
Lunedi, 3 giugno 2024 - San Carlo Lwanga ( Letture di oggi)

Proverbs 12


1He who loves correction loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.2The good man wins favor from the LORD, but the schemer is condemned by him.3No man is built up by wickedness, but the root of the just will never be disturbed.4A worthy wife is the crown of her husband, but a disgraceful one is like rot in his bones.5The plans of the just are legitimate; the designs of the wicked are deceitful.6The words of the wicked are a deadly ambush, but the speech of the upright saves them.7The wicked are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the just stands firm.8According to his good sense a man is praised, but one with a warped mind is despised.9Better a lowly man who supports himself than one of assumed importance who lacks bread.10The just man takes care of his beast, but the heart of the wicked is merciless.11He who tills his own land has food in plenty, but he who follows idle pursuits is a fool.12The stronghold of evil men will be demolished, but the root of the just is enduring.13In the sin of his lips the evil man is ensnared, but the just comes free of trouble.14From the fruit of his words a man has his fill of good things, and the work of his hands comes back to reward him.15The way of the fool seems right in his own eyes, but he who listens to advice is wise.16The fool immediately shows his anger, but the shrewd man passes over an insult.17He tells the truth who states what he is sure of, but a lying witness speaks deceitfully.18The prating of some men is like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise is healing.19Truthful lips endure forever, the lying tongue, for only a moment.20Deceit is in the hands of those who plot evil, but those who counsel peace have joy.21No harm befalls the just, but the wicked are overwhelmed with misfortune.22Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD, but those who are truthful are his delight.23A shrewd man conceals his knowledge, but the hearts of fools gush forth folly.24The diligent hand will govern, but the slothful will be enslaved.25Anxiety in a man's heart depresses it, but a kindly word makes it glad.26The just man surpasses his neighbor, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.27The slothful man catches not his prey, but the wealth of the diligent man is great.28In the path of justice there is life, but the abominable way leads to death.