
Domenica, 2 giugno 2024 - Santi Marcellino e Pietro ( Letture di oggi)

Sirach 20

1 There is a reproof that is not comely: again, some man holdeth his tongue, and he is wise.1 An admonition can be inopportune, and a man may be wise to hold his peace.
2 It is much better to reprove, than to be angry secretly: and he that confesseth his fault shall be preserved from hurt.2 It is much better to admonish than to lose one's temper, for one who admits his fault will be kept from disgrace.
3 How good is it, when thou art reproved, to shew repentance! for so shalt thou escape wilful sin.3 Like a eunuch lusting for intimacy with a maiden is he who does right under compulsion.
4 As is the lust of an eunuch to deflower a virgin; so is he that executeth judgment with violence.4 One man is silent and is thought wise, another is talkative and is disliked.
5 There is one that keepeth silence, and is found wise: and another by much babbling becometh hateful.5 One man is silent because he has nothing to say; another is silent, biding his time.
6 Some man holdeth his tongue, because he hath not to answer: and some keepeth silence, knowing his time.6 A wise man is silent till the right time comes, but a boasting fool ignores the proper time.
7 A wise man will hold his tongue till he see opportunity: but a babbler and a fool will regard no time.7 He who talks too much is detested; he who pretends to authority is hated.
8 He that useth many words shall be abhorred; and he that taketh to himself authority therein shall be hated.8 Some misfortunes bring success; some things gained are a man's loss.
9 There is a sinner that hath good success in evil things; and there is a gain that turneth to loss.9 Some gifts do one no good, and some must be paid back double.
10 There is a gift that shall not profit thee; and there is a gift whose recompence is double.10 Humiliation can follow fame, while from obscurity a man can lift up his head.
11 There is an abasement because of glory; and there is that lifteth up his head from a low estate.11 A man may buy much for little, but pay for it seven times over.
12 There is that buyeth much for a little, and repayeth it sevenfold.12 A wise man makes himself popular by a few words, but fools pour forth their blandishments in vain.
13 A wise man by his words maketh him beloved: but the graces of fools shall be poured out.13 A gift from a rogue will do you no good, for in his eyes his one gift is equal to seven.
14 The gift of a fool shall do thee no good when thou hast it; neither yet of the envious for his necessity: for he looketh to receive many things for one.14 He gives little and criticizes often, and like a crier he shouts aloud. He lends today, he asks it back tomorrow; hateful indeed is such a man.
15 He giveth little, and upbraideth much; he openeth his mouth like a crier; to day he lendeth, and to morrow will he ask it again: such an one is to be hated of God and man.15 A fool has no friends, nor thanks for his generosity;
16 The fool saith, I have no friends, I have no thank for all my good deeds, and they that eat my bread speak evil of me.16 Those who eat his bread have an evil tongue. How many times they laugh him to scorn!
17 How oft, and of how many shall he be laughed to scorn! for he knoweth not aright what it is to have; and it is all one unto him as if he had it not.17 A fall to the ground is less sudden than a slip of the tongue; that is why the downfall of the wicked comes so quickly.
18 To slip upon a pavement is better than to slip with the tongue: so the fall of the wicked shall come speedily.18 Insipid food is the untimely tale; the unruly are always ready to offer it.
19 An unseasonable tale will always be in the mouth of the unwise.19 A proverb when spoken by a fool is unwelcome, for he does not utter it at the proper time.
20 A wise sentence shall be rejected when it cometh out of a fool's mouth; for he will not speak it in due season.20 A man through want may be unable to sin, yet in this tranquility he cannot rest.
21 There is that is hindered from sinning through want: and when he taketh rest, he shall not be troubled.21 One may lose his life through shame, and perish through a fool's intimidation.
22 There is that destroyeth his own soul through bashfulness, and by accepting of persons overthroweth himself.22 A man makes a promise to a friend out of shame, and has him for his enemy needlessly.
23 There is that for bashfulness promiseth to his friend, and maketh him his enemy for nothing.23 A lie is a foul blot in a man, yet it is constantly on the lips of the unruly.
24 A lie is a foul blot in a man, yet it is continually in the mouth of the untaught.24 Better a thief than an inveterate liar, yet both will suffer disgrace;
25 A thief is better than a man that is accustomed to lie: but they both shall have destruction to heritage.25 A liar's way leads to dishonor, his shame remains ever with him.
26 The disposition of a liar is dishonourable, and his shame is ever with him.26 A wise man advances himself by his words, a prudent man pleases the great.
27 A wise man shall promote himself to honour with his words: and he that hath understanding will please great men.27 He who works his land has abundant crops, he who pleases the great is pardoned his faults.
28 He that tilleth his land shall increase his heap: and he that pleaseth great men shall get pardon for iniquity.28 Favors and gifts blind the eyes; like a muzzle over the mouth they silence reproof.
29 Presents and gifts blind the eyes of the wise, and stop up his mouth that he cannot reprove.29 Hidden wisdom and unseen treasure-- of what value is either?
30 Wisdom that is hid, and treasure that is hoarded up, what profit is in them both?30 Better the man who hides his folly than the one who hides his wisdom.
31 Better is he that hideth his folly than a man that hideth his wisdom.
32 Necessary patience in seeking ing the Lord is better than he that leadeth his life without a guide.