among the Jews, with feasting and holiday-making. Of the country's population many becameJews, since now the Jews were feared.17 Em cada província, em cada cidade, aonde quer que chegasse o edito real, havia entre os judeus transportes de gozo, banquetes e regozijo. Muitos no país se fizeram judeus, tanto era o temor que lhes inspiravam.