
Venerdi, 20 settembre 2024 - Santi Martiri Coreani ( Letture di oggi)

Numbers 16

1 And behold Core the son of Isaar, the son of Caath, the son of Levi, and Dathan and Abiron the sons of Eliab, and Hon the son of Pheleth of the children of Ruben,1 Core, figlio di Izear, figlio di Keat, figlio di Levi, con Datan e Abiram, figli di Eliab, e On, figlio di Pelet, figli di Ruben,
2 Rose lap against Moses, and with them two hundred and fifty others of the children of Israel, leading men of the synagogue, and who in the time of assembly were called by name.2 si alzarono contro Mosè con duecentocinquanta uomini tra i figli d'Israele, capi della comunità, membri del consiglio, uomini ragguardevoli.
3 And when they had stood up against Moses and Aaron, they said: Let it be enough for you, that all the multitude consisteth of holy ones, and the Lord is among them: Why lift you up yourselves above the people of the Lord?3 Si radunarono presso Mosè e Aronne e dissero a loro: "E' troppo: se tutta la comunità è santa e in mezzo a loro è il Signore, perché vi innalzate sull'assemblea del Signore?".
4 When Moses heard this, he fell flat on his face:4 Udito questo, Mosè si prostrò sino a terra
5 And speaking to Core and all the multitude, he said: In the morning the Lord will make known who belong to him, and the holy he will join to himself: and whom he shall choose, they shall approach to him.5 e disse a Core e a tutta la sua gente: "Domani il Signore farà conoscere chi gli appartiene, chi è santo, e lo farà avvicinare a sé: farà avvicinare a sé il suo eletto.
6 Do this therefore: Take every man of you your censers, thou Core, and all thy company.6 Fate questo: prendete i turiboli di Core e di tutta la sua gente,
7 And putting fire in them to morrow, put incense upon it before the Lord: and whomsoever he shall choose, the same shall be holy: you take too much upon you, ye sons of Levi.7 mettetevi il fuoco e, domani, ponetevi l'incenso davanti al Signore. L'uomo che il Signore avrà scelto, quello sarà santo. Vi può bastare, figli di Levi!".
8 And he said again to Core: Hear ye sons of Levi.8 Mosè disse a Core: "Ascoltate, figli di Levi:
9 Is it a small thing unto you, that the God of Israel hath spared you from all the people, and joined you to himself, that you should serve him in the service of the tabernacle, and should stand before the congregation of the people, and should minister to him?9 vi pare forse poco che il Dio d'Israele vi abbia separato dalla comunità d'Israele per farvi avvicinare a sé, affinché possiate compiere il servizio della dimora del Signore e stare davanti alla comunità per essere suoi ministri?
10 Did he therefore make thee and all thy brethren the sons of Levi to approach unto him, that you should challenge to yourselves the priesthood also,10 Ti ha avvicinato con tutti i tuoi fratelli: e richiedete anche il sacerdozio?
11 And that all thy company should stand against the Lord ? for what is Aaron that you murmur against him?11 E' per questo che tu e tutta la tua comunità vi radunate contro il Signore. E Aronne chi è, perché mormoriate contro di lui?".
12 Then Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiron the sons of Eliab. But they answered: We will not come.12 Mosè mandò a chiamare Datan e Abiram, figli di Eliab. Dissero: "Non veniamo.
13 Is it a small matter to thee, that thou hast brought us out of a land that flowed with milk and honey, to kill us in the desert, except thou rule also like a lord over us?13 E' poco l'averci fatto uscire da una terra dove scorre latte e miele per farci morire in un deserto, perché tu voglia essere anche principe su noi?
14 Thou best brought us indeed into a land that floweth with rivers of milk and honey, and hast given us possessions of fields and vineyards; wilt thou also pull out our eyes? We will not come.14 Certo, non è ad una terra dove scorre latte e miele che ci hai portato, e non ci hai dato in eredità campo e vigna. Vuoi forse cavare gli occhi a questi uomini? Non veniamo".
15 Moses therefore being very angry, raid to the Lord: Respect not their sacrifices: thou knowest that I have not taken of them so much as a young ass at any time, nor have injured any of them.15 Mosè si arrabbiò molto e disse al Signore: "Non voltarti alla loro offerta: io non ho tolto neppure un asino a loro e non ho fatto del male a nessuno di essi".
16 And he said to Core: Do thou and thy congregation stand apart before the Lord to morrow, and Aaron apart.16 Mosè disse a Core: "Tu e tutta la tua gente starete domani davanti al Signore: vi sarà anche Aronne.
17 Take every one of you censers, and put incense upon them, offering to the Lord two hundred and fifty censers: let Aaron also hold his censer.17 Ognuno prenda il proprio incensiere, mettetevi sopra incenso e presentatelo al Signore: duecentocinquanta incensieri; anche tu e Aronne, ognuno il proprio incensiere".
18 When they had done this, Moses and Aaron standing,18 Ognuno prese il proprio incensiere, lo riempirono di fuoco, vi posero incenso e stettero all'ingresso della tenda del convegno, con Mosè ed Aronne.
19 And had drawn up all the multitude against them to the door of the tabernacle, the glory of the Lord appeared to them all.19 Quando Core ebbe radunato presso di loro tutta la sua gente all'ingresso della tenda del convegno, apparve la gloria del Signore a tutta la comunità.
