
Sabato, 15 giugno 2024 - Santa Germana ( Letture di oggi)

Sirach 49

1 And Elias the prophet stood up, as a fire, and his word burnt like a torch.1 La mémoire de Josias a un parfum d’encens préparé avec tout l’art du parfumeur, c’est comme un miel doux à la bouche, c’est comme une musique au milieu du festin et des vins.
2 He brought a famine upon them, and they that provoked him in their envy, were reduced to a small number, for they could not endure the commandments of the Lord.2 Car il a pris le droit chemin et converti le peuple: c’est lui qui supprima les idoles abominables, la source du péché.
3 By the word of the Lord he shut up the heaven, and he brought down fire from heaven thrice.3 Il avait tourné son cœur vers le Seigneur et il restaura la piété à une époque où les sans-loi triomphaient.
4 Thus was Elias magnified in his wondrous works. And who can glory like to thee?4 À l’exception de David, Ézékias et Josias, tous les autres ne firent que multiplier les fautes. Les rois de Juda abandonnèrent la Loi du Très-Haut, et c’est pourquoi ils furent abandonnés.
5 Who raisedst up a dead man from below, from the lot of death, by the word of the Lord God.5 Ils durent se soumettre à d’autres et céder leur patrimoine à une nation étrangère.
6 Who broughtest down kings to destruction, and brokest easily their power in pieces, and the glorious from their bed.6 La ville choisie, la cité sainte fut incendiée, les routes qui y menaient furent désertées.
7 Who heardest judgment in Sina, and in Horeb the judgments of vengeance.7 Jérémie était intervenu, celui qu’ils avaient maltraité. Il avait été consacré comme prophète dès le sein de sa mère: il devait arracher, détruire et ruiner, et puis bâtir et planter.
8 Who anointedst kings to penance, and madest prophets successors after thee.8 Ensuite ce fut Ézékiel qui contempla en une vision la gloire du Seigneur: elle lui fut montrée sur le char des chérubins.
9 Who wast taken up in a whirlwind of fire, in a chariot of fiery horses.9 Ézékiel a fait mention des rebelles pris dans l’ouragan, mais il est venu en aide à ceux qui suivent le droit chemin.
10 Who art registered in the judgments of times to appease the wrath of the Lord, to reconcile the heart of the father to the son, and to restore the tribes of Jacob.10 Quant aux Douze Prophètes, que leurs ossements refleurissent là où ils sont tombés. Car ils ont consolé Jacob, ils l’ont sauvé en ravivant ses espérances.
11 Blessed are they that saw thee, and were honoured with thy friendship.11 Pourrons-nous faire un digne éloge de Zorobabel, ne fut-il pas comme “l’anneau qu’on porte à la main droite”?
12 For we live only in our life, but after death our name shall not be such.12 Et de même pour Josué, fils de Josédek? Car c’est avec eux que la Maison de Dieu fut reconstruite; ils rebâtirent le saint temple du Seigneur, le laissant prêt pour une gloire impérissable.
13 Elias was indeed covered with the whirlwind, and his spirit was filled up in Eliseus: in his days he feared not the prince, and no man was more powerful than he.13 Néhémie de même a laissé un grand souvenir: il a relevé nos murs abattus, il a restauré nos portes et leurs verrous, il a rebâti nos maisons.
14 No word could overcome him, and after death his body prophesied.14 Nul n’a été créé sur cette terre avec la destinée de Hénok: il a été enlevé de ce monde!
15 In his life he did great wonders, and is death he wrought miracles.15 Pas un homme qui soit né tel que Joseph, le chef de ses frères et le soutien de son peuple, avec la promesse d’être visité dans sa tombe!
16 For all this the people repented not, neither did they depart from their sins till they were cast out of their land, and were scattered through all the earth.16 Sem et Seth sont grands pour l’humanité, mais Adam est supérieur à toute créature vivante!
17 And there was left but a small people, and a prince in the house of David.
18 Some of these did that which pleased God: but others committed many sine.
19 Ezechias fortified his city, and brought in water into the midst thereof, and he digged a rock with iron, and made a well for water.
20 In his days Sennacherib came up, and sent Rabsaces, and lifted up his hand against them, and he stretched out his hand against Sion, and became proud through his power.
21 Then their hearts and hands trembled, and they were in pain as women in travail.
22 And they called upon the Lord who is merciful, and spreading their hands, they lifted them up to heaven: and the holy Lord God quickly heard their voice.
23 He was not mindful of their sins, neither did he deliver them up to their enemies, but he purified them by the hand of Isaias, the holy prophet.
24 He overthrew the army of the Assyrians, and the angel of the Lord destroyed them.
25 For Ezechias did that which pleased God, and walked valiantly in the way of David his father, which Isaias, the great prophet, and faithful in the sight of God, had commanded him.
26 In his days the sun went backward, and he lengthened the king's life.
27 With a great spirit he saw the things that are to come to pass at last, and comforted the mourners in Sion.
28 He shewed what should come to pass for ever, and secret things before they came.