
Sabato, 21 settembre 2024 - San Matteo ap. ( Letture di oggi)

ΣΟΦΙΑ ΣΕΙΡΑΧ - Siracide - Sirach 46

1 κραταιος εν πολεμω ιησους ναυη και διαδοχος μωυση εν προφητειαις ος εγενετο κατα το ονομα αυτου μεγας επι σωτηρια εκλεκτων αυτου εκδικησαι επεγειρομενους εχθρους οπως κατακληρονομηση τον ισραηλ1 Mighty in war was Joshua son of Nun, successor to Moses in the prophetic office, who well deservedhis name, and was a great saviour of the chosen people, wreaking vengeance on the enemies who opposedhim, and so bringing Israel into its inheritance.
2 ως εδοξασθη εν τω επαραι χειρας αυτου και εν τω εκτειναι ρομφαιαν επι πολεις2 How splendid he was when, arms uplifted, he brandished his sword against cities!
3 τις προτερος αυτου ουτως εστη τους γαρ πολεμους κυριου αυτος επηγαγεν3 Who had ever shown such determination as his? He himself led the battles of the Lord.
4 ουχι εν χειρι αυτου ενεποδισθη ο ηλιος και μια ημερα εγενηθη προς δυο4 Was not the sun held back by his hand, and one day drawn out into two?
5 επεκαλεσατο τον υψιστον δυναστην εν τω θλιψαι αυτον εχθρους κυκλοθεν και επηκουσεν αυτου μεγας κυριος εν λιθοις χαλαζης δυναμεως κραταιας5 He called on the Most High, the Mighty One, while pressing the enemies from all directions, and thegreat Lord answered him with hard and violent hailstones.
6 κατερραξεν επ' εθνος πολεμον και εν καταβασει απωλεσεν ανθεστηκοτας ινα γνωσιν εθνη πανοπλιαν αυτου οτι εναντιον κυριου ο πολεμος αυτου6 He fel on that enemy nation, and at the Descent destroyed al resistance to make the nationsacknowledge his warlike prowess and that he was waging war on behalf of the Lord.
7 και γαρ επηκολουθησεν οπισω δυναστου και εν ημεραις μωυσεως εποιησεν ελεος αυτος και χαλεβ υιος ιεφοννη αντιστηναι εναντι εκκλησιας κωλυσαι λαον απο αμαρτιας και κοπασαι γογγυσμον πονηριας7 For he was a fol ower of the Mighty One, in the time of Moses showing his devotion, he and Caleb sonof Jephunneh, by opposing the whole community, by preventing the people from sinning, and by silencing themutters of rebel ion.
8 και αυτοι δυο οντες διεσωθησαν απο εξακοσιων χιλιαδων πεζων εισαγαγειν αυτους εις κληρονομιαν εις γην ρεουσαν γαλα και μελι8 Hence these two alone were preserved out of six hundred thousand men on the march, and broughtinto their inheritance, into a land where milk and honey flow.
9 και εδωκεν ο κυριος τω χαλεβ ισχυν και εως γηρους διεμεινεν αυτω επιβηναι αυτον επι το υψος της γης και το σπερμα αυτου κατεσχεν κληρονομιαν9 And the Lord conferred strength on Caleb too, which stayed by him into old age, so that he could investthe highlands of the country which his descendants kept as their inheritance,
10 οπως ιδωσιν παντες οι υιοι ισραηλ οτι καλον το πορευεσθαι οπισω κυριου10 so that every Israelite might see that it is good to fol ow the Lord.
11 και οι κριται εκαστος τω αυτου ονοματι οσων ουκ εξεπορνευσεν η καρδια και οσοι ουκ απεστραφησαν απο κυριου ειη το μνημοσυνον αυτων εν ευλογιαις11 The Judges too, each when he was cal ed, all men whose hearts were never disloyal, who neverturned their backs on the Lord -- may their memory be blessed!
12 τα οστα αυτων αναθαλοι εκ του τοπου αυτων και το ονομα αυτων αντικαταλλασσομενον εφ' υιοις δεδοξασμενων αυτων12 May their bones flourish again from the tomb, and may the names of those il ustrious men be worthilyborne by their sons!
13 ηγαπημενος υπο κυριου αυτου σαμουηλ προφητης κυριου κατεστησεν βασιλειαν και εχρισεν αρχοντας επι τον λαον αυτου13 Samuel was the beloved of his Lord; prophet of the Lord, he instituted the kingdom, and anointedrulers over his people.
14 εν νομω κυριου εκρινεν συναγωγην και επεσκεψατο κυριος τον ιακωβ14 By the Law of the Lord he judged the assembly, and the Lord watched over Jacob.
15 εν πιστει αυτου ηκριβασθη προφητης και εγνωσθη εν ρημασιν αυτου πιστος ορασεως15 By his loyalty he was recognised as a prophet, by his words he was known to be a trustworthy seer.
16 και επεκαλεσατο τον κυριον δυναστην εν τω θλιψαι εχθρους αυτου κυκλοθεν εν προσφορα αρνος γαλαθηνου16 He cal ed on the Lord, the Mighty One, when his enemies pressed in from all directions, by offering asucking lamb.
17 και εβροντησεν απ' ουρανου ο κυριος και εν ηχω μεγαλω ακουστην εποιησεν την φωνην αυτου17 And the Lord thundered from heaven, and made his voice heard in a rolling peal;
18 και εξετριψεν ηγουμενους τυριων και παντας αρχοντας φυλιστιιμ18 he massacred the leaders of the enemy, and all the rulers of the Philistines.
19 και προ καιρου κοιμησεως αιωνος επεμαρτυρατο εναντι κυριου και χριστου αυτου χρηματα και εως υποδηματων απο πασης σαρκος ουκ ειληφα και ουκ ενεκαλεσεν αυτω ανθρωπος19 Before the time of his everlasting rest he bore witness to the Lord and his anointed, 'Of no property,not even a pair of sandals, have I ever deprived a soul.' Nor did anyone accuse him.
20 και μετα το υπνωσαι αυτον προεφητευσεν και υπεδειξεν βασιλει την τελευτην αυτου και ανυψωσεν εκ γης την φωνην αυτου εν προφητεια εξαλειψαι ανομιαν λαου20 And, having fal en asleep, he prophesied again, warning the king of his end; he spoke from the depthsof the earth in prophecy, to blot out the wickedness of the people.