20 And the Lord speaking to Moses and Aaron, said:20 Il Signore disse a Mosè e ad Aronne:
21 Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may presently destroy them.21 "Separatevi dal mezzo di questa comunità: li divorerò all'istante".
22 They fell flat on their face, and said: O most mighty, the God of the spirits of all flesh, for one man's sin shall thy wrath rage against all?22 Ma essi si prostrarono e dissero: "O Dio, Dio degli spiriti che sono in ogni carne, se uno solo pecca puoi tu irritarti contro tutta la comunità?".
23 And the Lord said to Moses:23 Il Signore rispose a Mosè:
24 Command the whole people to separate themselves from the tents of Core and Dathan and Abiron.24 "Ordina alla comunità: "Andatevene dai dintorni della dimora di Core, Datan e Abiram".
25 And Moses arose, and went to Dathan and Abiron: and the ancients of Israel following him,25 Mosè si alzò e andò da Datan e Abiram; lo seguirono gli anziani d'Israele.
26 He said to the multitude: Depart from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest you be involved in their sins.26 Parlò alla comunità dicendo: "Allontanatevi dalle tende di questi uomini cattivi e non toccate nulla di quello che loro appartiene, per non perire a causa di tutti i loro peccati".
27 And when they were departed from their tents round about, Dathan and Abiron coming out stood in the entry of their pavilions with their wives and children, and all the people.27 Se ne andarono dai dintorni della dimora di Core, Datan e Abiram. Datan e Abiram uscirono e si fermarono all'ingresso delle tende, con donne, figli e bambini.
28 And Moses said: By this you shall know that the Lord hath sent me to do all things that you see, and that I have not forged them of my own head:28 Mosè disse: "Con questo saprete che il Signore mi ha mandato a fare tutte queste cose, e non è di testa mia:
29 If these men die the common death of men, and if they be visited with a plague, wherewith others also are wont to be visited, the Lord did not send me.29 se quelli muoiono della morte di ogni uomo e capita a loro quello che capita ad ogni uomo, il Signore non mi ha mandato;
30 But if the Lord do a new thing, and the earth opening her mouth swallow them down, and all things that belong to them, and they go down alive into hell, you shall know that they have blasphemed the Lord.30 ma se il Signore opera qualcosa, e il suolo spalanca la sua bocca inghiottendo loro e tutto ciò che hanno, e scendono vivi negli inferi, saprete che questi uomini hanno disprezzato il Signore".
31 And immediately as he had made an end of speaking, the earth broke asunder under their feet:31 Quando ebbe finito di dire tutte queste parole, il suolo che era sotto di loro si spaccò,
32 And opening her mouth, devoured them with their tents and all their substance.32 la terra aprì la sua bocca e inghiottì loro, le loro tende, tutti gli uomini di Core e tutte le sostanze.
33 And they went down alive into hell the ground closing upon them, and they perished from among the people.33 Essi, con tutto quello che avevano scesero vivi negli inferi, la terra li ricoprì e scomparvero dal mezzo dell'assemblea.
34 But all Israel, that was standing round about, fled at the cry of them that were perishing: saying: Lest perhaps the earth swallow us up also.34 Tutto Israele, che era intorno a loro, fuggì alle loro grida, perché dicevano: "Che la terra non ci inghiottisca!".
35 And a fire coming out from the Lord, destroyed the two hundred and fifty men that offered the incense.35 Un fuoco uscì dal Signore e divorò i duecentocinquanta uomini che presentavano l'incenso.
36 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
37 Command Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest to take up the censers that lie in the burning, and to scatter the fire of one side and the other: because they are sanctified
38 In the deaths of the sinners: and let him beat them into plates, and fasten them to the altar, because incense hath been offered in them to the Lord, and they are sanctified, that the children of Israel may see them for a sign and a memorial.
39 Then Eleazar the priest took the brazen censers, wherein they had offered, whom the burning fire had devoured, and beat them into plates, fastening them to the altar:
40 That the children of Israel might have for the time to come wherewith they should be admonished, that no stranger or any one that is not of seed of Aaron should come near to offer incense to the Lord, lest he should suffer as Core suffered, and all his congregation, according as the Lord spoke to Moses.
41 The following day all the multitude of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron, saying: You have killed the people of the Lord.
42 And when there arose a sedition, and the tumult increased,
43 Moses and Aaron fled to the tabernacle of the covenant. And when the were gone into it, the cloud covered it, and the glory of the Lord appeared.
44 And the Lord said to Moses:
45 Get you out from the midst of this multitude, this moment will I destroy them. And as they were lying on the ground,
46 Moses said to Aaron: Take the censer, and putting fire in it from the altar, put incense upon it, and go quickly to the people to pray for them: for already wrath is gone out from the Lord, and the plague rageth.
47 When Aaron had done this, and had run to the midst of the multitude which the burning fire was now destroying, he offered the incense:
48 And standing between the dead and the living, he prayed for the people, and the plague ceased.
49 And the number of them that were slain was fourteen thousand and seven hundred men, besides them that had perished in the sedition of Core.
50 And Aaron returned to Moses to the door of the tabernacle of the covenant after the destruction was over.